UUCGV News December 2020

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Welcome to the month of

Stillness Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Grand Valley — Newsletter

From Our Minister, Reverend Wendy Jones "Opening Doors at Christmas" Rev. Jason Cook

December 2020

We are an affiliated congregation of the Unitarian Universalist Association and the Mountain Desert District of the UUA.

Thank goodness for those who open doors; for walls can be high and hope can be hard to find. But doors-- doors are miracles. Miracles because they create openings where there were none before. Miracles because they require one person to say, “Welcome— Welcome. You are welcome.” And they require another person to come in. For it is in the coming in that we find hope; not the keeping out. The coming in reminds us of birth stories, and stars, and miracles, and the song of the angels.


There is beauty in darkness. There is a sacredness in silence. At this time of year, the flowers have died, the leaves have fallen, the bears are already hibernating or making their preparations to do just that.

We are a Welcoming Congregation

(Continued on page 2)

In This Issue

#grandvalleyuu  

A Place for Liberal Spirituality

   

Diverse Thought and Community Action


Among Us 1-5 Children/Youth Religious Education 9-11 Revelations 6 & 12 Leadership 8 & 13 Community 14 Calendar 7 & 15

(Continued from page 1)

The rest of nature knows that it’s OK to slow down, let go and transform in preparation for the spring. It’s the humans who have a hard time acknowledging this reality. Humans pretend that we’re not part of any of that, that we don’t need that slowing down and letting go. We just ignore our circadian rhythms and continue moving on, pushing through, and by “pushing through” so to speak, we ignore a deep integral part of us. We ignore the inherent human need to rest. There is a difference between sleeping and resting. As I’m sure many of us know from experience, sleeping does not always bring the rest that we need because they are two very different things. If you find yourself sleeping more and still not feeling renewed, perhaps it is not a physical rest that is needed but a mental, emotional and spiritual slowing down that your soul is yearning for. How do we do this? How do we rest our souls? We rest our soul by allowing it to stop being superficial. We rest our soul by letting our guards down, if even briefly. We rest our soul, by releasing the facades that we are hiding behind and showing world, and allowing our deepest inner being to shine forth and surface. We rest our souls by making time to take off our masks, if only for ourselves occasionally because it requires so much energy to keep up our appearances. It takes so much mental and emotional energy to hide who we really are deep inside and sometimes we hide ourselves so deeply that we forget who we are and wonder where that little divine spark went. The hiding place becomes permanent, and then we get lost; and then we get exhausted and as a result stop looking for that pilot light inside of us. Sometimes we fear that if we let our guard down if only for a moment the tears will come flooding in, and if we allow ourselves to feel what we are so deeply pushing down and the tears start they will never stop. And so, we just don’t go there. But I’m here to say, I’ve never met a person who started crying and never stopped, because crying and grieving is part of our human experience; but so is loving, and laughing, and smiling again. And so many times it is all wrapped up together in one big messy ball of human experience. Hence the phrase “laughing through our tears.” Slowing down, turning it all off, listening to that still Inner voice is how we rest. The darkness serves a purpose. The silence serves a purpose. It allows us to get in touch with that inner place that we don’t normally go to on our own. It is that dark inner place that has become a stranger to us that it is so important that we begin to get to know again. That’s the place where we find our humanity. It reminds us that we’re real. It reminds us that we’re alive. Maybe this month as the world once again slows down as we hide from a killer virus maybe an encounter with the still darkness is exactly what we need. With Love, Rev. Wendy



UUCGV Meditation Groups

Join the UUCGV Goddess Group as we discover the hidden forces within. All who identify as women are welcome to join us at any or all of the dates below. We meet every other Thursday, at 6:30 pm via Zoom. As women, we are stronger together through support and love. Each meeting we will experience sisterhood, exploration of a particular chakra, a meditation and a whole lot'a love. For more information contact Barbara Beth by emailing works90@hotmail.com. December 10: Celebrate being together and discussion of chakras December 24: No Goddess Group January 7, 2021: Throat Chakra January 21: Throat Chakra Pt 2 February 4: Brow Chakra February 18: Brow Chakra Pt 2 March 4: Crown Chakra March 18: Crown Chakra Pt 2 Go to www.grandvalleyuu.org/goddess-group for the Zoom link.

Laughter Yoga Remember to wear a mask and bring something to lie down on. We'll meet at NE section of Sherwood Park across from 1460 East Sherwood Drive at 9:00am Wednesday mornings until further notice. Due to the weather starting to get colder, Laughing Yoga may meet later in the day on Wednesdays. Regular attendees will be notified of the time change. New attendees can text or call Mary at (708) 5521537 to check the time. 4

Silent Meditation for Healing Our World Join us at the church on Wednesdays at 10:30am for 20-30 minutes of silent meditation for healing our world. We will have chairs arranged six feet apart and we ask that you please bring a mask. ____________ Morning & Evening Meditation Join us on Monday evenings at 7:00pm & Friday mornings at 9:00am for meditation with intentional breathin g with Robintix via Zoom. Contact Robintix for more info at

Or drop your items off at The Encore Shoppe located at 1909 N 1st St, Grand Junction, CO 81501 Be sure to provide the Encore Shoppe with the UUCGV Consignment ID #43146 along with your donation. 5

Revelations This is a monthly column helping us to get to know our friends and members in a deeper way. We thank Monte High for taking the time to do these in-depth interviews for us. This month Monte used his talents to create a beautiful poem for us. “I phoned a bunch of people in the congregation and those who answered the call contributed to this poem. Here are the questions that I asked: The Unitarian Universalist seventh principal is Respect for the Interdependent Web of All Existence. Contemplate this – everything is connected; everything is One. The whole world is literally Part of you. Your wholeness has no limits, because Being is in infinity. Now, contemplating this, go to a window, gaze outward and tell me what you see. The following is from Brother David Steindl-Rast: “Mobilize the courage of your heart. Say one word today that will give a fearful person courage.” I was astonished that of all the responses only one word was repeated.” ~ Monte High

Awaken Your Heart “Mobilize the courage of your heart. Say one word today that will give a fearful person courage.” Hope, Mountain, Hope, breathe, kindness Solidarity, calmness, purpose, love Peace, get-started! Source, trust Grace, now Being, joy The Unitarian Universalist seventh principal is Respect for the Interdependent Web of All Existence. Contemplate this – everything is connected; everything is One. The Whole is literally Part of you. Your wholeness has no limits, because Being is timeless. Awaken your heart Tap it, open the I inside pure, true being in the Holy-Whole One I open the door and step outside, within sunlight I am I am the remains of my garden, the spinning things on my neighbor’s roof and their apple trees that I hope will pollinate with mine, the too many electrical wires but they do connect us, my dormant chrysanthemums, the orange berries on my crabapple tree and the huge flock of starlings that will descend sometime this winter and eat them all sometimes within a couple of hours. I am the backyard, the chain-link fence dividing the property behind us and the vacant house that 6

Soulful Sundays December 6th Stillness December 13th The Interconnected Web December 20th Mitten Tree December 24th Christmas Eve December 27th The Time Capsule - Good Riddance to 2020!


From UUCGV Board President, Elizabeth High, This October, UUCGV Leadership met for an online version of our annual leadership retreat. Our discussion included how to keep a sense of beloved community in this time of needing to minimize in-person contact. On the one hand, there is a real sense of mourning as we miss being in the sanctuary together, having potlucks, chatting together during in-person coffee hours, being able to hug or shake hands. On the other hand, there have been bonuses to the online services, including easier access for some people who have mobility limitations, regular community discussions after the sermons, and online coffee hour small groups that are randomly put together and force us out of “cliques”. A huge kudos goes out to Rev Wendy, Chelsea, Amandalin, and Maya for all of their work adapting our services to an online format. Also much appreciation to Bill Conrod and the membership team for putting on a fun and relaxing “Fall into Fellowship” outdoor socially distanced picnic in October. Virtual meditations, online Goddess Group, and online discussion of Layla Saad’s book “Me and White Supremacy: Combat Racism, Change the World, and Become a Good Ancestor” are among the other community opportunities in recent months: much gratitude goes out to the leaders of these groups. In coming months, look for more new online opportunities, including an online auction and possibly an online film watching/discussion group. We hope to also have a partial second round of “check-in phone calls”: let me know if you would like to get a call or make a call to other congregants. If you are looking for other ways to contribute to UUCGV, keep your eyes peeled for announcements in the weekly emails. You also can contact the Team liaisons listed in every print newsletter under “2020-21 Leadership/Team Leadership Circle” to find out more about how to get involved with specific teams such as Worship, Membership, Religious Education, or Celebrations. We usually do not print phone numbers in the newsletter, contact our administrator Maya if you’d like someone’s phone number/email or an entire new UUCGV directory. \ Wishing everyone love, light, and strength as we head into the challenging Winter of 2020-21.

~ Elizabeth High


Message from the DRE By Chelsea E. Craine, Director of Religious Education for Children and Youth This month we observe the annual miracle of rebirth. While our hours of light have been steadily shrinking for weeks, now the tide will change once more. This month, the light begins to return and as it does so, I invite us all to nourish the light within ourselves, taking inspiration from the Sun. This month I hope that we all may kindle the light inside us. May we act with kindness, mercy, and forgiveness. May we kindle the light of hope in ourselves, in others, and in the larger world. May we make an effort to overcome our darker misgivings and instead pour our energy into those things which nourish us. May we seek out good, beauty, love, and laughter in the world and help it blossom. Let us stand squarely on the side of life and love and shelter the good we find, regardless of those who would darken those lights. May we take the time and the effort to preserve our own light. Let us delight in song and laughter, in beauty and art. May we find our inner light, no matter how small a spark, and fan it into glorious flames. May we be the light. Let us shine as a beacon of love and acceptance, spreading radiance to those around us. May our joy illuminate and overcome the despair which also lives inside us. Love and Light, Chelsea

Photo Challenge: Stillness

UUCGV Photo Challenge

What does stillness mean to you? How do you find repose and calm during the busy holiday season? What inspiration can you find in keeping still for a time? December is our month of exploring what it means to be a people of stillness. As you consider this, take pictures inspired by the theme and send them to dre@grandvalleyuu.org by Friday, December 25th to be included in the slideshow on Sunday, December 27th.


Important Dates in Religious Education Virtual Ornament-Making Party Saturday, December 12th, 1:00pm-2:00pm Watch in your weekly emails for the Zoom link or go to www.http://www.grandvalleyuu.org/childrens-religiouseducation All children and youth are invited to join in our virtual ornament-making party. Materials for clothespin reindeer and bauble ornaments will be included in December’s RE Activity Bags. Heat up some cocoa and spend a relaxed hour with your friends decorating ornaments together! Mitten Tree Clothing Drive Saturday, December 19th, 2:00-3:00 We are collecting warm clothing items (mittens, gloves, hats, scarves, and socks) to adorn our Mitten Tree. These items will be used to stock our Blessing Box throughout the winter months. Please stop by the church to hang your item(s) on the tree and record a brief video to be shared at the service on Sunday, December 20th. If this time does not work for you, please contact Chelsea at dre@grandvalleyuu.org to arrange another time. Christmas Eve Pageant Amandalin and Chelsea are putting together a virtual Christmas Pageant to be shared at the service on Thursday, December 24th. Children may record their parts and send them to dre@grandvalleyuu.org. Adults who wish to participate in the hymns for the service can send their recordings to music@grandvalleyuu.org. We encourage all recordings to be sent by Sunday, December 20th to allow time for technological magic. Hope to see you all at the Christmas Eve service!

Children’s Carols We are inviting children and families to record themselves singing the following holiday songs for use in virtual worship throughout December. Chelsea will email accompaniment tracks and lyrics to families so that we can all sing “together” in the same key! Selections will include: Jingle Bells Frosty the Snowman Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer O Mitten Tree Dreidel 10

December - STILLNESS Step Away from Busyness Sunday, December 6th, 2020 Winter Holidays are a time for beauty, peace and stillness. Instead, families get too busy! So what does our faith tell us? It tells us, “Step away from the busyness!” Listen for the Voices of Angels Sunday, December 13th, 2020 When we are still we can listen for ideas. We imagine we are part of the birth story of Jesus at Christmas. We imagine we are the shepherds in the still of the night, tending our flocks of sheep. We notice an angel giving us a message! So what does our faith tell us? It tells us, “Listen for the voices of angels!” Rekindle Hope by Watching for the Light: 6th UU Source/ Winter Solstice Focus Sunday, December 20th, 2020 We pay attention to nature and the sacred circle of life. Winter Solstice is a special day and night when the night is the longest night of the year. It marks the start of the returning of lighter days. We feel hope for the returning of the light. So what does our faith tell us? It tells us, “to rekindle hope by being still and keeping watch for the light!” Wait for Freedom: Anti-Racism, 8th UU Principle/Watch Night Focus Sunday, December 27th, 2020 We are learning about anti- racism. We learn that on New Year’s Eve there is a church service called Watch Night. This is when enslaved Africans watched all night for news that they would be free. So what does our faith tell us? It tells us, “Learn about what it means to wait in the stillness for freedom to come!”

Photo Challenge: Stillness


What does stillness mean to you? How do you find repose and calm during the busy holiday season? What inspiration can you find in keeping still for a time? December is our month of exploring what it means to be people of stillness. As you consider this, take pictures inspired by the theme and send them to dre@grandvalleyuu.org by Friday, December 25th to be included in the slideshow on Sunday, December 27th. 11

brings sadness because both of the people living there have recently passed away. I am the many cars that are normally parked on the street in front of my house that I am missing today because the virus has closed the University and the students and professors are elsewhere, the giant honey locust tree with its top cut off making it look like a finger-pointing into the sky and even in this disabled state the tree is the giver of givers providing shade for my house in the hot summertime, everything has spirit everything in the universe has soul my belief that the river rock surrounding my yard is protecting my sacred space, the irises that are going to sleep that I know will awaken in Spring because they are going inward for the winter. I am the clouds and sky, the Mesa outlined in the distance, the rooftops of the houses aligned below me. I am the Ponderosa, the two small trees with just a few leaves still clinging dancing together in the wind. I am everything, everything in my backyard the sky the grass the trees all of nature connected. I am the evergreen bush the dried flowers the blue sky the power lines the cars in the parking lot. I am countryside. I am the man sitting on a blanket of leaves on the ground with the sun shining on his left side and his right side in shadow holding a walking stick weaving a braided leather belt around it for a handle, leafless trees reaching upward lit by the sun their branches appearing white against the blue sky. I am the skeletal arms of the tree branches reaching up and enveloping the blue of the sky. I am a bare Aspen blowing in the wind, a trimmed Juniper, the nondescript suburban landscape beyond, the potted geraniums on the sill that will continue to bloom throughout the winter bringing different shades of red, the beautiful blue sky, the low angle of the sun shining through bringing warmth inside, the book in my hands. I am the Monument in shadow. I am the night, the Snow Fountain Cherry ornamental tree that will bear no fruit yet brings such beauty now undressed in silhouette of the streetlight swaying, the porch light across the street on the house where the Trump/Pence sign recently dug into the earth where the elderly couple so sweet and kind are likely grieving and fearful of what our country may become. I am extraordinarily old trees, one of them a maple has lost a lot of mass and branches but is still whole and part of us as it has been for the years that we have lived here.

2020-21 Leadership Board President Elizabeth High Vice President Laurel Carpenter Past President Janet Cummings Treasurer Sue Brown At-Large Melissa Humphrey At-Large Richard Hyland At-Large Herb Feinzig At-Large Abby Leinbach

Team Leadership Circle (TLC) Worship Robin Cyr Religious Education (RE) Jan Hyland Membership Bill Conrod Celebrations Mary Delbecq At-Large Angie Ecker At-Large Laura Jeffries

I am the infinite I-am’s, being, past, present and future – Lovers all. Awaken your heart Life flows on...in endless song… 12

Living into Leadership Board Highlights

TLC Highlights

The Board's primary responsibility is to carry out the UUCGV mission through wise governance of the physical, financial, administrative program, and operational resources of the Congregation.

TLC maintains the Programs of the church and the church calendar and hold on close to the Mission, Vision, and Principles of UUCGV. TLC communicates with each other and the board about the day-to-day operations of the church and provides support to the teams if they need it. TLC meets the second Tuesday of the month at noon. The TLC met on Tuesday, November 10, 2020. The following was discussed at the meeting. TLC will meet again on Tuesday, December 8, 2020 at 12:00 pm.

Below are the highlights of the Board meeting held on Thursday, November 12, 2020 Our UUCGV Board will meet again on Thursday, December 10, 2020 at 7:00 pm. We welcome and seek direct dialogue with members and friends of our congregation. If you would like to discuss a matter at the Board meeting, please contact Board President Elizabeth High at elizabethahigh3@gmail.com by December 7th, 2020 Budget: Year-to-date net loss from July-Oct is now ($1445), compared to an expected, budgeted loss of ($6725) for the year. So 21% of budget now, which is ahead of the 33% we would expect after 4 months. We received about $27K from this PPP program in May, which is part of the surplus from last year that is called “release from Net Assets -FY19-20� on the income statement. We have just received word from US bank that the loan has been forgiven. Yard Sale: The yard sale has gone to an on-line format and we are receiving ongoing income.

Email tlc@grandvalleyuu.org for questions and comments.

Worship continues to be mostly virtual

Pandemic Outreach: Grand Junction Mutual Aid - - the board approved the use of the building and parking lot for GJ mutual aid to continue feeding people on Tuesdays throughout the winter. Solidarity Not Charity - - The second classroom downstairs is being utilized for short term storage for items from Solidarity Not Charity (sleeping bags, socks, sweatshirts, camping gear) that had been kept at the Joseph Day Center, which is now closed due to COVID. Pooka is managing this and she will be accessing these items as needed. COVID Safety: The board approved the option to continue a hybrid worship option contingent on state safety guidelines and regulations. The hybrid option will be decided on a week by week basis. Auction: An initial conversation about convening an auction team is in the works with ideas for how to offer a creative virtual auction this year. More information will be following in the next few weeks.


The yard sale was cancelled due to COVID concerns but items are being solid via Facebook Market place. To date it has raised $700. Religious Education: Sunday classes are meeting virtually and will continue to do so throughout the winter

GJ Mutual Aid Food & Resource Distribution (970) 316-2019 Every Tuesday at 536 Ouray Ave, Grand Junction, CO 10 am – 1pm drop off. 11am - 1:30 pm pick-up Due to heightened COVID restrictions, strict safety guidelines are being followed in order to keep our guests and volunteers safe. In person human resources are now being scheduled by appointment only, these include Barkley's Hope for dog/cat vaccinations, GV Peace & Justice & Vote Positive for resource navigation, Solidarity Not Charity for street outreach, 970 Medicare & Seguros Pa'ti for health insurance plans. Non-perishable foods and fresh produce are still available through our partnership with Food Bank of the Rockies and Catholic Outreach Soup Kitchen. Premade food boxes are being delivered to veterans as well as low income & senior housing. Find Grand Junction Mutual Aid on Facebook! If you'd live to make an urgently needed tax deductible donation, please go to www.MutualAidPartners.org


UUCGV Calendar


Worship Schedule Worship Services are held Sundays at 10:30 am via Zoom

2020 Sunday 29

Monday 30

9:30 Children’s RE via Zoom 10:30 Worship Via Zoom





10:00 GJ Mutual Aid

9:00 Laughter Yoga @ Sherwood Park 10:30 Meditation 11:00 Care

Please Remember that all meetings & events MUST be scheduled through the administrator (257-0772) or administrator@grandvalleyuu.org. See full calendar, renters and all, at grandvalleyuu.org/calendar.

Thursday 3

Friday 4

Saturday 5

9:00 Morning Meditation

7:00 Evening Meditation 6


9:30 Children’s RE via Zoom 10:30 Worship Via Zoom






10:00 GJ Mutual Aid 12:00 Finance 12:00 TLC

9:00 Laughter Yoga @ Sherwood Park 10:30 Meditation

Hanukkah Begins

9:00 Morning Meditation

8:30 UU Serves at the Soup Kitchen 1:00 Virtual OrnamentMaking Party



7:00 Evening Meditation 13


9:30 Children’s RE via Zoom 10:30 Worship Via Zoom

6:30 Goddess Group via Zoom 7:00 Board 15


10:00 GJ Mutual Aid

9:00 Laughter Yoga @ Sherwood Park 10:30 Meditation 5:30 RE Team


Hanukkah Ends 9:00 Morning Meditation

2:00 Decorating the Mitten Tree



9:00 Morning Meditation

Kwanza Begins

7:00 Evening Meditation 20




9:30 Children’s RE via Zoom 10:30 Worship Via Zoom

Winter Solstice January Newsletter Deadline

10:00 GJ Mutual Aid

9:00 Laughter Yoga @ Sherwood Park 10:30 Meditation





10:00 GJ Mutual Aid

9:00 Laughter Yoga @ Sherwood Park 10:30 Meditation

9:30 Children’s RE via Zoom 10:30 Worship Via Zoom


Christmas Day 7:00 Virtual Christmas Eve Service 31

7:00 Evening Meditation 15



Kwanza Ends

Happy New Year!!! 9:00 Morning Meditation

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Grand Valley P.O. Box 1053 Grand Junction, CO 81502


“Vitally Inclusive Justice-Centered Spiritually Alive”

As the numbers of COVID cases are rising, UUCGV is prioritizing the safety of our wonderful staff. So, for the time being, beginning this week our UUCGV staff will be working mainly from the safety of their homes. Rev. Wendy, Chelsea, and Maya are available via appointment or can be most easily reached via email. Minister: Rev. Wendy Jones 257-0772 x2 or minister@grandvalleyuu.org

“Life’s most precious moments are not all loud or

Church Administrator: Maya Kraushaar 257-0772 x1 or administrator@grandvalleyuu.org


Director of Religious Education: Chelsea E. Craine 257-0772 x3 or dre@grandvalleyuu.org

Silence and

Music Director: Amadalin Hunter music@grandvalleyuu.org

stillness has its own virtues.”

Facilities: Cameron Jordan facilities@grandvalleyuu.org

~ Kilroy J.

536 Ouray Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501


www.grandvalleyuu.org Find us on Facebook & Instagram @grandvalleyuu

We meet via Zoom on Sundays at 10:30 am for Worship


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