UUCGV News - December 2022

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The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.”

- W.B. Yeats

There are in life a few moments so beautiful, that even words are a sort of profanity.

- Diana Palmer

What does it feel like to be taken over by a sense of wonder? For a simple moment in time the world stops and the mind, the heart and the emotions are all in perfect alignment of awe, love and joy. It is a Divine expression of something beyond us, beyond our physical worlds, minds or thoughts. A sense of wonder can stay with us for a lifetime so profound it might be. And yet, often time the experience itself is fleeting in its eternity.

According to dictionary.com, awe is a reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder. Awe is that expansive moment that transcends space and time and wonder is the accompanying expression that drives us to then want to learn more. (Continued on page 2)

We are an affiliated congregation of the Unitarian Universalist Association and the Mountain Desert District of the UUA.

1 #grandvalleyuu A Place for Liberal Spirituality Diverse Thought and Community Action December 2022 We are a Welcoming Congregation
In This Issue  Among Us 1-2 6-7  UUCGV Choir 3  Religious Education 8-9  Green Sanctuary 12-13  Leadership 14  Worship Calendar 10-11  Calendar 15
From Our Minister, Reverend Wendy Jones
UUCGV NEWS Welcome to the month of Welcome the month
Wonder Wonder Wonder Wonder
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Grand Valley — Newsletter

I often think of December as the month of wonder and awe. There is the beautiful contrast between the dark and the light. There are stories of new hope and light in many of the world’s faith traditions. There is a slowing down as we embrace the human experience of encountering the light and dark in our lives as they weave in and out of one another. December is truly a beautiful time of year and does inspire a sense of awe and wonder.

I think of the beauty of December as an invitation to embrace a sense of holy wonder, with love and beauty wrapped up in a single momentary experience; an experience that in one moment transcends time.

An experience of awe is one beyond the senses offering an expansion, a connection, a moment of perfect alignment with the vastness of the universe, resulting in a sense of wonder. When all of a sudden, the singular blends into the whole, it becomes something that the mind can’t even imagine, and yet there it is in a lived experience. That is awe. That is wonder.

Most often, I feel that sense of divine wonder when I’m at the top of a mountain with the cold air hitting my face as I have just gotten off the ski lift. I look down at the beautiful mountains below and my breath is taken away. It is accompanied by a moment of pure joy.

Holy wonder can be experienced as the reverent collective silence after beautiful music; a choral of voices coming together to make exquisite sound.

How does a sense of wonder influence you in your day- to -day life?

If the answer is it doesn’t, then maybe it is time to find something that will transport you to another time and place, if even for a brief moment, because it is those brief moments that last for eternity.

With Love, Rev. Wendy

Change for Change

Each month we collect change (coins) from the offertory baskets and donate it to a local charity. This effort usually brings about $100/ month. Past recipients have included homeless shelters, environmental groups, pet shelters and many others.

Change collected during the month of December will go to the WE Shelters: Grand Junctions two winter emergency shelters.

(Continued from page 1) UUCGV Choir Lift every voice and sing! Choir is back! Join our UUCGV Adult Choir every Wednesday, at 6:30

A Message from Joanna


Seasons greetings from your new music director, Joanna! As the holiday seasons comes around and holiday music fills the airwaves in stores and on radios, I find I’m excited to hear the songs of the season, especially those we’ll be hearing at our upcoming Sunday services in December! We have some really wonderful music planned. The adult choir is up and running, with weekly rehearsals on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8/8:30, and perform 2-3 Sundays per month. If you love singing/ music and have ever pondered joining the choir, know that you will be welcome. If you have never sung with a choir before, you will be welcome. No matter your musical background or vocal ability, you will be welcome. Please consider joining us, even if ‘just to try it’, as trying new things is a fun way to meet and connect with new people, and singing with others in a choir can be a truly magical experience. Please consider this an open and enthused invite!

Instrumentalists, I’d love to connect with you. No matter what you play or how well you play it, I’d love to find opportunities for you to share your music. I’ve spoken with a few folks about the possibility of starting up a drum circle/percussion group as well, stay tuned for more info soon.

I’m planning on getting our children and youth music programs up and running starting in December, with rehearsals on Wednesday nights from 6-6:30. I’m incredibly excited to connect with our UU kids and get to rock out together!

Please contact me, Joanna Wernette, at music@grandvalleyuu.org with any questions or just to connect!

Our Music world here at UU will be hosting a number of upcoming fundraisers, stay tuned for more details! Our first will be an ongoing fundraiser, called ‘Wish Upon Star’ where our choral/ musical ‘wish list’ will be written on different stars, with the cost of the wish. Wish stars will include things like new anthems for the choir, replenishment of original copies needed for current beloved anthems to reflect our growing numbers, and new choir folders, to name a few. Congregation members will be able to donate/sponsor a ‘wishing star’ and you’ll get to help us fill our musical sky with stars! It will be on display outside the sanctuary after the Service Auction has wrapped up.

Looking forward to a music-filled holiday season! Happy Holidays!


We are honored to participate in the WE Shelter program this year, offering a way to keep our unsheltered neighbors warm and dry for two weeks in January.

Here are ways that you can help from January 3rd through January 17th:

Preparing breakfast

Bringing Dinner

Preparing breakfast

Email minister@grandvalleyuu.org to sign up for one of the following shifts:

Evening Shifts: 5:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.

Late night shifts from 10:00 p.m.-2:00 a.m.

Early Morning shifts 2:00 a.m.- 6:00 a.m.

Breakfast Shift: 6:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.

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Winter Wonderland tickets are on sale at the church now!

Tickets are $20 each - cash, check, and Tithely accepted. Can't make it to the auction in person? Join us via Zoom. Go to www.grandvalleyuu.org/auction for the link!

Winter Wonderland Paddle Auction Item

We have been so blessed over the past few years to use technology to keep us connected throughout this pandemic. Technology is truly a gift. Coming together in person is also a gift and we have officially transformed into a genuine hybrid model for virtual and in-person connection both on Sunday mornings and for various groups and meetings. In this new world, technology is continually progressing and improving to help organizations streamline this process.

Both Jimi (our technology guru) and Joanna (our amazing music director) have specific technology items on their wish list to upgrade and streamline our Sunday morning experience.

So, the paddle auction this year will go towards upgrading and simplifying our sanctuary technology which will enhance the listening and viewing experience for those who join us in person and those who join us virtually.

An added benefit to this upgrade is that this new technology will simplify the set -up process and alleviate the stress of Maya and Wendy who don’t fully understand the technical in’s and out’s when we have renters using our sound system.

If you are interested in learning the details of what Jimi and Joanna are suggesting, please reach out to them and they will be happy to explain what this technology is and how it works.


Silent Meditation for Healing Our World

Join us at the church on Wednesdays at 10:30am for 20-30 minutes of silent meditation for healing our world.

Men's Cooking Group

UUCGV’s Men’s Cooking Group is the longest- standing group in the church. We meet and cook the third Thursday of the month. If you’re new to the church and are male-identifying, please join the fun! This group meets at a different location each month.

Meeting next on: Thursday, December 15 at 6:00 pm Host - Mark McKenney Theme - Chili, of any kind

For more info, contact Mark McKenney at 970-256-7907 or mckenneyd@qwest.net.

Black Canyon Discussion Group

The Black Canyon Discussion Group will not meet again until January 4, 2023

COVID vaccination is required to participate. Questions? Call 970-856-4226 E Heuscher or email at epheuscher@gmail.com Host will offer the main dish, and then side dishes are provided by the participants.

Community Empowerment Dec 1st Community Empowerment Class

Sarah Green from Colorado Health Network will be providing a harm reduction training for our congregants and community members who are interested in becoming more prepared to assist our at risk community members. For more information visit the CHN website: https:// coloradohealthnetwork.org/

Meeting next on: Thursday, December 1st at 6:00 pm

Goddess Group

Goddess Group will not meet again until January 2023. Happy Holiday Season!

Nature Spirituality

Nature Spirituality will not meet again until January 2023. Happy Holiday Season!



Come Eat with Us! Every Wednesday at 5:30 pm! Please join us for this weekly potluck and time for community, connection, and conversation.

Adopt a night to cook! It can be an awesome bonding experience and teach the attendees about all the involvement opportunities at UUCGV. It is fun & fulfilling to feed a group of people. You get to see how much they enjoy the meal and each other's company. Sign up in the foyer or contact the office at administrator@grandvalleyuu.org.

City Market gift cards, and monetary donations are always welcome.

UU CO Reproductive Justice Team

New members wanted!

The newly formed UU CO Reproductive Justice Team is a collaborative effort between UU congregations from the Grand Valley, Montrose, Fort Collins, Salt Lake City, and Cheyenne, WY. Our mission is to ensure and facilitate access to reproductive health care for those in surrounding communities where access is limited.

Our next meeting is scheduled for Saturday, January 28th at 10:30 am Join us via zoom . Email administrator@grandvalleyuu.org for the link.

Soup Kitchen Saturday

Soup Kitchen Saturday is the second Saturday of every month at Catholic Outreach, located at the south end of 1st Street between Pitkin and Ute Avenues. A group of folks join to create, cook, serve and clean up a delicious meal for our neighbors.

UUCGV works with Catholic Outreach to provide a meal for the homeless each month. There are two shifts and experienced workers will help you learn what to do. Both shifts are welcome to eat lunch after we serve! Anyone with an interest in helping to prepare or serve this meal is welcome; teens included. Please bring a scarf or hat to cover your hair.

- 8:30am-10:00am Cooking Shift - The cooks decide the menu from ingredients in the freezer and pantry.

- 11:45am-1:15pm Serving and Cleanup - Meet and greet the folks as they arrive, serving up a hot, tasty meal.

Please contact Chris Jauhola (chrisjauhola@aol.com; phone 703-2166479) for more information and to let us know that you plan to volunteer.

Aging Graciously

Open to everyone of all ages! We meet in-person and virtually. The discussion will be lead by Rev. Wendy.

We’ll be meeting next on: Thursday, December 22 at 1:00 pm

Go to www.grandvalleyuu.org/aging-graciously for the Zoom link.


Children’s Religious Education Month of WONDER

We will "Wonder" through December together with stories of treasure, dreams and living in the moment. Activities are planned to spark curiosity, warm the soul and inspire new beginnings.

If you need a mid month break, Meg will host Parent's Night Out December 17th from 5:00-9:00pm.

As we say goodbye to 2022 we make space to welcome new ideas, new goals and new friends. It's going to be a Wonder-Full month, Won't you join us?

Saturday, December 17th ~ Parent’s Night Out!

Parent's Night Out Holiday Wellness Party @ UU 536 Ouray Saturday Dec 17th 5-9pm Only $25 per child Space is Limited! (see details on next page)

Sunday, December 18th ~ A Journey of Lights Different Faith Traditions; Solstice, Hanukkah, Christmas, Decorating Our Tree of Light All Ages Holiday Service of Lights

Wednesday, December 21st ~ Solstice Celebration - Outdoor Bonfire Join us for some warm refreshments, music, and cheer by an outdoor firepit in parking lot. We will begin during UU Night at 6:00pm.

Saturday, December 24th ~ Christmas Eve Candlelight Service All Ages Christmas Eve Service

Sunday, December 25th ~ Christmas ~ Pajamas, Presents & Pastries Don’t spend Christmas morning alone!

This year Christmas falls on a Sunday morning. This offers us a rare opportunity to share the Christmas experience with our UUCGV faith family. Understanding that many people will have their own special rituals on Christmas morning, we have decided to make our Sunday Christmas morning a joyful outside of the box experience. Please join us on Christmas morning for Christmas carols, hot chocolate, cinnamon rolls and a white elephant gift exchange. (Silly but “appropriate" gifts suggested!)


November Highlights

The month of change was filled with memories of loved ones past and fun stories from our youth. In Story Circle we practiced listening, asking questions and remembering details from others who spoke. With attention on appropriate sharing of stories that are ours to share and thanking people who were brave enough to tell their story. Special Thank you to guest speaker Camisha Key for sharing her personal story of change and tips for coping. Please continue these conversation skills as the holidays will surely bring you many opportunities!

Childcare provided every Sunday! 10:15 am – 11:45 am
11 Soulful Sundays Upcoming Sunday Services Please join us virtually or in person at 10:30 a.m. every Sunday. Join us on Zoom: www.grandvalleyuu.org View the Order of Service & Music at www.grandvalleyuu.org/sunday-services Children’s Programming and childcare provided downstairs. December ~ WONDER December 4th WE Shelter ~ Winter Emergency Shelter Program Sherry Cole December 11th The Wonder of Wonder Rev. Wendy Jones December 18th A Journey of Lights Different Faith Traditions; Solstice, Hanukkah, Christmas, Decorating Our Tree of Light All Ages Service Rev. Wendy Jones December 24th All Ages Christmas Eve Candlelight Service Rev. Wendy Jones December 25th Christmas ~ Pajamas, Presents & Pastries Rev. Wendy Jones

Meeting: Thursday, December 1st at 7:00pm via Zoom

All Are All Are All Are All Are

Stepping Toward Light in Dark, Uncertain Times Measuring and Understanding Our Carbon Footprint

As it turns out, carrying out our Green Team mission of “guiding ourselves, our congregation and our community into a deeper awareness, understanding and commitment to preserving and protecting the ‘interdependent web of all existence’ of which we are part” might seem hopelessly idealistic as climate challenges intensify and policy responses around the world come up short. Our industrial impact on the planetary biosphere over the last 300 years has been destructive and deep.

One might well ask: Is the challenge too complex to address and the time too short to respond in a meaningful way? Perhaps. We won’t really know, will we, until we –and the millions like us around the world—try.

But how? Our mission statement suggests a path: gain a deeper awareness and a deeper understanding of the climate challenges we face. Then decide what steps we can take, however small, to meeting the challenges, however big. Because doing something out of hope is so much better than doing nothing out of despair. Because doing something is a duty that our 7th principle demands of us.

Because doing something is so much better for us, our children, our community, our world, our blue boat home.

“Fine!”, you say. “How do we start?” Good question, which we answer by suggesting that first, you calculate your own carbon footprint, e.g., the tons of CO2 equivalent emissions you generate in your travel, home life, food you eat, goods you buy and services you use. Then, by us calculating the collective carbon footprint of our Congregation. And finally, by us and others calculating the collective carbon footprint of our community and finding ways to reduce it, steadily, systematically.

Upcoming Welcome! Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!

Why the emphasis on our collective footprints? Because the magnitude of the climate challenges we face –and the power of those resisting change and supporting the status quo—are great. They demand that we speak with a strong, informed, collective voice that our leaders at all levels will hear.

By learning about our carbon footprints, we will learn about our connections to the Earth and its biosphere, and begin to understand our connections to each other in new ways. We will learn just how interdependent we truly are. And maybe, just maybe, we will learn how to meet this challenge together.

So here are some initial steps out of the darkness that we invite you to take with us on the Green Team. With each step we will become aware, we will begin to understand our role(s) in the great ecological drama of our times. We will learn what we can do in small ways, individually. And what we can do in large ways, collectively. We will learn how to advocate effectively for changes in local policy, economy and society as citizens as well as consumers. We will learn how to “preserve and protect the interdependent web of existence” from the ground up as well as the top down. We will describe each step in more detail in January and then take them, one by one, together. Here they are:

Step 1 - Use the Cool Climate Calculator developed by the University of California, Berkeley to set up and calculate your own carbon footprint online. The Green Team has developed an instruction guide to help you.

Step 2 - Extract the summary data from your online carbon footprint calculation and populate a Cool Climate Survey sheet with the data. The Green Team has developed a Survey sheet for this purpose.

Step 3 - Send a copy of your filled-in Cool Climate Survey sheet to the Green Team. We will anonymize the data and add it to our master Cool Climate Survey sheet.

Step 4 - The Green Team will analyze the results and report our findings back to you and the rest of the Congregation.

Step 5 - The Green Team will then guide you and the rest of the Congregation into a deeper understanding of the data and their implications for all of us and our larger community.

Step 6 - Based on the results of Step 5, the Green Team will suggest action steps we can take individually and collectively to respond to the climate challenges we face.

Yes, the challenges are huge. Yes, there is much to explore. Yes, there is much to learn. But what if we could actually do something meaningful? Just imagine how exciting that would be!

See you all next month!


Living Into Leadership



Board Highlights Board Highlights

The Board's primary responsibility is to carry out the UUCGV mission through wise governance of the physical, financial, administrative program, and operational resources of the Congregation.

Below are the highlights from the last Board meeting. Our UUCGV Board will meet again on Thursday, December 8, 2022 at 7:00 pm. We welcome and seek direct dialogue with members and friends of our congregation.

If you would like to discuss a matter at the Board meeting, please contact Board President Laurel Carpenter at cinnamon06@aol.com by Friday, December 2nd.

November 10, 2022 Board Meeting Highlights

Present: Rev Wendy Jones, Laurel Carpenter, Kitty Tattersall, Ann Barrett, Elizabeth High, Dave Collins and Laura Jeffries.

Printed Newsletter: Discussion of the monthly newsletter and if it should be virtual as we move towards becoming a green sanctuary.

Music: Joanna Wernette has started her position at Music Director.

Winter Overflow Program: Further discussion of possibly utilizing former coordinator Robert McDonald to organize this year. Discussion of winter shelter program we will be hosting Jan 3-17. Volunteers will be needed to help the program be successful.

TLC Highlights TLC Highlights

Team Leadership Circle, TLC, maintains the Programs of the church and the church calendar which live into the Mission, Vision, and Principles of UUCGV.

TLC communicates with the board about the day to day operations of the church and provides support to the teams if they need it. TLC meets the second Thursday of the month at 6:00pm.

Email tlc@grandvalleyuu.org for questions and comments.

November 10, 2022

TLC Meeting Highlights

22nd Annual Service Auction: Dec. 3rd date still works and all seems to be coming together nicely.

Social Action: Adrienne updated TLC on the Reproductive Justice group made up of a number of UU churches throughout Colorado, Utah & Wyoming.

UU Night: UU night is averaging about 15 people and is working well. We always need people willing to stay after and clean up.

WE Shelter: Discussion of winter shelter program we will be hosting Jan 3-17. Volunteers will be needed to help the program be successful.

- Laurel Carpenter Past President - Elizabeth High Treasurer - Kitty Tattersall At-LargeLaura Jeffries Dave Collins Leadership Development Team (LDT) Richard Hyland Team Leadership Circle (TLC) Worship - Catherine Black-Ward Religious Education (RE) - Angie Ecker Green Team - Ann (Angeline) Barrett At-LargeJeanie Hendricks Abby Leinbach Adrienne Cascarella

Please Remember that all meetings & events MUST be scheduled through the administrator (257-0772) or administrator@grandvalleyuu.org.

See full calendar, renters and all, at grandvalleyuu.org/calendar.

UUCGV Calendar December 2022

10:30Worship 10:30Children’s Program 10:00GJ MutualAid

9:30Laughter Yoga@church 10:30Meditation

Rev. Wendy at minister’s out of town at retreat

5:30UUNight! 6:30AdultChoir

6:00 Community Empowerment 7:00Green TeamMeeting viaZoom

“Winter Wonderland” ServiceAuction 5:30Cocktails &SilentAuction 6:30Dinner 7:30Live Auction 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

10:30Worship 10:30Children’s Program 1:00OWLWeekly Session

10:30Worship 10:30Children’s Program 1:00OWLClosing Weekend

12:00 Finance

10:00GJ MutualAid 10:30Meditation 11:00CareTeam

5:30BlackCanyon 5:30UUNight! 6:30AdultChoir

6:00TLC 7:00Board (Boardmay meeton12/15)

10:00GJ MutualAid 10:30Meditation 5:30UUNight! 6:30AdultChoir 6:00Men’s Cooking

4:00OWL Closing Weekend

8:30UUServes attheSoup Kitchen 9:00OWL Closing Weekend 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

5:00Parent’s NightOutHoliday WellnessParty! 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

10:30AllAges HolidayServiceof Lights

10:00GJ MutualAid January Newsletter Deadline

10:30Meditation 5:30UUNight! 6:00Solstice CelebrationOutdoorBonfire 6:30AdultChoir

7:00AllAges ChristmasEve Candlelight Service 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

10:30AllAges ChristmasService

10:00GJ MutualAid

OfficeClosed 6:30AdultChoir

1:00Aging Graciously

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Saturday 27 28 29 30 1 2 3

of the Grand Valley P.O. Box 1053 Grand Junction, CO 81502

Minister: Rev. Wendy Jones 257-0772 x2 or minister@grandvalleyuu.org

Director of Religious Education: Meg Worthy 257-0772 x3 or dre@grandvalleyuu.org

Director of Music: Joanna Wernette music@grandvalleyuu.org

Church Administrator: Maya Kraushaar 257-0772 x1 or administrator@grandvalleyuu.org

Facilities Coordinator: Jimi Blevins facilities@grandvalleyuu.org

Office Hours:

Tuesdays: 10:30 am - 2:30 pm

Wednesdays: 10:30 am - 2:30 pm

Thursdays: 10:30 am - 2:30 pm Fridays: 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm www.grandvalleyuu.org

Unitarian Universalist Congregation
I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder. - Gilbert
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10:30 am
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