UUCGV News ~ Summer 2023

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From Our Minister, Reverend Wendy Jones

Sense the blessings of the earth in the perfect arc of a ripe tangerine, the taste of warm fresh bread, the circling flight of birds, the lavender color of the sky shining in a late afternoon rain puddle, the millions of times we pass other human beings in our cars and shops and out among the trees without crashing, conflict or harm.

For some reason, unbeknownst to me, the new church calendar/fiscal year begins in July. So, June in essence, is the end of our year in UUCGV speak. The theme for June is celebrating blessings. As I think about what that means, I realize that this year we really do have so many blessings.

It has been such a joy in the past few weeks to have so many of us coming back together in person to share beautiful music and celebrations together. There is always the blessing of the spring with the blooming flowers and budding trees. This year we have the blessing of full rushing rivers coursing through Colorado

Sometimes, what matters the most is simply taking the time to acknowledge the numerous blessing in our lives. Life is full of ups & (Continued on page 2)

We are an affiliated congregation of the Unitarian Universalist Association and the Mountain Desert District of the UUA.

1 #grandvalleyuu A Place for Liberal Spirituality Diverse Thought and Community Action Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Summer 2023 Summer 2023 We are a Welcoming Congregation In This Issue  Among Us 1-2, 6-7  UUCGV Choir 2  Religious Education 8-11  Green Sanctuary 3-5  Leadership 12  Worship Calendar 13  Calendar 14-15
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Grand Valley — Newsletter

downs, joys & sorrows, light & shadow. When we remember this, it helps us acknowledge that with the hardships and struggles always come blessings. There can be laughter through the tears; there can be joyful events happening alongside the sorrow. Life is filled with all of it.

We can focus on the good and ignore the bad and vise verse. However, perhaps we can embrace both and move through the hard times while not closing our eyes to good.

Even in the midst of grief and loss there is still the beauty of new growth. One of the true blessings of life is recognizing that we don’t have to see things in an either/or perspective. It can be both/and.

And so today, let us celebrate our blessings even as we acknowledge that life can be hard. Perhaps the ability to do that is a blessing in and of itself.

With Love, Rev. Wendy

A Message from Joanna Wernette, Director of Music

Greetings music lovers!

As our programming year for the adult choir and youth music comes to a close, we’re looking forward to some fun musical events over the summer. As the weekly Wednesday UU nights will continue, you can look forward to special musical events the last Wednesday of each Summer month.

At the end of June, we will be hosting a fun all-ages karaoke/open mic night, at the end of July, we’ll be having an all-ages drum circle/instrumental jam, with adult and youth music programming resuming in late August.

As the days stretch longer, I hope you are able to enjoy the wonderful free outdoor music offerings in downtown Grand Junction and Fruita which occur each week. I’m excitedly getting planning for programming for next year under way- stay tuned for more coming attractions soon!

Change for Change

Each month we collect change (coins) from the offertory baskets and donate it to a local charity. This effort usually brings about $100/month. Past recipients have included homeless shelters, environmental groups, pet shelters and many others.

The change collected during the month of April and May went to The Kenya Project, which totaled $505.72!

The Kenya Project is an irrigation project to build a sustainable means for providing pasture for the Maasai tribe to feed their cattle if the drought continues. To the Maasai, cows mean life. We thank Connie Pyle for sharing their story in April.

Change collected during the month of June and July will go to the Grand Valley Audubon Society, striving to foster an appreciation for birds and other wildlife, preserve a diversity of habitats, and advocate for a sustainable healthy environment through education, research and individual action.

(Continued from page 1)


In living into our 7th Principle, the mission of the Green Team is to guide ourselves, our congregation and our community into a deeper awareness, understanding, and commitment to preserve and protect the “interdependent web of all existence” of which we are part.

The Green Team meets monthly to exchange ideas and provide tips for leaving a smaller footprint. If you’re interested in learning more about or joining our group email green@grandvalleyuu.org or reach out to Ann Barrett at angelinebarrett2@gmail.com or 970-241-6006.

All are welcome!

We will be reading a book for the month of June to be discussed at our July meeting.

It is "Sacred Nature" Restoring our ancient bond with the natural world by Karen Armstrong. It follows some of the things we talked about in our Earth Day presentation to the congregation. Here's a brief description:

"Decoupling the natural world from the divine reduced it to phenomenon to be controlled and exploited and removed the spiritual safeguards that otherwise could have prevented the destruction of the environment."

"This evolution was not only a break from earlier Christian theology, Armstrong writes, but is an anomaly among other major world religions. Confucianism and Daoism, Islam, Hinduism, and other religions all still hold nature to be sacred. It is from this essential premise that Armstrong builds upon through the rest of the book, surveying other religious traditions to explore how humankind has understood the relationship between nature and divinity, to provide a way forward to mend our broken relationship."

Upcoming Meeting: Tuesday, July 6th at 7:00pm via Zoom Are All Are Welcome! Welcome!

Insulating to Better "Green" Your Home

We all know that electric power and natural gas production from fossil fuels are damaging to the environment and our bodies. So how can a typical homeowner reduce usage of these energy forms in their home? Certainly installing a rooftop solar system, heat pump or better windows can have the most positive impact, but the financial costs for these may be too much for average homeowners. How can you make your home “greener”?

Doing insulation measures throughout your home will reduce your consumption of fossil fuel. Numerous reports state that most energy heat gain/loss in a typical home" "shell" is through the ceiling. Probably the most “greening” step you can take is to install additional insulation in your attic. Thirteen inches is the minimum recommendation. This is often done by spreading bags of safely treated cellulose fibers or rectangular fiberglass batts. This is not a job that most homeowners should do on their own, however. It is messy and can be potentially damaging to you or your ceiling moving around in your attic. Do typical search methods to find a competent construction laborer, or better yet, an insulation company. The insulation company will most likely blow-in the cellulose insulation with blower equipment.

Windows are the second most energy-wasters in your home. Old metal windows are the worst. There are materials such as plexiglass or heat shrink plastic that can be screwed or taped inside or outside of your windows to provide insulation value. These can be a nuisance though because air ventilation is desired--especially during warm seasons. Replacing slatted blinds and sloppy curtains with close fitting shades reduces fossil fuel heating and cooling use and thus are "greening" tactics, too. Fabric cellular or pleated shades don’t conduct heat or have the gaps of blinds and curtains that allow temperature transfers. If your budget is limited, make your north and west windows the priorities--north because of our cold winter winds, west because of our blazing summer sun. Storm doors offer insulation benefit, also, because they trap dead air between them and your exterior doors. Existing door openings often have problems so it is usually best to employ a competent contractor to install storm doors.

Most of us have tank type hot water heaters. They work to keep water hot 24 hours per day. It is thus quite wasteful (and harmful to your tank's life) to keep the temperature setting more than 120 degrees. Run a hot water faucet into a cup for a couple of minutes and then use a thermometer to check your temperature. Water heaters usually have Hot, Vacation and A,B, & C settings on their control knob. Setting B is a good common choice. The best way to help "green" your tank heater is via more insulation with a fiberglass wrap around it and polyfoam pipe wrap on the water lines coming out the top of the tank. These items are readily available for $ 5- $25 at all hardware and home improvement box stores....and any


homeowner can install these. (Warning: don't cover the top of a gas water heater nor the temp. dial or metal pop-up lever of the TPR valve high up on the side of the heater).

If your home has a crawl space or basement you are losing heat in the winter from ground temperatures ( often 10 to 30 degrees down as far as 16 inches below soil top) conducting through your concrete foundation/walls. Your main living space floors are thus cold and your furnace /boiler is using extra fossil fuel energy. The inexpensive help is to drape fiberglass insulation batts or rigid insulation boards along the inside of the foundation or basement walls. Most astute homeowners can do this or by utilizing a young helper. If your main living area floors are cold due to the ducting method of heating in your home, consider stapling insulation batts/sheeting on the underside of your floor joists. This is not a fun job, either, so using an insulation company is worth considering.

Surprisingly, unless you have a very old home, your exterior walls have reasonable insulation in them and are not typically the big energy gobblers of the rest of your home's "shell". However, if your exterior siding is old or damaged and needs major work that would be the time to make sure that injected foam or rigid insulation board is used in/on outside walls before doing your new siding, stucco, brick veneer etc.

Taking action on all of these insulation methods will save you much financially over a long term and make your home much "greener".


UUCGV Cooking Group

A monthly gathering for adults to experience the joys of cooking together, sharing meals, exploring new cuisines and styles, sampling adult beverages, and having no other agenda. We meet on the third Thursday of each month.

For more info, contact David Miller / davidrudolphmiller@gmail.com / (970) 3612737 or go to https://grandvalleyuu.org/uucgv-cooking-group.html

Meeting next on:Thursday, June 15th at 6:00 p.m.

Host - Brad Montgomery-Anderson Theme - Turkish

Meeting again on Thursday, July 20th

Care for Caregivers

Come share with this confidential discussion group the joys and struggles of caring for a loved one. We meet every other Thursday.

(June 22nd, July 6th, & July 20th at 11:00 a.m.)

Aging Graciously

Open to everyone of all ages! The discussion will be lead by Rev. Wendy.

We’ll be meeting next on: Thursday, June 22 & July 27 at 1:00 p.m.

Go to www.grandvalleyuu.org/aging-graciously for the Zoom link.

Laughter yoga

It's Not Really Yoga... Come work out your spirit with laughter! We'll meet at Sherwood Park

NEW TIME! 8:30 a.m. each Wednesday

We'll meet at the NE section of Sherwood Park across from 1460 East Sherwood Drive. For more info call Barbara Beth (970)241-1978 (land line no texts please)

Black Canyon Discussion Group

The Black Canyon Discussion Group will meets on the 1st Wednesday of each month at 5:00 p.m. in the Cedaredge area.

Topic: ‘What is your concept of ‘Awe’

Questions? Call 970-856-4226 E Heuscher or email at epheuscher@gmail.com. COVID vaccine is required. Host will offer the main dish, and then side dishes are provided by the participants.

Reviving the Aesthetics Team

Wanted for the Aesthetics Team:




If this is you, please email Patricia Eble at rubyshoes52@gmail.com


Building Your Own Theology

Let’s talk theology! What do we believe and why? How do we make sense out of this world in the year 2023.

Do you believe in space aliens? Have you ever astral travelled? Do you sometimes wonder if maybe you have lived before, and if so, might you be able to do some research on your “previous selves?” If these questions sound intriguing instead of flat out crazy, then Rev. Wendy’s new and improved version of Building Your own Theology just might be for you! Come ask the questions that traditional theological conversations don’t address. How do we fit into this new world in the year 2023? What do you REALLY believe and WHY?

This is the time and the place to think it through and talk it out with others in a fun, lively and somewhat seriously silly manner.

Join us on Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. through June 27th (Next session coming in September)

Chair Yoga

Are you interested in the benefits of practicing yoga?

Chair yoga is perfect for people who are new to yoga or who have mobility issues. For questions contact Maya at administrator@grandvalleyuu.org.

Join us on Mondays at 3:00 p.m.—NO CLASS on 7/10 or 7/17 (Please arrive around 2:45 to get settled in)

Single Drop In Class - $8/class / 5 Class Punch Pass - $25 / 100% of the class fees go to UUCGV's general operating fund to support church programming. We also have a pay-it-forward jar, so if the class fee is unavailable to you, you are still encouraged to join us!

Silent Meditation for Healing Our World

Join us at the church on Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. for 20-30 minutes of silent meditation for healing our world.

Soup Kitchen Saturday

Soup Kitchen Saturday is the second Saturday of every month at Catholic Outreach, located at the south end of 1st Street between Pitkin and Ute Avenues. A group of folks join to create, cook, serve and clean up a delicious meal for our neighbors. Please contact Chris Jauhola (chrisjauhola@aol.com; phone 703-216-6479) for more information and to let us know that you plan to volunteer.

Join Us On Wednesday Nights!

UU Night!

Come Eat with Us!

Every Wednesday at 5:30 pm!

Please join us for this weekly potluck and time for community, connection, and conversation.


Join us for a half hour of peaceful meditation each Wednesday evening 6:00 - 6:30 p.m.


Children’s Religious Education Summer Schedule 2023

June 18th

Happy Father’s Day! with Wendy McDougald

June 25th

Beautiful Bug Bonanza with Maya Kraushaar

July 2nd

Independence Day Weekend


July 9th

Creative Collage with Patricia Eble

July 16th

Ideas of Independence with Jamie Kavanaugh

July 23rd

Every One Teach One with Maya Kraushaar

July 30th

Chalk Messages with Angie Ecker

Welcome Maya Kraushaar Director of Programming and Community Outreach!

I have been part of this community since the fall 2018 when I began as the assistant to the administrator at the time, Miranda.

When Miranda resigned, I was offered the admin position, gratefully accepted, and have performed that role since June of 2019.

More importantly that my role as admin are the relationships my children and myself have built within this community.

To put it lightly, the church has had our backs through lots of transitions. We have grown within this community.

(Continued on page 9)

Childcare provided every Sunday! 10:15 am – 11:45 am

We haven’t just grown taller, and maybe a bit wider, but our love has grown… into a place of feeling whole. HERE.

I trust this next chapter, this next year, my next role here, will provide ME with the opportunity to create ways for others to feel the way that Tobias, Phoebe, and I have grown to feel.

I’ll be stepping into this new role as Director of Programming and Community Outreach, with the mission to:

Develop inclusive public programs and fun intergenerational events. This will strengthen our community and grow our roots deeper into the network shared with our neighbors

I’m excited about this mission. To give you a better idea of how this role will be performed, I will be providing leadership and direction for our Children’s RE Program by:

 Continuing to utilize the creative and comprehensive Soul Matters curriculum with congregational volunteer assistance

 Incorporating themes of and participation in upcoming UUCGV Community events

 Developing programs for teens that promote a safe space for connection and self-expression

 Coordinating OWL Classes & Facilitator Trainings. Our Whole Lives (OWL) is sexuality education that fosters informed, responsible, and values-based decisions about sexual health and behavior.

I’m looking forward to developing new and nurturing existing relationships throughout the Grand Valley by providing opportunities for collaboration and mutual support THROUGH our Special Events & Programming

My vision is to design programming built around our shared values and evolving needs such as:

 spiritual growth

 human connection

 sustainable living and environmental protection

 creativity and expression

 mindfulness practices

 social action

 care: meeting our own needs and supporting others

 exploring the natural world

(Continued from page 8)

I believe though public programming that celebrates the talents and skills found within our community we can:

 Affirm and promote our UU Principles

 Enrich congregational life

 Create new paths of revenue

 Build stronger relationships with our neighbors

 Secure a solid foundation for our children to expand from Thank you for this opportunity. I’m really excited to get started.

With gratitude, Maya

(Continued from page 9) We are seeking a Church Administrator! This professional parttime position pays $18.33 an hour, has flexible hours and partial benefits! Learn more at www.grandvalleyuu.org View the full position description HERE Apply HERE

Last Month in RE

A huge THANK YOU to our UUCGV children for beautifying our Blessing Box. What a transformation!

Our RE Wildflower hike this evening was wonderful! The flowers were spectacular and the weather was perfect. We will definitely make this an annual tradition.



13 Soulful Sundays
Sunday Services Please join us virtually or in person at 10:30 a.m. every Sunday. Join us on Zoom: www.grandvalleyuu.org View the Order of Service & Music at www.grandvalleyuu.org/sunday services Children’s Programming and childcare provided downstairs.

UUCGV Calendar June 2023

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 10:30Worship 10:30Children’s Program 10:00GJ MutualAid 6:30 Building YourOwn Theology 9:30LaughterYoga 10:30Meditation 11:00CareTeam 12:00BlackCanyon 5:30UUNight! 6:00Kid’sMusic 6:00Meditation 6:45AdultChoir 7:00Green Team 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10:30Worship 10:30Children’s 12:00 Finance 10:00GJ MutualAid 6:30 Building YourOwn Theology 9:30LaughterYoga 10:30Meditation 5:30UUNight! 6:00Meditation 11:00Carefor Caregivers 6:00TLC 7:00Board 8:30UU ServesSoup Kitchen 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 10:30AllAges Worship 11:30Potluck 12:15Annual Congregational Meeting 3:00Chair Yoga 10:00GJ MutualAid 6:30 Building YourOwn Theology 9:30LaughterYoga 10:30Meditation 5:30UUNight! 6:00Meditation 6:00Cooking Group 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 10:30Worship 10:30Children’s Happy Father’s Day! 3:00Chair Yoga 10:00GJ MutualAid 6:30 Building YourOwn Theology 8:30LaughterYoga 10:30Meditation 5:30UUNight! 6:00Meditation 11:00Carefor Caregivers 1:00Aging Graciously 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 10:30Worship 10:30Children’s Program 3:00Chair Yoga 10:00GJ MutualAid 6:30 Building YourOwn Theology 8:30LaughterYoga 10:30Meditation 5:30UUNight! 6:00Meditation

Please Remember that all meetings & events MUST be scheduled through the administrator (257-0772) or administrator@grandvalleyuu.org. See full calendar, renters and all, at grandvalleyuu.org/calendar.

UUCGV Calendar July 2023

15 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10:30Worship 10:30Children’s Program 3:00Chair Yoga 10:00GJ MutualAid Independence Day 8:30LaughterYoga 10:30Meditation 11:00CareTeam 5:00BlackCanyon 5:30UUNight! 6:00Meditation 11:00Carefor Caregivers 7:00Green 8:30UU ServesSoup Kitchen 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10:30Worship 10:30Children’s Program 12:00 Finance NO CHAIR YOGA 10:00GJMutual Aid MayaOutofTown 8:30LaughterYoga 10:30Meditation 5:30UUNight! 6:00Meditation 6:00TLC 7:00Board Rev.Wendy OutofTown 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 10:30Worship 10:30Children’s Program NO CHAIR YOGA Maya Out of Town Rev. Wendy Out of Town 10:00GJMutual Aid 8:30LaughterYoga 10:30Meditation 5:30UUNight! 6:00Meditation Newsletter Deadline 11:00Carefor Caregivers 6:00Cooking Group Memorial Service (buildingin use) 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 10:30Worship 10:30Children’s Program 3:00Chair Yoga 10:00GJMutual Aid 8:30LaughterYoga 10:30Meditation 5:30UUNight! 6:00Meditation 1:00Aging Graciously UUCGV@ RMPBSFest 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 10:30Worship 10:30Children’s Program 3:00Chair Yoga 10:00GJMutual Aid 8:30LaughterYoga 10:30Meditation 5:30UUNight! 6:00Meditation 11:00Carefor Caregivers 7:00Green Team

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Grand Valley

P.O. Box 1053 Grand Junction, CO 81502

Minister: Rev. Wendy Jones 257-0772 x2 or minister@grandvalleyuu.org

Director of Music: Joanna Wernette music@grandvalleyuu.org

Church Administrator: Maya Kraushaar 257-0772 x1 or administrator@grandvalleyuu.org

Facilities Coordinator: Trent Nakagawa facilities@grandvalleyuu.org

Office Hours:

Tuesdays: 10:30 am - 2:30 pm

Wednesdays: 10:30 am - 2:30 pm

Thursdays: 10:30 am - 2:30 pm

Fridays: 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm 536


Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501
Find us on Facebook & Instagram @grandvalleyuu
is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass on a summer day listening to the murmur of water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is hardly a waste of time.
We meet via Zoom and inperson on Sundays at 10:30 am for Worship
“Vitally Inclusive Justice-Centered Spiritually Alive”
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