UUCGV News November 2019

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Welcome to the month of


Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Grand Valley — Newsletter

November 2019

We are an affiliated congregation of the Unitarian Universalist Association and the Mountain Desert District of the UUA.

From Our Minister, Reverend Wendy Jones One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, "My son, the battle is between two "wolves" inside us all. One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith." The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: "Which wolf wins?" The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."


According to information theory in Encyclopedia Britannica, “the human body sends 11 million bits per second to the brain for processing, yet the conscious mind seems to be able to process only 50 bits per second.”

We are a Welcoming



(Continued on page 2)

In This Issue

#grandvalleyuu A Place for Liberal Spirituality Diverse Thought and Community Action

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Among Us 1-2, 4-6 Service Auction 3 In the Community 7 Green Sanctuary 10-11 Children/Youth Religious Education 8, 9 Leadership 12-13 UUCGV News 14 Worship Calendar 15 Calendar 15

(Continued from page 1)

How do we decide which information makes it to our conscious awareness? I would say that which we pay attention to. I know that on some level I pay more attention to the little details regarding the emotions of the people around me than I do their physical attributes. I’m sure other people are just the opposite. I have observed that artists seem to pay attention to color in a way that never makes it into my conscious mind. I remember being in college and needing (for some reason I can’t remember) an image of a brown cow. I was lucky in that my brother who is an amazing artist was in town, so I asked him to paint me a brown cow. You can imagine my surprise and my concern when he started the picture using pink, and then yellow and then purple and then white. “No,” I said, “I need a BROWN cow!” He just ignored me and kept on painting. In the end I had an amazing real life looking cow that I was able to use. However, I don’t think he ever actually used the color brown. This was a huge moment of awareness for me. He, as an artist, could see so much that never entered my filter of consciousness. I stood there in awe of his ability to see what I simply to this day do not see no matter how hard I try. At the same time, he occasionally stares at me in that same dumbfounded state when I point out emotional or relational dynamics that are glaringly obvious to me that he had no idea about. So, I believe it comes down to attention. How we move in this physical world is in large part based on what we choose to pay attention to. With 11 million pars per second the possibilities are endless. Choose wisely ~ Rev. Wendy Jones

Music Notes This month I just wanted to take the time and thank my choir singers for always giving me their time and attention! I’m so grateful to work with such wonderful and kind singers. The most magical moments in choral music happen when everyone is paying attention at the same time and it’s so beautiful to me to see several people focused on conveying the composers message! This month is about attention and I really feel gratitude for my singer’s attention. Thank you all! Sing Everyday! ~ Amandalin Hunter, UUCGV Music Director music@grandvalleyuu.org 2

THANKSGIVING DAY POTLUCK at First Congregational United Church of Christ (FCC) 1425 N 5th St. Thursday, November 28 at 2:00 pm There will be a gathering in Pilgrim Hall on Thanksgiving Day for all who would like to celebrate the day with UCC. Lots of food and good cheer are promised. FCC will provide turkey. You are welcome to bring a side or a dessert.

What is the UU Service Auction? The Annual UU Service Auction is our largest fundraiser of the year. In addition to donating items you can donate services, adventures, dinners, and other ways for people to spend time together building community. This UU event is always a party, with a delicious dinner, silent auction, live auction, and shenanigans. 3

Black Canyon Discussion Group The next Black Canyon Discussion will be held in the Cedaredge/Montrose area on Wednesday, November 6, 2019 at 5:30 pm. The topic will be: Two first-time experiences that made and impression on you. Contact E Heuscher at 970-856-4226 for more information.

Men’s Cooking UUCGV’s Men’s Cooking Group is the longest standing group in the church. We meet and cook the third Thursday of the month. If you’re new to the church and are maleidentifying, please join the fun! The next Men’s Cooking night will have a vegetarian theme and be held on November 21 at 6:00 pm. For more info, contact Mark McKenney at 970-256-7907 or email mckenneyd@qwest.net

Goddess Group - Cakes for the Queen of Heaven Join us for a religious education curriculum in feminist theology, Cakes for the Queen of Heaven. If you are a goddess who identifies as a woman, you are welcome! Feel free to bring a snack or a drink to share. You may join us for one session or all! Either way, you are welcome! Our next gathering is Thursday, November 21 at 6:30 pm Session 5 of 5: Reclaiming Women's Heritage of Peace. We invite you to bring symbols of peace for the altar. We are asking for volunteers to make Easter Dragons. Email Miranda for the recipe or for more information about the group: msricerichardson@gmail.com. 4

WHO ARE UU? Come get to know us! Do your friends or family ever ask you, “What is Unitarian Universalism?” Do you wonder what it means when we say that we are a covenantal church rather than a creedal church? Have you ever wondered if there is a difference between being a "religious liberal" versus being a "political liberal?" Rev. Wendy leads a monthly informal gathering for friends, members and guests who would like to learn more about what it means to be a Unitarian Universalist. This is an ongoing conversation, usually on the second Sunday of every month after coffee hour. All people are welcome! All questions are welcome. Join the conversation on November 10 at the church.

UUCGV Meditation Groups:

Morning Meditation Join us on Friday mornings at 9:00 am for meditation with intentional breathing with Robintix at UUCGV. Contact Robintix for more info at

Soup Kitchen Saturday This is a reminder that Soup Kitchen Saturday is the second Saturday of every month at Catholic Outreach, located at the south end of 1 st Street between Pitkin and Ute Avenues. We need your help on Saturday, November 9 from 8:30 am to 1:15 pm. We need 10-12 people from 8:30-10:30 am to help prepare and cook enough food for 150+ people. Another 7-8 people are needed from 11:45 to 1:15 pm to serve and help clean up the kitchen. Anyone with an interest in helping to prepare or serve this meal is welcome; teens included. Please contact Chris Jauhola (chrisjauhola@aol.com; phone 639-7616) for more information and to let us know that you plan to volunteer. Please bring a scarf or hat to cover your hair.

Laughter Yoga Peaceful Meditation

It's not really Yoga... come work out your spirit with laughter! Join us in this amazingly fun and energetic session! Every Wednesday at 10:00 am at the church.

We meet the second Thursday of every month at 11 am. The next “vibration raising” will be on Thursday, November 14

Meditation & Qigong Bobbie and Boz will be offering sitting, walking, and moving meditation at our home, at 185 Bevan Lane, on Sunday, November 3 at 5:00 pm and at UU on Monday, November 4 at 5:00 pm. This is in the tradition of zen master Thich Nhat Hanh. Beginners and all are welcome. * During December, meeting time will begin at 4:00 pm to insure more daylight to walk outside.*

Interplay! Are you an adult or teen, who likes to play? Please come and check out an introduction to InterPlay. InterPlay is an active, creative way to unlock the wisdom of the body. We play with music, stories, and movement, which can lead to surprising experiences of joy, fun, connection, and depth. If you are curious or this sounds interesting, please join us on the 2nd & 4th Saturday of each month from 10:00-11:30 am at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Grand Valley. However Inteprlay will NOT meet on Saturday, November 9. No skill or training needed – all bodies are welcome. Contact Nancy Banman for more information at nancyabanman@gmail.com 5

Among Us Care-Full Conversations: Is this world getting you down? Are you worried about climate change, the state of our world politics, or just experiencing an unexplained sense of anxiety in general? Would you like to have a space to talk about some of these issues with like minded people in a healthy and intentional way? The CareTeam will be hosting a series of conversations this fall called CareFull Conversation led by Rev. Wendy. Don’t sit alone at home and deal with the craziness of this world all alone. Come discuss it with us on the fourth Thursday of each month at 10:00 a.m. Due to schedule changes, for the month of November we will meet on Thursday, November 21 at the church.

UU Night! Come spend relaxed time with new friends, enjoy great food, and get to know your UUCGV community in a new way! We are excited to be doing a pilot project for UU night! Charles Dawes has offered to be our chef. He will do the shopping and cooking on Wednesday nights. If you would like to support this new “pilot program”, City Market gift cards or cash donations are welcome throughout the week. Please feel free to drop them off in the office. All are welcome on Wednesday nights starting at 5:30 pm.

Hand Crocheted Totes! Green Team is collecting plastic bags to create reusable bags out of. If you have any to donate please leave them in the labeled box in the foyer. Thank you!

Holiday Cards for Incarcerated UU’s The ‘Worthy Now’ prison ministry of the UU church is collecting holiday cards to send to the 1,070 UU members who are incarcerated across the country. To support this project, we’ll be collecting holiday cards, white envelopes, and forever stamps during November. Then we’ll have the cards available during church for writing messages of support, before we send the cards on to Worthy Now for distribution to incarcerated UU members. There is a labeled box in the foyer where you can place donations of these items. Please contact Laurel Carpenter if you have any questions, by emailing cinnamon06@aol.com. We are collecting: Card Guidelines: - Simple holiday cards - No glitter - White envelopes - No raised 3-D areas - Forever stamps - No stickers - Plain white envelopes with no writing 6


Children’s Religious Education Pay ATTENTION to RE! This month we will be exploring the question “What Does It Mean to be a People of Attention?”. We will delve into this theme in our three classes (pre-k through 1st grade, 2nd through 5th grade, and teens) through arts, games, and service projects. See below for a brief description of each Sunday’s themes. Remember, it’s never too late to teach! Please contact dre@grandvalleyuu.org if you are interested in working with our amazing children and youth, or to register your own children for RE. All Souls Day - ALL AGES SERVICE Sunday, November 3 Children and youth are invited to join the adults in the sanctuary to practice one of our annual faith traditions. Bring a memento of a passed loved one to contribute to our Altar of Memories.

Attention to the Beauty Around Us Sunday, November 10 How do we pay attention to all that is around us? We will start to understand how the practice of giving thanks helps us appreciate the abundance in our lives.

Turning Attention to the Now Sunday, November 17 How can we be centered? Let's learn about the practices of meditation and mindfulness as ways to pay attention in a workshop hosted by our wonderful community members Bobbie and Boz.

Attention to the Needs of Others Sunday, November 24 How can we pay attention to what other people need? Together we will practice the skill of spreading kindness by making reusable food wraps for our Green Store with Patricia Eble.

UUCGV Childcare: Childcare for babies and toddlers and preschoolers is provided during Worship on Sunday’s from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm and during UU Night on Wednesdays, from 5:30 –7:30 pm. Childcare is provided by Robintix Perryman. 8


Other Important Dates Family Fall Hike Saturday, November 2, 10:00 am Join us at 10am at the Bangs Canyon trailhead or at UUCGV at 9:30 to carpool. Pack a picnic, walking shoes, water, and sunscreen to enjoy this event fully. We expect to spend 2-3 hours on the trail. Everyone who wants to spend some outdoor time with our kiddos is encouraged to attend (you don’t need to have kids yourself!). UU Kids Auction Party! Saturday, November 9, 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm So you want to go to the awesome galactic auction at UUCGV, but the kids aren’t having it? No problem! Bring them to the kids party at First Congregational (1425 N 5th St). They will enjoy a mac and cheese dinner and games with Robin T. and Chelsea while you have a night of more sophisticated frivolity. Kids can be dropped off beginning at 5pm. Please RSVP by emailing dre@grandvalleyuu.org. RE Team Meeting Tuesday, November 19, 6:00 pm Join the RE team to discuss upcoming events and programs for youth and children. All are welcome! Parents’ Night Out Friday, November 22, 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm All children and youth are invited to our monthly Parents’ Night Out! Come to UUCGV for dinner, a movie with popcorn, and games while your grown-ups take the night off. This month we will have a taco bar dinner and the movie will be My Neighbor Totoro. $10/child with a $20 family cap. Warm Up the Night Sunday, November 24, 11:45 am - 12:45 pm Participate in this intergenerational service opportunity following Sunday worship. Help make fleece blankets to donate to Grand Junction Frozen Hobo Rescue, the beneficiary of our November change for change collection. Bring two pieces of your own blanket-sized fleece if you can, extra materials will be provided as well as a pizza lunch. Christmas Tree Cutting Saturday, December 7, 9:30 am Help us find the perfect tree for the sanctuary! Joanie and Andrea will be leading this adventurous tradition complete with potluck hotdog and marshmallow roast. If you would also like to get your own tree, you will need to get a permit from the BLM office by the airport, bring a snowcapable car, and the means to haul off your tree. We will meet at UUCGV and drive over together. Please RSVP by December 1st to dre@grandvalleyuu.org. Our Whole Lives (OWL) Facilitator Training Friday, February 21 - Sunday, February 23 Our Whole Lives is a comprehensive sexuality education curriculum that helps participants make informed and responsible decisions about their sexual health and behavior. We will be offering facilitator training in the 7-9 and 10-12 programs this winter at UUCGV. If you are interested in becoming a trained teacher for this vital program, please contact dre@grandvalleyuu.org for more details. 9 9

Journey to a Switching from Paper to Cloth Napkins In the mid 1990's I met a couple that only used cloth napkins for every day use for environmental reasons. After talking with them about how this was done, I made the switch! We buy our every day napkins from thrift or resale stores be even more environmentally conscious. Locally, Heirlooms for Hospice usually has a good selection that cost about fifty cents each. We use our napkins a few times until they are dirty, then toss them in a hamper with the dish clothes. When it's laundry time, I soak the napkins and dishcloths in the utility sink overnight with a handfull of Biokleen Oxybright cleaner, then wash them the next day. They usually turn out perfectly clean, ready to use again. Eventually they turn into cleaning cloths as they wear out, replacing paper towels.

“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.”

~ Patricia Eble, UUCGV Journey to a Green Sanctuary

– Albert Einstein


Green Sanctuary


Alone, I traverse the path that meanders between the rivers. The land is narrowing and will soon come to a point. The sun is high in the sky and hot upon my skin. The path leads into the woods, and as the trees close in around me I enter a world of shadow. Light flickers down from above, at the mercy of the leaves’ dance with the wind. The air becomes damp and cool. I sit, still, as my eyes adjust to my surroundings. Otherworld surroundings. Being still, I watch, only my eyes moving. I listen. I tune in to my environment, immediacy, awakening my inner wilderness. Birdsong and the flow of the water, the depth of shadow. Each tree with its own attitude, reaching for the light. Friends, teach me to just be. With a renewed sense of belonging I move along. The path leads out of the woods into bright sunlight, intrusive, blinding. I pull my hat lower. Soon the river appears on my left, blue with flashes of silver though the water is muddied. The sound of rushing water grows louder and louder until I reach the crescendo where the rivers meet – crashing and roiling, swirling together to continue as One. These words follow a recent encounter with the Out-of-Doors. I took a little trip to Connected Lakes State Park. The confluence of the Gunnison River Diversion and the Colorado River is on the west side of the Park. I need to get out more. These outings into nature arouse the song of my soul. When I revel in the beauty of nature it reminds me to pay attention. It reminds me to treat every act as a ceremony – that every moment is sacred. It teaches me that, despite life’s travails, it is a blessing to walk this Earthly path as a human being. A couple weeks ago Elizabeth and I went on an adventure to (almost) Ridgeway. We visited the Dennis Weaver Memorial Park. Elizabeth unloaded my wheelchair from the vehicle and we set off. A few hundred feet down the path is a monumental pile of boulders and an enormous sculpture of an eagle in flight. The path circles around the monument – the four directions are marked and honored. There is a pile of various sized stones (prayer stones) and all are invited to create a cairn. All are invited to partake in ceremony. As I circled the monument I spiraled inward, awakening my inner wilderness. I became grounded in this place, cognizant of my place on this sacred path that I walk as a human being. The ceremony enhanced my experience as we continued down the path along the Uncompahgre River. My senses were heightened. Everything spoke to me. Beauty surrounded me. My soul was singing – how great it is to be a human being! O! The glorious pine tree – with two symmetrical branches growing upward from one trunk, V for victory. The graceful osprey cavorting with sky, circling around us to perch above the river. The school of large fish spied from the bridge over the river. My extraordinary fortune to be on this path with such an exquisite, delightful companion. ~ Monte High, UUCGV Journey to a Green Sanctuary 11

I have been thinking lately about the meaning of our congregation as an entity that changes over time and is nourished by the love, work, generosity, and creativity of those who are no longer with us. Two recent conversations within Leadership brought this to my mind. At our Leadership Retreat in September, Bill Conrod asked for a tally of how we first found out about the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Grand Valley. Two congregants who have since passed away were named as the connecting points to our congregation for a few people in Leadership. At our October Board meeting we started the meeting with the question “When did you first feel like you belonged at UUCGV?” Two other congregants who have since died were mentioned as integral to that first moment of belonging for a couple of Board members. These two conversations brought to my mind an image of our congregation as an evolving tapestry, with threads continuing in the tapestry from those who are no longer with us. Other threads in the tapestry come from children who grow up in the congregation and bring that experience into their adult lives. Ideally, this tapestry also enriches our world and touches the lives of those outside of our congregation. Monte and I first joined the tapestry of UUCGV almost 15 years ago. The time has seemed to fly by in a flash. The fact that children who were waist high have now graduated high school is a reminder to me of how much time has truly passed. In my mind, two of our biggest accomplishments in the past 15 years have been finding a settled minister whom we love and works together with us skillfully; and finding a home, a building that we own, that is situated in an ideal location for community outreach. In addition to these concrete “accomplishments,” there also have been countless precious moments that have touched each of us in different ways. Each one of us may have a story about a sermon or musical performance that touched us, a discussion in adult RE that changed our perspective, a transcendent moment as participating with other UUs in serving a meal at the soup kitchen or participating with other UUs in a march or rally. What kind of love, work, generosity, and creativity does each of us wish to put forward to shape the tapestry of our congregation into the future? What do we want our congregation to look like 15 years from now when the children in our congregation will be adults? What do we hope to have given these children by the time they are grown? How can our tapestry more fully enrich the world and touch the lives of those outside of our congregation? What impact do we want our congregation to have made in the Grand Valley community by the time 15 years have passed?

2019-20 Leadership Board President Elizabeth High Vice President Laurel Carpenter Past President Janet Cummings Treasurer Steve Watson At-Large Duane Carr At-Large Richard Hyland At-Large Herb Feinzig At-Large Abbey Leinbach Leadership Development Team (LDT) Stan Scott Melissa Humphrey Robin Cyr Team Leadership Circle (TLC) Worship Miranda Richardson Religious Education (RE) Jan Hyland Membership Bill Conrod Celebrations Kathleen Hedlund Celebrations Mary Delbecq Care Laura Jeffries Honorary Member Green Team Audrey Brainard

- Elizabeth High 12

Living Into Leadership Board Highlights

TLC Highlights

The Board's primary responsibility is to carry out the UUCGV mission through wise governance of the physical, financial, administrative program, and operational resources of the Congregation.

TLC maintains the Programs of the church and the church calendar and hold on close to the Mission, Vision, and Principles of UUCGV. TLC communicates with each other and the board about the day-to-day operations of the church and provide support to the teams if they need it.

Below are the highlights of the Board meeting held on October 10, 2019. Our UUCGV Board will meet again on November 14, 2019 at 7:00 pm. We welcome and seek direct dialogue with members and friends of our congregation.

TLC meets the second Thursday of the month at noon. The TLC met on Thursday, October 10, 2019. The following was discussed at the meeting. Email tlc@grandvalleyuu.org for questions and comments.

If you would like to discuss a matter at the Board meeting, please contact Board President Elizabeth High at elizabethahigh3@gmail.com by November 8, 2019.

Worship The next Worship Team meeting will be on Sunday, November 10 at 12:00 pm at the church. New members are always welcome to join the Worship Team.

Auction Team Received a report from the Auction team liaison that preparations are going well for the 9 November UUCGV annual auction.

Religious Education, RE The monthly “Parent Night Out” events have been successful and will continue. There will offsite childcare and a Kids’ Auction Party during the auction at First Congregational Church. A meal and games will be provided for the kids. The RE Team is always looking for more teachers.

Finance Received a report from the UUCGV Treasurer, Steve Watson that income/expenditures are on track. Our church had income of $14,796 and expenses of $17,114 for a deficit of $2,318.

Celebrations Celebrations is working closely with the Auction Team in preparation for November 9 Service Auction. UUCGV has been invited once again to join FCC on Thanksgiving day for a community feast beginning at 2:00 pm

Visioning Took another step toward setting Board Goals for 2019-2020, specifying 5 different areas which will be clarified next month. Motions Discussed and voted to approve modifications to the UUCGV Project Administration Policy, proposed last month, which clarify the definition of projects and the process for requesting them. The vote was unanimous.

Care Love baskets are currently being made for members in need. They are looking for donations of small baskets and care items. Green Sanctuary The Green Sanctuary Team is on the 3rd stage of UUA GS Accreditation 5 Stage process. They are also collecting your previously used plastic bags to create beautiful reusable totes.


TLC will meet again on Thursday, November 14, 2019 at 12:00 pm

Care News: As the new year begins, the Care Team is always looking for people who would be willing to bring food, create care baskets, offer rides, or hold new born babies. None of these activities require joining the team, but would be wildly appreciated. If you are willing to share your time in any of these capacities please contact Laura Jefferies by emailing ljmerlyn@gmail.com.

Interested in Becoming a Member of Grand Valley UU? Every now and then we are asked, "How do I become a member of this congregation?" It is a fairly simple process. If you are new to Unitarian Universalism, it is recommended that you go to one of the “Who are UU?” talks that Rev. Wendy facilitates once a month after the morning service. (see page 4 for more info). If you decide this is for you, then you can talk to Rev. Wendy (minister@grandvalleyuu.org), Peg Oswald (pegoswaldo@gmail.com) or Bill Conrod of the membership team about becoming a member. For more information, contact Bill Conrod at 970-712-8684 or bcconrod@yahoo.com.

Sunday Hospitality: The Worship Team would like to invite our members and friends to bring snacks and goodies to share after the service on Sundays. We have many requests for healthy items like fruits and veggies but cookies and cakes are always welcome too! Since we do not have a signup sheet for Sunday Hospitality, sometimes we won’t have anything. And that is ok! We all enjoy “just” coffee, tea and conversation too!

Big thank you to our greeters in October! Lynn deBeauclair, Maggie Eagleton, Carmine Nugent, Duane Carr, Bea Conway, Will Harman, and Pooka. Don’t you love seeing that beautifully friendly UU face handing you the order of service each Sunday morning? Being a greeter at UUCGV is a simple way you can contribute to the life of the congregation. If you’re looking for a short term commitment, please sign up on the clipboard in the foyer, or email administrator@grandvalleyuu.org. 14

Change for Change Each month we collect change (coins) from the offertory baskets and donate it to a local charity. This effort usually brings in about $100/month. Our October Change for Change went go to Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition (CIRC). CIRC is a statewide, membership-based coalition of immigrant, faith, labor, youth, community, business and ally organizations founded in 2002 to improve the lives of immigrants and refugees by making Colorado a more welcoming, immigrant-friendly state. CIRC achieves this mission through non-partisan civic engagement, public education, and advocating for workable, fair and humane immigration policies. Our November Change for Change will go to Grand Junction Frozen Hobo Rescue with a mission to provide emergency aid to those in need on the streets of Grand Junction, during the coldest nights of the year.

UUCGV Calendar

Worship Schedule


Worship Services are held Sundays at 10:30am November Theme: Attention November 3: Rev. Wendy Jones & Chelsea E. Craine All Souls/Saints Day Service


November 10: Richard Hyland Veterans Day November 17: Rev. Wendy Paying Attention to Intention November 24: Duane Carr Flowers Are Beautiful Because They Die

Please Remember that all meetings & events MUST be scheduled through the administrator (257-0772) or administrator@grandvalleyuu.org. See full calendar, renters and all, at grandvalleyuu.org/calendar. Sunday 27

Monday 28

Tuesday 29

10:30 Worship

Wednesday 30

Thursday 31

10:00 Laughter Yoga 4:30 Auction Team 5:30 UU Night 6:30 Adult Choir

Friday 1


9:00 Morning Meditation

10:00 Family Fall Hike @ Bangs Canyon trailhead

8 9:00 Morning Meditation


7:00 Social Action

7:00 Adult RE




5:00 5:00 Meditation Meditation & Qigong at & Qigong at 185 Bevan Ln. 536 Ouray Ave.

6:00 Suicide Support 7:00 Adult RE

10:00 Care 10:00 Laughter Yoga 5:30 Black Canyon 4:30 Auction Team

10 11 10:30 Worship 11:30 Who Are Veterans Day UU? 12:00 Worship Team 7:00 Social Action

12 13 12:00 Finance 10:00 Laughter Team Yoga 6:00 Suicide Support 7:00 Adult RE

5:30 UU Night 6:30 Adult Choir

17 10:30 Worship



6:00 RE Team

December Newsletter Deadline 10:00 Laughter Yoga 5:30 UU Night 6:30 Adult Choir

21 10:00 Care-Full Conversation 6:00 Men’s Cooking 6:30 Goddess Group

27 10:00 Laughter Yoga 10:00 Care

28 29 Office Closed 9:00 Morning for Meditation Thanksgiving

3 10:30 Worship

24 10:30 Worship 11:45 Green Team



7:00 Social Action


6:00 Suicide Support


7 11:00 Peaceful Meditation

5:00 UU Kids Auction Party! @1425 N 5th St

12:00 TLC 7:00 Board Meeting 14


5:30 Service Auction 15 9:00 Morning Meditation


22 9:00 Morning Meditation

23 10:00 Interplay

6:00 Parents’ Night Out 30

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Grand Valley P.O. Box 1053 Grand Junction, CO 81502


“Vitally Inclusive Justice-Centered Spiritually Alive”

Office is open Tuesday-Thursday 9 am-2 pm Minister: Rev. Wendy Jones Tue 9-1, Wed & Thu 9-12 or by appointment 257-0772 x2 or minister@grandvalleyuu.org Church Administrator: Maya Kraushaar Tuesday—Thursday 9-2 257-0772 x1 or administrator@grandvalleyuu.org Director of Religious Education: Chelsea Craine 257-0772 x3 or dre@grandvalleyuu.org Music Director: Amadalin Hunter music@grandvalleyuu.org Facilities Manager: Sterling VanWagoner facilities@grandvalleyuu.org

“Whatever you focus your attention on will become important to you even if it's unimportant.” - Sonya Parker

www.grandvalleyuu.org Find us on Facebook & Instagram @grandvalleyuu

We meet Sundays at 10:30 am for Worship

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