UUCGV News September 2021

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Welcome to the month of


Embracing Possibility

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Grand Valley — Newsletter

September 2021

We are an affiliated congregation of the Unitarian Universalist Association and the Mountain Desert District

From Our Minister, Reverend Wendy Jones “It’s impossible” said Pride. “It’s risky” said Experience. “It’s pointless” said Reason. “Give it a try” whispered the Heart. I love the fall! Even though in the traditional calendar cycle, the fall represents the end of the year, for me, September is always a beginning. It’s the beginning of the school year, my birthday is in September, and it’s the beginning of our church calendar year together.


So, I’ve always embraced the fall as a time for new beginnings even as the leaves are starting to turn colors and fall away. I’m especially excited for this year, as we are entering into a new understanding of what it means to be a faith community. We’re not quite who we were in 2019, (before COVID took root) and we’re not quite who we were in 2020 during the shut-down. I believe that we are becoming something new and different that has not been defined yet.

We are a Welcoming Congregation

(Continued on page 2)


In This Issue

A Place for     

Liberal Spirituality Diverse Thought and Community Action


Among Us 1-4, 8-9 Aging Graciously 6-7 Leadership 10 Worship Calendar 5 Calendar 11

(Continued from page 1)

And so, within that budding expression of who we are, we have an opportunity to creatively embrace so many new possibilities and unique expressions of who we choose to be. Notice, the theme for September isn’t imagining possibilities, it’s embracing possibilities; meaning we are being invited to embody, embrace and implement what we think we want to create this year. This is where the joy comes in, this is where the excitement comes in. This is where our creative juices get to start flowing again. What if we started to live in relation to the natural ebb & flow of what our bodies need? What if we show up in person when we feel like it and we zoom in when we need to? What if in addition to offering adult “programing” and children’s “programing”, we also embrace a truly intergenerational lived experience together? What might that look like? How does that begin to be imagined and brought into fruition? This is what I’m excited to explore with all of you this year. Welcome to 2021/2022 at UUCGV! Let’s embrace these possibilities together. With Love, Rev. Wendy

UUCGV Ingathering Water Ceremony The Rainbow Connection Join us on Sunday, September 12th, for a fun, interactive, intergenerational Ingathering Service to kick off our new church year. This year we are combining our traditional Ingathering Water Ceremony with the Grand Junction Pride Parade. We will have our Rainbow Connection Service at 10:30am and our “human rainbow” will walk to the staging area to participate in the parade. We are asking every body to wear their favorite color in order to create a living rainbow. 2

From UUCGV Director of Music, Miriam Deming When I think of "embracing possibilities," I’m excited about the new musical possibilities in this church, some of which are already coming to fruition; namely, the start of Modern Band / Youth choir (and our new drum set!) and the new UU Choir season! I have already programmed some music that is currently in our music library and I am excited to add new music. Included in this new music are challenging classics, like choral music by Morten Lauridsen and John Rutter, in addition to musical selections composed by fellow UUs, like Mary Lou Prince, a talented choir director/ composer. I hope you will embrace these musical possibilities, by participating in our choir, as you are able, or by being a music appreciator (we need you too!) As I imagine "embracing possibilities," I am thinking ahead and dreaming a little. A possibility for the choir that I would love to embrace in the future is that of better ceiling choir microphones to amplify the choir. Currently, we have one hanging choir microphone, but it is not ideally placed and sometimes causes feedback. Ideally, we would love to have two equidistant choir microphones. This possibility must be embraced with some creative fundraising, so as the choir and I brainstorm, please keep an eye out in future newsletters/ e-mails for how you may be able to help. I am hoping that through creative fundraising, some performance opportunities might even arise, or maybe a fun tradition will be born? I wish you all a lovely month of living into some of the possibilities for your life, musically and otherwise. Miriam Deming UUCGV Choir Director music@grandvalleyuu.org 3

Embracing Possibilities Strengthening Our Wheel of Connection

Human Library

Opportunities for Engagement This Year

Animal Blessing

Kids Valentines Party

Parents’ Night Out


Soulful Sundays Upcoming Sunday Services Please join us virtually or in person at 10:30am every Sunday. Childcare provided. https://zoom.us/j/383905626?pwd=amdBd3NU cUtQWG5hbUFRTHBVNWI4UT09

September 5th Embracing Possibility Rev. Wendy Jones ~~~

Children’s Program Kathleen Hedlund - Stronger Together September 12th The Rainbow Connection Outdoor Ingathering/Water Ceremony All Ages Service Rev. Wendy Jones September 19th Walking a Sacred Path Rev. Wendy Jones ~~~

Children’s Program Painting Our Inner Portraits - Jan Hyland & Angie Ecker September 26th The Living Human Document ~~~

Children’s Program - Telling Our Stories 5

This monthly Aging Graciously Newsletter is written by Ernie Stech, UUCGV member

Gracious Thinking (Knowledge, Understanding, and Wisdom) One way to approach thinking is to make the distinction between “knowing” and “understanding.” Knowing is concerned with information, facts, and data. It is the most common kind of information. For example, Audrey Hamilton is 71 years old, 5’6”, 170 pounds, gray hair, ready smile. She is a volunteer at a local animal shelter. Those are some of the facts, but they do not help us understand who Audrey is. She earned a degree in engineering at the University of Colorado and worked as a project engineer and then manager for over 40 years. Most of that devoted to product development at several companies. Audrey was noted for two characteristics: efficiency and attention to detail. Those traits brought her achievement and honors. Now we know more and can understand her better. She recently realized this: all that she accomplished doesn’t matter. The products have been upgraded or replaced. The people she worked with have moved on. Wisdom suggests that worldly achievements are temporary. In Audrey’s case, working with animals is what she really enjoys; it is a lifelong passion. She volunteers at an animal shelter and brings happiness to animals and people when there is an adoption. Wisdom, here, is to find work 6

that is in tune with inner need. Another example: There is a grove of cottonwood trees along a riverbank. They are, for the most part, large and tall. Trunks tend to lean a bit, and the branches twist and turn creating a complex design. Knowledge. The reason for the tangle of branches is that each tree must have access to sunshine to thrive. Through the years as the trees grew upward and outward, their foliage took up space. Adjacent trees’ limbs had to find another place. Now we understand why the jumble exists. On a nearby mountain, there are Douglas firs and aspens, and no maze of limbs. Firs are pyramid shaped so that the needles on all side are accessible to sunshine. Aspens are tall, and their leaves flutter. That means each leaf is likely to find sun. Wisdom here is that tree species adapt and are able to side-by-side. Knowledge, understanding, and wisdom: it is good to move beyond knowledge to try to understand and even better to think larger and longer to get a wisdom lesson. Looking from Above Stoicism is a school of philosophy but really more a guide to living. Stoics are stereotyped as unemotional. That results from their training in which they learn not to react immediately but to wait, think, and the respond. Another principle of stoicism is “to look from above,” that is, to step aside or above and look at an event or situation from a different perspective. One way to do this is to understand what motivates people. Take for example people who are anti-vaxxers. Many are working class or employed at minimum wage jobs. They do not have a lot of money. More importantly, they do not feel they have any influence or power in the world where they live. They feel restrained, boxed in, with no way out. They rebel. They may also drive loud trucks or motorcycles. Get extensive tattoos. Underlying all that is: If I can’t play your game, I will play my own. They irritate us. And they enjoy doing it. Can we empathize with their powerlessness and lack of self-esteem? The Aging Mouth Your chewing muscles lose 40% of their strength as you age. The lower jawbone loses 20% of its bone mass. Chewing can become more difficult and result in needing to ingest softer foods. Some teeth may become looser in their sockets. Well known is the shrinkage of gums and bones around teeth. That results in exposure of some of the previously covered surface of teeth and can potentially cause erosion of softer tissues. Tooth enamel can pull back from old fillings and expose cavities. Compounding the problem: less sensitivity and reduced ability to feel cavities. For seniors – more important than ever – brush twice a day and floss once. Rinse with mouthwash as well. Be sure to use a toothpaste and rinse that includes fluorides. If arm and hand strength are lessening, use an electric toothbrush. Always use a brush with soft bristles, manual or electric, and brush along the gumline as well as the surfaces of teeth. Get regular cleanings at a dental office. (Your Mom was right!) Ponder Is it really possible to know too much and understand too little? Do we move on so fast that we do not seek wisdom? 7

Goddess Group Join the UUCGV Goddess Group as we discover the hidden forces within. All who identify as women are welcome to join us at any or all of the dates below. We meet monthly on the 4th Thursday, at 6:30 pm via Zoom. As women, we are stronger together through support and love. Each meeting offers sisterhood, exploration of various topics, a meditation and a whole lot'a love. For more information contact Barbara Beth by emailing works90@hotmail.com. Upcoming meeting: September 23, 2021 at 6:30pm via Zoom Go to www.grandvalleyuu.org/goddess-group for the Zoom link.

Black Canyon Discussion Group The next Black Canyon Discussion group will be held on September 1st at 6:00pm in the Cedaredge area. Topic will be: "Freedom: What is good about it? What is bad about it?" The format for the meeting is changing back to the traditional dinner discussion manner: Host will offer the main dish, and then side dishes are provided by the participants. COVID vaccination is required to participate. Questions? Call 970-856-4226 E Heuscher or email at epheuscher@gmail.com

Laughter Yoga!!! 8:30 am each Wednesday. We will be meeting at the NE section of Sherwood Park, across from 1460 E. Sherwood Drive. 8

Silent Meditation for Healing Our World Join us at the church on Wednesdays at 10:30am for 2030 minutes of silent meditation for healing our world. We will have chairs arranged six feet apart and we ask that you please bring a mask.

Men's Cooking Group UUCGV’s Men’s Cooking Group is the longeststanding group in the church. We meet and cook the third Thursday of the month. If you’re new to the church and are male-identifying, please join the fun! Meeting next on September 16, 2021 at 6:00pm Host - Brad Montgomery-Anderson Theme - ‘local’ Mexican Try to make Mexican using local ingredients as much as possible. For more info, contact Mark McKenney at 970-256-7907 or mckenneyd@qwest.net.

Soup Kitchen Saturday Soup Kitchen Saturday is the second Saturday of every month at Catholic Outreach, located at the south end of 1st Street between Pitkin and Ute Avenues. We need your help on Saturday, September 11 from 8:30am to 1:15pm. We need 8-10 people from 8:30-10:15am to help prepare and cook enough food for up to 100 people. Another 4-5 people are needed from 11:30am-1:15pm to serve and help clean up the kitchen. Anyone with an interest in helping to prepare or serve this meal is welcome; no experience necessary, but please let me know in advance if you plan to volunteer this month. Please contact Chris Jauhola (chrisjauhola@aol.com; phone 703-216-6479) for more information or to volunteer. Please bring a scarf or hat to cover your hair and a face mask to meet state health department Covid-19 protocols. Many thanks to volunteers in August who prepared grilled rib-eye steak with peach salsa and peach cobbler for an appreciative crowd. 9

Living Into Leadership Board

Team Leadership Circle (TLC)

President - Laurel Carpenter

Worship - Robin Cyr

Vice President - Melissa Humphrey

Religious Education (RE) - Abby Leinbach

Past President - Elizabeth High

Membership - Bill Conrod

Treasurer - Sue Brown

Celebrations - Mary Delbecq

Stewardship - Kitty Tattersall

At-Large - Angie Ecker

At-Large - Laura Jeffries

At-Large - Ann (Angeline) Barrett

At-Large - Jeanie Hendricks

Board Highlights

TLC Highlights

The Board's primary responsibility is to carry out the UUCGV mission through wise governance of the physical, financial, administrative program, and operational resources of the Congregation.

Team Leadership Circle, TLC, maintains the Programs of the church and the church calendar which live into the Mission, Vision, and Principles of UUCGV. TLC communicates with the board about the day -to-day operations of the church and provides support to the teams if they need it. TLC meets the second Tuesday of the month at noon.

Below are the highlights of the Board meeting held on Thursday, August 12, 2021 Our UUCGV Board will meet again on Thursday, September 9, 2021 at 7:00 pm. We welcome and seek direct dialogue with members and friends of our congregation.

The following was discussed at the meeting. Email tlc@grandvalleyuu.org for questions and comments.

If you would like to discuss a matter at the Board meeting, please contact Board President Laurel Carpenter at cinnamon06@aol.com by September 3, 2021.

The TLC had its first meeting of the new UUCGV calendar year in August. There is a sense of optimism and excitement in finding creative ways to keep our faith community connect this year.

The board had a nice conversation mapping out their vision and priorities for the upcoming year. As they do every month, they took a look at the current COVID policy to see if any modifications need to be made. At this point the board is requesting that people who attend Sunday services in person please wear a mask.

We brainstormed some fun ideas that might be implemented this year. One of which is to offering a few outdoor worship services; the first being our Ingathering Water Ceremony on September 12.

One of the priorities this year is to get the front awning fixed and stabilized. They are beginning the process of moving forward with this project.

Ideas for Community Connec ons include:     

The board will be reading the book Governance & Ministry this year and is looking into holding a leadership retreat sometime in September or October. 10

Adopt a grandparent/family Star ng up Chalice Circles again Offering Adult RE classes again Organizing Circle Suppers Intergenera onal Family Game nights

UUCGV Calendar

Please Remember that all meetings & events MUST be scheduled through the administrator (257-0772) or administrator@grandvalleyuu.org.


See full calendar, renters and all, at grandvalleyuu.org/calendar.

Sunday 29

Monday 30

10:30 Worship Sundae Sunday Habitat Door Day!





10:00 GJ Mutual Aid

8:30 Laughter Yoga @ Sherwood 10:30 Meditation











5:20 Modern Band 6:30 Adult Choir 5


10:30 Worship 10:30 Children’s Program Stronger Together



10:00 GJ Mutual Aid

8:30 Laughter Yoga @ Sherwood 10:30 Meditation

8:30 UU Serves at the Soup Kitchen

5:20 Modern Band 6:30 Adult Choir 7:00 Board 12


10:30 Worship All Ages Service Ingathering Water Ceremony Pride March

10:00 GJ 12:00 Finance Mutual Aid





October Newsletter Deadline

10:00 GJ Mutual Aid

8:30 Laughter Yoga @ Sherwood 10:30 Meditation

10:30 Worship 10:30 Children’s Program Painting Our Inner Portraits

26 10:30 Worship 10:30 Children’s Program - Telling Our Stories 12:00 K-1 OWL




8:30 Laughter Yoga @ Sherwood 10:30 Meditation







6:00 Men’s Cooking

5:20 Modern Band 6:30 Adult Choir 23

6:30 Goddess 5:20 Modern Band Group via Zoom 6:30 Adult Choir 27




10:00 GJ Mutual Aid

8:30 Laughter Yoga @ Sherwood 10:30 Meditation 5:20 Modern Band 6:30 Adult Choir


Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Grand Valley P.O. Box 1053 Grand Junction, CO 81502


“Vitally Inclusive Justice-Centered Spiritually Alive”

Minister: Rev. Wendy Jones 257-0772 x2 or minister@grandvalleyuu.org

Remember that things are not

Church Administrator: Maya Kraushaar 257-0772 x1 or administrator@grandvalleyuu.org Director of Religious Education: Chelsea E. Craine 257-0772 x3 or dre@grandvalleyuu.org Music Director: Miriam Deming music@grandvalleyuu.org

always as they appear to be… Curiosity creates possibilities and opportunities.

536 Ouray Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501

~ Roy T. Bennett

www.grandvalleyuu.org Find us on Facebook & Instagram @grandvalleyuu

We meet via Zoom on Sundays at 10:30 am for Worship


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