UUCGV News September 2019

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Welcome to the month of

Expectation UUCGV NEWS Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Grand Valley — Newsletter

September 2019

From Our Minister, Reverend Wendy Jones

We are an affiliated congregation of the Unitarian Universalist Association and the Mountain Desert District of the UUA.

My aim is not to be consistent with my previous statements on a given question, but to be consistent with truth as it may present itself to me at a given moment. The result has been that I have grown from truth to truth. - Mahatma Gandhi How often have you had “high hopes” for something only to be bitterly disappointed? Have you ever left a conversation or an event somewhat deflated but you can’t quite figure out why, or you end up in an argument with somebody that feels like it just came from out of the blue? Often times what has happened is that our expectations of an interaction or an event are different than what we experience in reality. How many of us move through our lives in attempt to live up to the expectations of ourselves, other people, and our perceptions of what we believe other people “expect” us to be?

We are a Welcoming Congregation

(Continued on page 2)

#grandvalleyuu A Place for Liberal Spirituality Diverse Thought and Community Action

In This Issue      

Among Us 1-5 Children/Youth Religious Education 8-9, 11 Among Us 3, 6-7 Among Us, 10, 12-14 Worship Calendar 15 Calendar 15

(Continued from page 1)

Often times these expectations are subconscious. We are not even aware that our current present moment choices are being made based on future expectations of how we think something “should” be. So often we think that who we are is a reflection of our past. What we don’t understand is that who we are is also very much a reflection of our expectations of our future. In his book called, “Hope in Pastoral Care and Counseling.” Andrew Lester shares that our understanding of our future stories is impacting who we are in the present moment. “At any given moment, each of us is working on our self-in-progress, not only by re-assimilating the past and integrating it with the present, but also by using the unique self-transcendent process of imagining our “self’ in the future. Our identity, obviously, is not only influenced by the past that we “re-collect” but also by the future that we “project.” We cannot separate ‘who we have been’ and ‘who we are now’ from ‘who we imagine we are becoming.’” (P.36) So many of us are going through things in our personal lives that can seem overwhelming. Sometimes what has happened is that we have lost touch with our future stories, or we can’t seem to get in touch with a future story that brings us hope. Setting goals, hopes and expectations for the future can be a lot of fun. It can help give us direction, meaning and purpose. The key is remembering that we do not actually experience our lives in the future but in this present moment. If your present moment is not fulfilling you, perhaps it is because there is a disconnect between your present reality and your expectations of how something “should” be. Perhaps the key is to begin to pay attention to your expectations in life. Are they realistic? Are they working for you? Are they in alignment with where you say you want to go? If not, maybe it is time to rethink them. ~ Rev. Wendy Jones

Adult Choir:

If you've ever been interested in singing in the choir, now is the perfect time to check it out! We meet every Wednesday from 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm in the sanctuary. There are no auditions or minimum experience level, no fees, and my only expectation is that you try your best. Many of the singers in the choir do not read sheet music, so don't let that hold you back. If you enjoy singing the hymns or enjoy singing at home, you are welcome! The choir usually performs two Sundays each month at UUCGV. Feel free to email me with any questions, at music@grandvalleyuu.org. The more the singers we have, the stronger we are as a choir...the more the merrier! ~ Amandalin Hunter, UUCGV Music Director


Ingathering BBQ Saturday, September 7, 10am-1pm Food, friends, and fun! Join your UU family for our Annual Ingathering BBQ & our first ever GREEN BBQ (read more on pg. 7). Get your car washed with giggles and smiles for just $5 to raise funds for our RE/ Youth Program.

Coming Up at UUCGV! Expanded Awareness & Human Consciousness Workshop You’ve heard Wendy talk “in theory” about human consciousness and how we as human beings operate from various vibrational patterns. You’ve heard Paul Teerlinck’s beautiful music. And, some of you have experienced life changing paradigm shifts through working with Deb Steddom on a physical energetic level over the years when she comes through town. We are bringing all three, (theory, music & experience) together for a wonderful interactive weekend (Fri & Sat.) workshop on raising our energetic vibrations through, mind, body and spirit. Heal ourselves; Heal our planet . . . Deb and Wendy are teaming up for this amazing weekend with Paul as our guest musician. Friday evening, October 4 night and Saturday, October 5 at the church. $100 for the event. If you would like to register for this amazing weekend please let Rev. Wendy know, or sign up with Maya at the church. Email administrator@grandvalleyuu.org for more info. 3

Black Canyon Discussion Group The next Black Canyon UU Discussion will start at 5:30 PM on Wednesday, Sept 4 in the Cedaredge area. Topic will be presented at the meeting. For questions, call John at 970-856-6308 or Dave at 970835-4430

Men’s Cooking UUCGV’s Men’s Cooking Group is the longest standing group in the church. We meet and cook the third Thursday of the month. If you’re new to the church and are male-identifying, please join the fun! The next Men’s Cooking night will be held on Sept 19 at 6:00 pm. The theme this month will be Japanese. We are keeping it very broad……so sushi, tempura, etc. Japanese are not real big on desserts, but some of you might find a recipe worth trying in that area. For more info, contact Mark McKenney at 970-256-7907 or email mckenneyd@qwest.net

Goddess Group - Cakes for the Queen of Heaven Join us for a religious education curriculum in feminist theology. If you are a goddess who identifies as a woman, you are welcome! Feel free to bring a snack or a drink to share. You may join us for all five sessions, or come to just one. Either way, you are welcome! Contact Miranda for more information: msricerichardson@gmail.com Coming up on Thursday, September 26, 2019 at 6:30 pm Session 3: Woman Power **We invite you to bring something for the altar that represents your power as a woman.and feel free to bring a snack or a drink to share.

WHO ARE UU? Come get to know us! Do your friends or family ever ask you, “What is Unitarian Universalism?” Do you wonder what it means when we say that we are a covenantal church rather than a creedal church? Have you ever wondered if there is a difference between being a "religious liberal" versus being a "political liberal?" Rev. Wendy leads a monthly informal gathering for friends, members and guests who would like to learn more about what it means to be a Unitarian Universalist.

We're going GREEN and have started exclusively using all natural cleaning products from Melaluca. And, the good news is that you can do the same thing! If you'd like to go green in your home, please consider getting your cleaning supplies from us. Our Green Store is located in the rear of the sanctuary, with a variety of green products for sale. Products on the cart are ready to take home today, simply include cash or check payment in the envelopes provided and slide under the admin office door. To order anything from the catalogue or “The Product Store” on www.melaleuca.com that isn’t available on the cart today, email facilities@grandvalleyuu.org with the product name and number. 4

This is an ongoing conversation, usually on the second Sunday of every month after coffee hour. All people are welcome! All questions are welcome. Join the conversation on September 8 at the church.

UUCGV Meditation Groups:

Soup Kitchen Saturday This is a reminder that Soup Kitchen Saturday is the second Saturday of every month at Catholic Outreach, located at the south end of 1st Street between Pitkin and Ute Avenues. We need your help on Saturday, September 14 from 8:30 am to 1:15 pm. We need 10-12 people from 8:30-10:30 am to help prepare and cook enough food for 150+ people. Another 7-8 people are needed from 11:45 to 1:15 pm to serve and help clean up the kitchen. Anyone with an interest in helping to prepare or serve this meal is welcome; teens included. Please contact Chris Jauhola (chrisjauhola@aol.com; phone 639-7616) for more information and to let us know that you plan to volunteer. Please bring a scarf or hat to cover your hair. Many thanks to the volunteers in August who prepared and served Spicy Pork with Peach Salsa and Peach Cobbler for 100 diners.

Morning Meditation Join us on Friday mornings at 8:00 am for meditation with intentional breathing with Robintix at UUCGV. Contact Robintix for more info at

Peaceful Meditation We meet the second Thursday of every month at 11 am. The next “vibration raising� will be on Thursday, September 12.

Circle Suppers Do you want to make some friends or just get to know people at a deeper level than just "Hello" and "How are You?" If so, then Circle Suppers are just the thing! A group of 6 to 8 people get together once a month for a meal and conversation at the host of the month's house. The host provides the main course with the others bringing a salad, veggie or dessert. It is up to your group if you want to do breakfast, lunch or supper. It doesn't have to be fancy or expensive. If you are unable to host at your house, that's ok -- you are still welcome to be part of the group. When everyone has had a chance to be a host, then a new group is formed. So whether you are single, a couple or a family, all you need to do to become involved is to email administrator@grandvalleyuu.org. Hope to see you around the table!!! We would like to thank John and Ellen Mayo for organizing this wonderful small group ministry for many years. They are ready to hand the mantle over to somebody new. If you are interested in becoming the new Circle Supper organizer, email administrator@grandvalleyuu.org.

Laughter Yoga It's not really Yoga... come work out your spirit with laughter! Join us in this amazingly fun and energetic session! Every Wednesday 10 am at the church. 5

How To Get Involved This Fall Building Your Own Theology: What were you taught to believe? What are you “supposed” to believe? What do you really believe? Is there a disconnect between those three answers? Perhaps Building Your Own Theology is the place for you to reflect on some of these things! This is one of the most popular Adult Religious Education classes that Rev. Wendy leads. You’ve taken the class before? A few times? Wondering if it is worth taking again? Absolutely!!!! Wendy will be updating and modernizing the class to reflect the year 2019. We always have wonderful conversations, and this is a great way to get to know people better and reflect on what it is you believe and how you understand the cosmos, your life purpose and how this crazy world actually works. All are welcome!!!! Join us on Tuesdays from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. beginning on September 10 – November 19.

Care-Full Conversations: Beginning Thursday, September 26 at 10:00 am Is this world getting you down? Are you worried about climate change, the state of our world politics, or just experiencing an unexplained sense of anxiety in general? Would you like to have a space to talk about some of these issues with like minded people in a healthy and intentional way? The Care-Team will be hosting a series of conversations this fall called Care-Full Conversation led by Rev. Wendy. Don’t sit alone at home and deal with the craziness of this world all alone. Come discuss it with us. Our first conversation will be on Thursday, September 26 and continue meeting on the fourth Thursday of each month at 10:00 a.m.

UU Night Is Back! Come spend relaxed time with new friends, enjoy great food, and get to know your UUCGV community in a new way! Wednesday nights are a time for fun, friendship, and family. Chelsea will be putting together a “homework table”. Come prepared to share food, music, laughter, and conversation. It’s all welcome on Wednesday nights starting at 5:30.

Social Action Team: It's not too late to join the team! We meet the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month at 7:00 pm at our church. Email Stan Scott at sjoyscott@gmail.com for more info. Our next meeting is on Sept. 23. The team will not meet on Monday, September 9. 6

Journey to a Green Sanctuary I have a few things to say about our UUCGV Green Sanctuary Project, but would first like to thank Monte High for his inspiring article in last month’s newsletter. He expressed so beautifully why he loves this earth, affirming the idea that we have the power to change the way things are going. He is a poet! I saved the article to read again and again for inspiration. With so much bad news for our planet coming out each day, what a comfort to know that there is strength in trying to create a more mindful way of being in my own life. Namaste, Monte.

“Children teach us how to use our hearts, how to use our sense of humor. They remind us that there is more to being human than just intellectual knowledge.”

One of the first projects of the “Green Sanctuary Team” this September, is to help make our yearly “In-Gathering Community BBQ” on September 7th, a completely green affair. We hope to encourage trash-free table service by using plates and silverware from the UU kitchen or by having as many people as are able to bring their own service. The “Green Team” offers its help to accomplish this by working with the Team Leader Circle to setup. We’ll be creating collection sites for recyclables, designing a system to streamline clean-up and making signs to simplify getting dishes to the kitchen to be washed. Then the Green Team will clean up and wash dishes. It will be an experiment to see how easy we can make it. This is such a great time of year to have fresh, mostly plantbased and locally grown food. I’m sure most people have a favorite summer recipe to bring that will delight all of us. Gardening, buying our local fresh produce and cooking wholesome foods is one of the joys of my life. It is one way to express my respect of the “interdependent web of existence of which I am a part”. I feel am doing something good for the earth I love. I hope this joyfulness in our community spreads all through the congregation as we get ready for our Barbeque. I’m digging through my recipes as soon as I finish this article! Angeline (Ann) Barrett, UUCGV Green Sanctuary Team

~ Rev. Wendy Jones 7

What to Expect this Month in RE! Welcome to the new RE year! This year we will be using the Soul Matters curriculum, which adapts the monthly themes discussed in adult worship into fun, dynamic, developmentally appropriate activities and stories for children and youth of all ages. There’s no better way to kick things off than with September’s theme of “What Does It Mean to be a People of Expectation?” We will explore this theme in our three classes (pre-k through 1st grade, 2nd through 5th grade, and teens) through arts, games, and service projects. Email dre@grandvalleyuu.org to register children for RE. See below for a brief description of each Sunday’s activities. Planting in the Garden - Sunday, September 1 All children are invited to plant sunflowers in the community garden during the service. Learn about soil, worms, and recycling with our very own Audrey Brainard. Please wear garden-friendly clothes and sunscreen! Ingathering Water CeremonyALL AGES SERVICE Sunday, September 8 This is our annual Ingathering, as we officially begin a new church year together. Everyone is invited to bring water to the service, symbolizing a special place you have been throughout the past year that is significant to you. This is a fun, inter-generational gathering! Expecting New Beginnings - Sunday, September 15 Create a ritual about what the group can expect at the beginning of the church year. The Magic of Being Set Free from Expectations Sunday, September 22 Name the delight we receive from giving up expectations, using the example of magic. Expecting Change Sunday, September 29 Understand ongoing revelation and the search for truth as similar to growing a plant, rather than finding a horcrux, as in Harry Potter or a holy grail, as in King Arthur.

UUCGV Childcare: Childcare for babies, toddlers and preschoolers is provided from 10:00 am to noon each Sunday. Childcare is provided by Robintix Perryman. 8


Other Important Dates Ingathering BBQ Saturday, September 7, 10am-1pm Food, friends, and fun! Join your UU family for the Ingathering BBQ at UUCGV. Games will be provided. Youth may participate in a car wash to raise funds for the upcoming Glenwood Caverns trip.

RE Teacher Orientation Sunday, September 8, 11:45am - 1:30pm All RE teachers and the RE curious are welcome to this informal gathering where we will bond as a team, discuss implementation of the Soul Matters curriculum, and set our teaching schedules for the first semester. Hope to see you there! Youth Ministry Reboot Seminar - Saturday, September 14, 10am-3pm This is a team-learning centered program to start up our youth ministry year and is open to all members, with RE teachers and team members especially encouraged to attend. This is a professional webinar hosted by the UUA. Lunch will be provided. Glenwood Caverns Youth Funday! Monday, September 16 Come one, come all to the Glenwood Caverns Youth Funday! Enjoy the Alpine Slide, giant swings, zip lining, rock climbing and more with your UU friends. This expedition is for youth as well as any adults who want to spend a day of fun getting to know our younger generation. Can’t go, but would like to support this adventure? Talk to Chelsea about sponsoring a child. Email dre@grandvalleyuu.org if you are interested. RE Team Meeting - Tuesday, September 17, 4pm Join the RE team to discuss upcoming events and programs for youth and children. All are welcome! Our Whole Lives (OWL) Training - Friday, February 21 - Sunday, February 23 Our Whole Lives is a comprehensive sexuality education curriculum that helps participants make informed and responsible decisions about their sexual health and behavior. We will be offering a facilitator training in the 7-9 and 1012 programs this winter at UUCGV. If you are interested in this vital program, please contact dre@grandvalleyuu.org for more details. Mountain Desert District (MDD) Con Friday, October 11 - Sunday, October 13 All high schoolers are invited to attend the MDD Youth Con in October. The event will take place in Los Alamos, New Mexico where you will meet UU youth from all over the district. If you are interested, please contact dre@grandvalleyuu.org so that we can arrange transportation. 9


Need Support Around Suicide? You can join a peer support group for teens and adults who are affected by suicide. This group is for those who have attempted suicide, as well as their friends and family, and those who have experienced loss by suicide.

“Building a Sense of Community in Mesa County” September 9, 2019 from 7:00 - 8:30 pm Hosted by League of Women Voters of Mesa County & Mesa County Public Health Hosted at UUCGV 536 Ouray Ave., Grand Junction, CO 81501 Join us the evening of September 9th for a public presentation from Jeff Kuhr, Executive Director of Mesa County Public Health. Mr. Kuhr will be filling us in on all that his department is doing in Mesa County to keep us safe and healthy and in tip-top shape. Mesa County Public Health, formed in 1948, provides a wide range of public and environmental health services to the Mesa County region. The department’s mission is “to maintain and improve health through assessment of community health status, policy development to support effective programs, and assurance of high quality, effective education and services”. For more info go to https://health.mesacounty.us/about-us/. 10

This is a safe place where you can freely express your feelings and ask questions, a group where you can learn from others about their healing, and a place to learn new coping skills. This group meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at 6:00 pm at the church. This month’s meetings will be on September 10 & 24. For more info contact Janice at jcurtis@frontier.net or text (970) 216-6441


From UUCGV Board President, Elizabeth High Rev. Wendy has spoken at times about how we can have a rhythm to our involvement in congregational life, with some years when we are very involved, and other years when we step back and rest. I think that after stepping back, sometimes it can take something special to inspire us to “jump back into the fray.” I would like to share what that extra boost was for me. It is a concept that sounds boring, but is actually powerful and intricate: “Constructive Program.” I learned about Constructive Program about two and a half years ago. It is a term and concept developed by Gandhi, and may have been as important as (or more important than) the “obstructive program” (marches and civil disobedience) to the successful freedom struggle in India. Gandhi’s Constructive Program had 18 different elements specific to the situation in India at that time. Constructive Program means that you are building something constructive to take the place of whatever unjust or unhealthy system it is that you are trying to change. So what does that have to do with UUCGV? Well, about a year and a half ago I was trying to think of local examples of Constructive Program when it hit me that UUCGV itself (and the Unitarian Universalist Association, and the Grand Valley Interfaith Network) has the potential to get that balance between obstructive and constructive programs that can help to change a society for the better. Even as many of us are involved in protesting inhumane conditions on our southern border and with our history of some congregants going to Standing Rock and many of us participating in Pride Parades, Women’s Marches, and Martin Luther King Jr Day Marches; we also are building new systems that at their best reflect our 7 UU principles. Our Religious Education program and OWL are building an educational system that teaches our children about their inherent worth and dignity. To the extent that we live out our UUCGV Covenant of Right Relations, we are building a different way of relating to one another than what is depicted in our mass media or prevalent in our political system. The Green Sanctuary Team is helping us create more sustainable ways of living than in the dominant consumer-based society. Our worship services are a forum for us to work with Rev. Wendy to “build something new” every Sunday; an expression of creativity, musicality, art, written/spoken word all melding together to give us a glimpse of the sacred, perhaps overturn an assumption or give us new insight into an issue. Seeing the work of UUCGV in this “bigger picture” light of how it can connect with betterment of society at large really inspires me. I hope that as we prepare for our Ingathering, this will give you a boost of inspiration as well. - Elizabeth High

THANK YOU, UU’s! What’s that in your mailbox? It’s a thank you card! Beginning in August, each month a few of our wonderful congregants will receive a thank you note from the Board of Trustees. We want you to know that your work is important, and that we value the heart you have for service. Thank you for all you do for our congregation and our community. 12

Dear Ones, Thank you all again for your kind send off, I could feel the love! I have so much gratitude for all the training, support, and friendship I experienced in my time as your Religious Educator. I made the epic journey to Detroit, Michigan in July with two dogs, a huge U-Haul, and my truck in tow. I am now serving the Birmingham Unitarian Church as their full time Religious Education Director. BUC is a larger congregation than Grand Junction, which is an adjustment for me. BUC is located in the fancy suburbs outside Detroit. I am in love with all the trees, birds, and fireflies! I finally moved in to a rental in midAugust. Here is my new address: 2757 Gardner Avenue, Lower Level, Berkley MI, 48072. I find it amusing that I work for Birmingham Church, but not in Alabama, and live in Berkley but not in California. LOL. I wish my successor Chelsea the best, I know you will all welcome her. Rock on Grand Valley UU! With love and gratitude, peace out! - Shari Daly-Miller P.S. Interestingly this church is only 1 mile from Cranbrook Art Academy where I had applied for graduate school last fall, go figure. I guess I just visualized myself here....

UUCGV Board & TLC Leadership Circle) Highlights


Below are the highlights of the Board meeting held August 8, led by incoming President Elizabeth High. Our UUCGV Board will meet again on Thursday, September 12, 2019 at 7:00 pm. The board reviewed reports from these teams: Property Team: John Mayo has resigned from the property team, and we want to thank him for his service. He will continue to be our sound system consultant. Staff Congregational Relations (SCR): Retirement plans are in the process of being set up for staff who qualify. Safety: The Safety Team is up and running. They invited a sheriff from GJPD to do an informational safety assessment. The Safety Team is working with the staff to develop and implement emergency protocols. Finance: Pledge income for July was relatively high ($21,000). This was a combination of people finishing up previous fiscal year pledges and some people paying their full pledge for current fiscal year. Net income for July, $11,000 so we are off to a strong start. TLC: This month the TLC will be working on getting UU Night started, planning the Ingathering BBQ, and beginning conversations about the auction. They meet the second Thursday of each month at 12:00 pm at the church. For more info, email tlc@grandvalleyuu.org. Important Dates: Date was set for a Leadership Retreat on Sept 28 and the Start of the church year ,Ingathering BBQ will be on September 7. The UUCGV Board meets again on Thursday, September 12 at 7:00 pm. For more info, email board@grandvalleyuu.org. 13

Change for Change Each month we collect change (coins) from the offertory baskets and donate it to a local charity. This effort usually brings in about $100/month. Our August Change for Change went to the Mesa County Libraries Discovery Garden.

We are thrilled to welcome Gloria Kohls and Paul Kraushaar as our two newest UUCGV members. We look forward to having them be part of our community.

Our September Change for change will go to Community Youth Choral Charisma Chorus.

Interested in Becoming a Member of Grand Valley UU?

The Worship Team would like to invite our members and friends to bring snacks and goodies to share after the service on Sundays. We have many requests for healthy items like fruits and veggies but cookies and cakes are always welcome too! Since we do not have a signup sheet for Sunday Hospitality, sometimes we won’t have anything. And that is ok! We all enjoy “just” coffee, tea and conversation too!

Every now and then we are asked, "How do I become a member of this congregation?" It is a fairly simple process. If you are new to Unitarian Universalism, it is recommended that you go to one of the “Who are UU?” talks that Rev. Wendy facilitates once a month after the morning service. If you decide this is for you, then you can talk to Rev. Wendy, Peg Oswald or Bill Conrod of the membership team about becoming a member. For more information, contact Bill Conrod at 970-7128684 or bcconrod@yahoo.com.

Care News: As the new year begins, the Care Team is always looking for people who would be willing to bring food, create care baskets, offer rides, or hold new born babies. None of these activities require joining the team, but would be wildly appreciated. If you are willing to share your time in any of these capacities please contact Laura Jefferies by emailing ljmerlyn@gmail.com Also check our new Care-full Conversations with Rev. Wendy, starting Thursday, September 26 at 10:00 at the church.

Big thank you to our greeters in August! Lynn deBeauclair, Ellen Mayo, Maggie Eagleton, Duane Carr, Susanna Clark, Pooka, Laurel Carpenter, & Steve Watson Don’t you love seeing that beautifully friendly UU face handing you the order of service each Sunday morning? Being a greeter at UUCGV is a simple way you can contribute to the life of the congregation. If you’re looking for a short term commitment, please sign up on the clipboard in the foyer, or email administrator@grandvalleyuu.org. 14

Sunday Hospitality

For Elders: With deep gratitude thank Ernie for writing several short articles on various pics related to aging. You can read these articles at www.grandvalleyuu.org under the Feed Your Soul tab. Also, link will be provided in the weekly emails. September’s topic: Aids for Daily Living.

UUCGV Calendar

Worship Schedule


Worship Services are held Sundays at 10:30am September Theme: Expectation September 1: Rev. Wendy Jones September 8: Ingathering & Water Communion / All Ages Service


September 15: Rev. Wendy The Trials and Tribulations of Expectations First Day of RE Classes September 22: Rev. Wendy September 29: Rev. Wendy

Please Remember that all meetings & events MUST be scheduled through the administrator (257-0772) or administrator@grandvalleyuu.org. See full calendar, renters and all, at grandvalleyuu.org/calendar. Sunday




10:30 Worship

Labor Day



10:30 Worship 11:30 Who Are UU? 11:45 Property 11:45 RE Teacher Orientation

15 10:30 Worship New RE Program Begins 12:00 Worship Team


22 10:30 Worship 11:45 Green Team


10:30 Worship



Wednesday 4

Thursday 5

10:00 Laughter Yoga 10:00 Care 5:30 UU Night 5:30 Black Canyon 6:30 Adult Choir


11 12 10:00 Laughter 11:00 12:00 Finance Yoga Peaceful Team Meditation 5:30 UU Night 12:00 TLC 6:00 Suicide 6:30 Adult Support Choir 7:00 Board Meeting 17 18 19 10:00 Laughter Yoga 4:00 RE Team

7:00 Social Action 29



6:00 Suicide Support 1

5:30 UU Night 6:30 Adult Choir

6:00 Men’s Cooking

25 26 10:00 Laughter 10:00 Careful Conversation Yoga 5:30 UU Night 6:30 Adult Choir

1:30 Aging Together (closed group) 6:30 Goddess Group



10:00 Laughter Yoga 10:00 Care 5:30 UU Night 5:30 Black Canyon 6:30 Adult Choir






9:00 Morning Meditation

10:00 Ingathering BBQ

13 9:00 Morning Meditation


20 October Newsletter Deadline 9:00 Morning Meditation


27 9:00 Morning Meditation

28 9:00 Leadership Retreat 10:00 Interplay

4 9:00 Morning Meditation

5 8:30 Energy Workshop

6:30 Energy Workshop

8:30 Soup Kitchen Saturday 10:00 Interplay

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Grand Valley P.O. Box 1053 Grand Junction, CO 81502


“Vitally Inclusive Justice-Centered Spiritually Alive”

Office is open Tuesday-Thursday 9 am-2 pm Minister: Rev. Wendy Jones Tue 9-1, Wed & Thu 9-12 or by appointment 257-0772 x2 or minister@grandvalleyuu.org Church Administrator: Maya Kraushaar Tuesday—Thursday 9-2 257-0772 x1 or administrator@grandvalleyuu.org Director of Religious Education: Chelsea Craine 257-0772 x3 or dre@grandvalleyuu.org Music Director: Amadalin Hunter music@grandvalleyuu.org Facilities Manager: Sterling VanWagoner facilities@grandvalleyuu.org

“I’m not in this world to live up to your expectations and you’re not in this world to live up to mine.” ~ Bruce Lee


Find us on Facebook & Instagram @grandvalleyuu

We meet Sundays at 10:30 am for Worship

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