UUCGV News June 2019

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Welcome to the month of

Beauty Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Grand Valley — Newsletter

June 2019

From Our Minister, Reverend Wendy Jones It is possible that mankind is on the threshold of a golden age; but, if so, it will be necessary first to slay the dragon that guards the door, and this dragon is religion. - Bertrand Russell

We are an affiliated congregation of the Unitarian Universalist Association and the Mountain Desert District of the UUA.

You may be wondering, why would the minister of a Unitarian Universalist congregation choose to use a quote stating that the “dragon guarding the door” is religion? Does this not seem counter intuitive? I would say that the way we do religion may be the dragon that needs to be slayed; not religion itself. I believe that at this time, our UUCGV community has reached its own threshold. For so many years we have been pushing an imaginary boundary of holding steady just at 100 members; just beyond a pastor sized model of church. And now, I am excited. I am so very excited at the prospect of us blasting through this somewhat unconscious boundary this year.

We are a Welcoming Congregation

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In This Issue

A Place for

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Liberal Spirituality

Diverse Thought and Community Action

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Among Us 1-7 Revelations - Duane Carr 3, 10-11 Children/Youth Religious Education 8 Among Us, 12-14 Worship Calendar 15 Calendar 15

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I really feel like we are on a threshold of magnificent proportions, and we are literally ready to spread our wings and fly. We have our roots. We have our foundation (a landing pad so to speak.) But, up until this point we have been cautious, not quite ready to open our wings and step off the cliff knowing that we are ready to catch an air current. The wings are formed. The air current is there. Let’s go. Let’s fly together!!!!!! This year at our annual meeting we will be asking the congregation to take a leap of faith as we welcome in a new paradigm of sustaining a growing staff. We will be taking a leap of faith as we expand our understanding of manifesting prosperity and exploring new and exciting ways to call forth abundance for the congregation. We will be taking a leap of faith as I ask us to move beyond the comfort of our own front doors as we enter into the community in wonderful new ways, as spiritual and moral leaders, and bringers of the light in this beautiful valley. There is work to do. There is so much work to do. And the most magnificent amazing thing about it all is that we are the ones who are being called to do it. We are being called to move beyond our fear and into a place of call, commitment, justice, grounding and vision. And, in my heart I know we are ready to take on this challenge and this new way of being a faith community. Oh. . . . . the year to come!!!!!! ~ Rev. Wendy Jones

Annual Meeting The Annual Meeting is on Sunday, June 2 at 536 Ouray Ave. An informational budget meeting is at 9 am. Our service is at 10:30 am. We will have a potluck, followed by the Annual Meeting starting at approximately 12:00 pm.

Beauty, Music, and People Beauty in music might seem obvious to most. Symphonies and musical works are often described as beautiful and rightfully so. But looking a little closer I think music is beautiful in the same way that people are. People are the truly constantly surprising refrain. Inspiring great arias with their romance, teaching us that we are not alone through grief, and making us laugh out loud and dance with joy. There are just as many different personalities as there are genres of music and that’s what make both beautiful. Music is beauty in subtlety and tenderness like a mother and child 2

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Note from Our Facilities Manager:


Thanks again to all that participated in another successful spring clean-up day this season! We had an amazing day with a large turn-out. Now we can look forward to our next clean-up this coming fall. I will keep y'all posted. On another note, Please remember to check the lost and found (in the foyer) for your missing items. Thank you and have a wonderful month of June!

“What is the nature of the world we live in? That is a very complex question and our understanding of it is central to our beliefs. I don’t believe in fixed answers to most questions, but do believe in the necessity of being open to new ways of understanding the world. My beliefs have been changing, and I’m sure they will continue to change as I continue to live my life. I think of my life as a journey. In a journey, you and the world around you are continually changing, always becoming – becoming something new every second. I find that the Unitarian Universalist faith, which allows continual learning rather than any fixed beliefs, to be important for me and I continue to find community there that is of great importance for me.” Duane Carr is known by all in our congregation as the giver of the glorious, heartfelt bear hugs. His sincere kindness and generosity shine through with each embrace. This is also how Duane embraces the world – arms open wide, cherishing. Yet, anyone that has participated in one of the many UUCGV small groups with Duane, knows that he is a deep thinker. In the process of becoming the man we know and love, Duane has witnessed a change or two. He grew up on a cattle ranch on the Lake Fork of the Gunnison River. He had four brothers and four sisters. His mother had five children in seven years. “I think my mother was a saint.” The family was isolated. The nearest neighbor was a mile and ½ away. The tiny town of Lake City was 22 miles away and Gunnison was 40 miles away. There was no plumbing for running water or sewer, no electricity and no phone. Duane went to a one-room school through the fifth grade. They couldn’t find anyone to teach in that remote area, and thereafter he went to school in Gunnison. Duane has special memories of riding the range to check cows with his horse and dog, hiking the hills near the ranch, and branding calves. After high school, Duane attended Western State College in Gunnison where he achieved a BA in chemistry with a minor in math. Western State is also where he met Arleta. (*I wrote a newsletter article on Arleta a couple years ago.) Duane and Arleta were married in September, 1954. Duane was a year ahead of Arleta in school. They had planned the wedding for the following summer, after Arleta graduated; but, Duane was drafted for the Korean War. Duane and Arleta lived together for six weeks after their wedding before he left for the Army. Arleta remained in Gunnison to complete her degree in elementary education, and then joined Duane at Fort Lewis, in Olympia, Washington. Duane trained to be a medical aidman in the Army but never saw action because the war ended. He served two years. Their son Dan was born at Fort Lewis. When Duane was released from the Army, the Carr family moved to West Lafayette, Indiana, where Duane earned a PhD from Purdue University. His PhD work was in molecular structure (physical

Many Thanks, Your Friendly Facilities Manager, Sterling VanWagoner Email: facilities @grandvalleyuu.org

This is a monthly column helping us to get to know our friends and members in a deeper way. We thank Monte High for taking the time to do these in-depth interviews for us.


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having a special moment together. Music is beauty in power like a thousand bodies marching together to protest. Music is beauty in silence like when we don’t have the words to say, but being there is everything. Even though sometimes we may lose hope, there are really great people out there who remind us of our favorite songs. Lots of them are even members of this congregation! As the choir season ends for the summer I am filled with such gratitude to have had the chance to get to know you all and want to say thank you for listening and an extra special thank you to all of my beautiful singers! Sing everyday! ~ Amandalin Hunter, UUCGV Music Director, music@grandvalleyuu.org

Men’s Cooking UUCGV’s Men’s Cooking Group is the longest- standing group in the church. We meet and cook the third Thursday of the month. If you’re new to the church and are male-identifying, please join the fun! The next Men’s Cooking night will be held on June 20, at the church. For more info, contact Mark McKenney at 256.7907 or mckenneyd@qwest.net.

UU Night UU Night will then be postponed for the summer months and will pick up again in August. Contact the office at administrator@grandvalleyuu.org for questions and more information.

WHO ARE UU? Come get to know us! Do your friends or family ever ask you, “What is Unitarian Universalism?” Do you wonder what it means when we say that we are a covenantal church rather than a creedal church? Have you ever wondered if there is a difference between being a "religious liberal" versus being a "political liberal?" Rev. Wendy leads a monthly informal gathering for friends, members and guests who would like to learn more about what it means to be a Unitarian Universalist.

Laughter Yoga It's not really Yoga... come work out your spirit with laughter! Join us in this amazingly fun and energetic session! Every Wednesday 10 am at the church.

Black Canyon Discussion Group The next Black Canyon Discussion group will be in Cedaredge at 5:30 PM on Wednesday, June 5. The topic will be "The moral and ethical issues concerning human genetic engineering, including enhanced therapy by genetic engineering." For more information please call the group coordinator, Enno Heuscher (970) 856-4226, or email epheuscher@gmail.com. 4

This is an ongoing conversation, usually on the third Sunday of every month after coffee hour. All people are welcome! All questions are welcome. Join the conversation on June 9, at the church.

UUCGV Meditation Groups:

Tuesday Night Adult RE Adult RE is scheduled to meet the 4th and 11th of June. Then we won't meet again until the fall. We meet on Tuesday evenings at 7:00. We are discussing the book, The Good in Nature and Humanity: Connecting Science, Religion and Spirituality with the Natural World. All are welcome to join our discussions. For more information, contact Duane Carr, duane.carr@gmail.com.

Starting Point

Gong Meditation Bobbie and Boz will offer one meditation in the month of June at their house, 185 Bevan Lane, on June 2 at 5:00 pm. Then they will postpone until the fall because of the great weather outside and summer traveling. Beginners and all are welcome. Thanks!

Morning Meditation Join us on Friday mornings at 8:00 am for meditation with intentional breathing with Robintix at UUCGV. Contact Robintix for more info at

Peaceful Meditation We meet the second Thursday of every month at 11 am. The next “vibration raising” will be on Thursday, June 13.

Are you new to UU or interested in learning more about Unitarian Universalism? Then you definitely want to join us for Soul Matters Starting Point 4 week class on Tuesdays at 7:00 pm beginning June 18. (We are skipping the week of July 2.) Contact Miranda at misricha@live.com to register. Peg Oswald is teaching the class. ⇒ Session One (June 18): Your Journey—Sharing Our Stories and Spiritual Roadmaps ⇒ Session Two (June 25): The Unitarian Universalist Journey and The Journey of Our Church ⇒ Session Three (July 9): Our Journey Together—The Three Paths of Unitarian Universalism, Part One ⇒ Session Four (July 16): The Three Paths of Unitarian Universalism, Part Two & Finding Your Journey Group.

The Road Goes Ever On and On On Saturday, June 22nd at 7:00 Eldreth (aka Robert McDonald will perform a farewell show at the UUCGV church. After the show we will share drinks, snacks and stories - BYOB. Suggested donation $15 (or free if you don't have it) All ages welcome.

Need Support Around Suicide? You can join a peer support group for teens and adults who are affected by suicide. This group is for those who have attempted suicide, as well as their friends and family, and those who have experienced loss by suicide. This is a safe place where you can freely express your feelings and ask questions, a group where you can learn from others about their healing, and a place to learn new coping skills. This group meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at 6 pm at the church. This month’s meetings will be on June 11 and on June 25. For more info contact Janice @ jcurtis@frontier.net or text (970) 216-6441 5

Goddess Group Join us on Thursday, June 27, 2019 at 6:30 pm for Summer Solstice Ritual. If you are a goddess who identifies as a woman, you are welcome! Feel free to bring a lovingly prepared feast item or drink to share. Contact Miranda for more information: misricha@live.com

A Note from Miranda As many of you already know, I have resigned as your church administrator. Maya Kraushaar is taking over the position as of June 1st. I want to thank our congregation for the opportunity to learn about church organization and grow as a "goddess" in my spirituality. I genuinely enjoy my time with the church and I believe the experience has taught me about the complexity of the ins and outs of a church organization and how to effectively manage an office. I am continuing to run my birth businesses, working as an administrator for Koinonia Church and a new adventure into managing websites and social media. And most importantly, being a mom of three boys. (Four if you count my husband!) I am looking forward to continuing my involvement at Grand Valley UU as a member of the congregation instead of an employee. I have really exciting topics planned for the monthly Goddess Group. I am joining the church leadership as Worship Team lead and a member of TLC (Team Leadership Circle.) I'll see you around at church events and wherever else my spirit might lead me! With love, Miranda Richardson

InterPlay Are you an adult or teen, who likes to play? Please come and check out an introduction to InterPlay. What’s InterPlay?? InterPlay is an active, creative way to unlock the wisdom of the body. We play with music, stories, and movement, which can lead to surprising experiences of joy, fun, connection, and depth. If you are curious or this sounds interesting, please join me for the first of what will be monthly (on the 2nd & 4th Saturday) InterPlay session from 10:00-11:30 am on Saturday, June 8 and on Saturday, June 22. in the basement of the Grand Valley Unitarian Universalist Church. No skill or training needed – all bodies are welcome. Contact Nancy Banman for more information at nancyabanman@gmail.com



Circle Suppers Do you want to make some friends or just get to know people at a deeper level than just "Hello" and "How are You?" If so, then Circle Suppers are just the thing! A group of 6 to 8 people get together once a month for a meal and conversation at the host of the month's house. The host provides the main course with the others bringing a salad, veggie or dessert. It is up to your group if you want to do breakfast, lunch or supper. It doesn't have to be fancy or expensive. If you are unable to host at your house, that's ok -- you are still welcome to be part of the group. When everyone has had a chance to be a host, then a new group is formed. So whether you are single, a couple or a family, all you need to do to become involved is contact Ellen Mayo at ellenmayo@yahoo.com. Hope to see you around the table!!!

Soup Kitchen Saturday

We meet the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month at 7:00 pm at our church. We created the weekly social action calendar on our website. Check it out grandvalleyuu.org/ social-action-team

This is a reminder that Soup Kitchen Saturday is the second Saturday of every month at Catholic Outreach, located at the south end of 1st Street between Pitkin and Ute Avenues. We need your help on Saturday, June 8 from 8:30 am to 1:15 pm. We need 10-12 people from 8:30-10:30 am to help prepare and cook enough food for 150+ people. Another 7-8 people are needed from 11:45 to 1:15 pm to serve and help clean up the kitchen. Anyone with an interest in helping to prepare or serve this meal is welcome; teens included. Please contact Chris Jauhola (chrisjauhola@aol.com; phone 639-7616) for more information and to let us know that you plan to volunteer. Please bring a scarf or hat to cover your hair. Many thanks to the volunteers in May who helped prepare and serve honey mustard chicken and sweet potato fries to 125 people. Special thanks to our young folks for their help: Olivia, Annabelle and friend, Jake and Kevin.

Women's Writing Retreat Sandra Dorr will hold a women's writing retreat at St. Benedict's Monastery on Sept. 8-11; these are four days of respite, quiet, writing, yoga, and hiking in the monastery's beautiful 400 acres of woods and fields near Aspen. Contact Sandy (sandydorr@bresnan.net) for more details, which will also be posted in June at www.sandradorr.com.

It's not too late to join the team! Peace and Love, Robert McDonald eldrethone@gmail.com 7

GRAND VALLEY UU CHILDREN’S RE June 2019 Religious Education Sessions for Children

Farewell Shari

The Month of Beauty

June 2: Beauty in Flowers

June 9: Beauty in Friendship

June 16: Beauty in Family

June 23:

Shari has been a deeply loved member of this congregation for over twenty years and then she became a valued staff member for six years. Her presence is felt throughout this congregation in the form of her art, her beautiful gardening work and in the lovely space she created for our children downstairs with the children’s chapel. We will miss you Shari, and we are so excited for you to spread your wings! We send you off to your new adventures with our deepest love!

Check, Check,

All Ages Service Shari Daly-Miller’s Goodbye and Send Off

June 30: Beauty of Summertime

Check-in Our children join us for the beginning of the service. Please check in your children each Sunday morning in the foyer.

Childcare Childcare for babies, toddlers and preschoolers is provided from 10:00 am to noon each Sunday. Childcare is provided by Robintix Perryman.

This year's MDD Youth events Mountain Desert District (MDD) Quuest and Spirit Quuest Camps. June 30 - July 6, 2019. La Foret. Colorado Springs, CO. Leadership Development Con. Nov 89-11. First Universalist, Denver, CO. 8

Starting and Sustaining Green Habits We are streaming General Assembly (GA) Live at UUCGV during office hours! Check out our weekly email for the link to stream at home! GA is the annual meeting of our Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). Attendees worship, witness, learn, connect, and make policy for the Association through democratic process. GA will take place in Spokane, Washington. Wednesday, June 19 Welcoming Celebration 6:00 pm Thursday, June 20 Worship, Opening, Framing 7:30 am Service of the Living Tradition 6:00 pm Friday, June 21 Worshipful Start 7:30 am General Session I 8:00 am Synergy Bridging Worship 3:30 pm Ware Lecture 6:30 Saturday, June 22 Worshipful Start 7:30 am General Session II 3:30 pm Closing Ceremonies 6:00 pm Sunday, June 23 Sunday Morning Worship 9:00 am

During the Green Sanctuary service in April, Bill Hilty suggested that we pick a change (or a few changes) for the greener that we feel will be easy for us to sustain. Each of us differs in which environmentallyfriendly habits feel easy to sustain. We also all change over time, and something that we didn’t think we could consider today, we might feel ready to consider a year from now. One great encourager to starting a new green habit is to find out that someone we know has been able to sustain that habit. In that spirit, we have asked a few members and friends: “What is a “green” habit that you have found easy (or even joyful!) to sustain over at least the past year?” Below are some answers. “We use our resources (tools etc.) as long as possible. Our cars for the last 15 years have averaged over 50 mpg. .. We grow a vegetable garden every year and Kim cans lots of different vegetables…” - Dave & Kim Stueck “Veganism...Veganism is a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose. There are many ways to embrace vegan living. We first became vegetarian, then expanded when we lived at a monastery that ate in this way. This was both because of the suffering caused by the meat and dairy industry and because of global climate change. The diet made us feel better! We also feel that we humans have to eat differently to sustain life on this planet in addition to changing how we travel and live day to day. We do not adhere to this way of eating 100%, but occasionally enjoy cheese, eggs from our own chickens, and things that are served to us, with gratitude. It is a goal, as is traveling less, getting an electric car, and we have recently gone solar at our home.” - Boz Bosworth and Bobbie Cleave "I carry a tote bag in my car with reusable containers that I bring into restaurants when getting carry-out food" – Robin Cyr "In the early 1990"s I developed severe allergies and chemical sensitivities. To make my home a safe environment, I had to rethink my cleaning practices. I have found that the Biokleen products are safest for me, very concentrated, and use them for surface cleaning, dishwasher soap, and laundry detergent. Instead of fabric softener or dryer sheets. I (Continued on page 13)


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chemistry). Their son Don was born in West Lafayette, only a year after Dan. They had planned on two children and Arleta hoped to have them close together in order to get through the diaper stage and have that done with. When Duane completed his PhD work the Carr family moved to Crawfordsville, Indiana, where Duane taught physical chemistry and analytical chemistry at Wabash College. After a year, the Carr family picked up and moved again – to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, where Duane taught basic chemistry, physical chemistry and inorganic chemistry at Coe College. The Carrs put down roots in Cedar Rapids, where they lived for 33 years. Except for the two sabbatical years, that is. “After some years at Coe, I was searching for something different and accepted a two-year teaching assignment at the Agricultural Branch of the Haile Selassie I University, near Alemaya, Ethiopia. I am sure those two years made me (and the whole family) realize the diverse character of human lives and I know that it had a profound effect on my understanding of the world. I might have continued there, but being unable to get the children in a good high school, decided to go back to Coe College.” On the way back to Iowa, the Carr family also visited Greece. Upon their return they began once again to immerse themselves in the local community of Cedar Rapids. They reconnected with their open-minded friends at the Methodist Church. Duane returned to teaching, Don and Dan returned to school and began to reacquaint themselves with old classmates. Arleta went back to school to get her Masters degree. Over the years there were more trips to experience different cultures. They took part in youth missionary programs near Monterrey, Mexico. Duane will always remember a nine-year-old girl who he bonded with. “Yesenia... She lived in a shack way out at the edge of Monterrey. She was very thin and I know she did not have lots to eat. Most of the other kids had suitcases, but she had only a plastic bag with a few thin clothes to wear. When it was time to leave, most of the kids were happy to be going home. We had very good food at the camp and I know that was special for Yesenia. She cried the day that she left and holding her was a high point in my life.” There were family backpacking trips to the Colorado mountains. In the summer of 1988 they began the monumental task of building a cabin from scratch (including the blueprint). Arleta and Don worked the whole summer and Arleta remembers it as one of the best times in her life. They continued to work on improvements over the years. The cabin was built on an 80 acre parcel of Duane’s family ranch. It was a timber claim that was not included in the mortgage that his father took out on the ranch. If you can’t get ahold of Duane or Arleta in the summertime, you can bet they are at the cabin. Once the snow melts from the high country, they make frequent trips to the cabin nestled next to the pond that is fed by a natural spring in the mountains. Some of the most phenomenal experiences of Duane’s life occurred during an Outward Bound trip to the Boundary Waters in the northern US/southern Canada. They spent 22 days on the water, traveling with canoes. Wonderful, wonderful times on the water, and participation at the campsites was also significant. One night they paddled out into the middle of a large lake, using only a compass to guide them. Out in the middle of the lake – a completely dark, black night – the northern lights came out and danced before their eyes. They leaned back in their canoes and watched the amazing light playing in the sky above them. In 1993 there was a volunteer mission trip to Tegucigalpa, Honduras. There were trips to Spain. There were Audubon trips to Costa Rica and twice to Arizona. In 1996, after their sons had moved away, Duane and Arleta were ready to retire. They took a trip out to Grand Junction and decided to stay. They attended a Methodist Church for a short time, but it just didn’t seem to be in the right fit. Duane remembered the thought-provoking ideas he had shared with people from the Unitarian Universalist Church in Iowa. Duane and Arleta found the group of UU’s that was resurrecting from a previous fellowship in Grand Junction. They met some fascinating folks, so they joined and became members. They have been with this group as it has changed and grown over the years, and have (Continued on page 11)


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grown to love Unitarian Universalism. “We have attended the General Assembly (GA) of the Unitarian Universalist Association many times. One of those times, I attended a workshop by Ursula Goodenough, a cell biologist. That got me interested in her idea of Religious Naturalism. I was also able to talk with her at one of the Mountain Desert District meetings as well. Her understanding of life, its development over time, and its meaning, has come to form a good part of my belief system. Galen Guengerich gave a very interesting workshop proceeding one of the GA meetings, and he has helped my understanding of process theology. And over many years, the Tuesday evening discussions with church (UUCGV) friends have been important.” Duane tears up when talking about how much he loves our little congregation. And for over 20 years he’s put his love into action, stretching his arms out wide and embracing it in a great big bearhug. He is amazed and ever so grateful when he considers how far we have come since he joined in 1996. From a small group of 12 or so wonderfully strange folks wandering through the desert, calling themselves the Uncompahgre Unitarian Universalist Society, to sharing and renting buildings, and finally to the new wonderfully, beautifully strange UUCGV with our own magnificent building – a place to call home. Duane helped write our first bylaws. He has been involved in about every aspect of church leadership. He has volunteered at the soup kitchen for over 20 years, and for many years was the leader of the UUCGV group that cooks and serves lunch one Saturday a month. Yet, his favorite, most meaningful participation has come within the small group ministry. The UUCGV has had many small group opportunities – from the Tuesday night adult RE group to various covenant groups, chalice circles or supper circles. They are usually groups of 8 to 12 and provide a more intimate setting to get to better know our fellow members. Most of the traveling Duane and Arleta do now is up the mountain to the cabin, or to visit family. Both their sons now live in Texas, which makes it easier. Duane loves to spend time with the grandkids. He has six grandkids, two of which have his genes but that makes no difference to Duane. He enjoys just sitting in his yard, watching the birds, enjoying the natural world that is so important to the life he loves. Life goes on… in endless song… 11

Discovery Garden


The Mesa County Libraries Discovery Garden project is a series of interactive and demonstrative gardens that will provide education, food, respite, and community engagement. A variety of gardening techniques will be modeled, including xeric, raised bed, in-ground farming, pollinator, and permaculture design. The Discovery Garden is by the community and for the community! To get involved nfitzgerald@mcpld.org





Big thank you to our greeters in May! Lynn deBeauclair DuaneCarr Carmine Nugent Arleta Carr Bea Conway Steve Watson Pooka Will Harman

Treasurer Report The Stewardship Team is still working on getting everyone's pledges. We are about $20,000 short of where we were last year. It's important to our planning for the coming year to know how much money we will have. If you haven't pledged yet please fill out a pledge sheet. Every dollar is important to keep our congregation thriving. ~Steve Watson, UUCGV Treasurer

UUCGV Board Highlights Our UUCGV Board will meet again on Thursday, June 13, Don’t you love seeing that 2019 at 6:30 pm. (As a reminder, members/friends of the beautifully friendly UU face congregation are welcome to come and listen in on Board handing you the order of meetings. Also, if you have something that you would like to speak about with the Board, you can contact our Board President service each Sunday morning? Janet Cummings at janetcummings26@gmail.com, and request a Being a greeter at UUCGV is a simple way you can contribute time at the beginning of our meeting to present your topic.) to the life of the congregation. May 2019 Board Highlights On Sunday mornings, our • We spent much of the meeting discussing the proposed greeters pass out hymnals and budget for fiscal year 2019-2020. There will be a meeting the Order of Service and before the service on June 2 when the congregation can come collect and count the offering. If to discuss the budget. you’re looking for a short term • We approved a UUCGV booth at the PBS Western Colorado commitment, please sign up on Kids Fun Fest on Saturday Aug 10, 2019. the clipboard in the foyer, • We approved the proposed Leadership Slate from the or use administrator@ Leadership Development Team (pending final approval by the grandvalleyuu.org congregation at our congregational meeting on 6/2/19 after the to let the office know your service) preferred dates! • The board has received salary and benefit recommendations June Membership for our staff from the SCR (Staff Congregation Relations) team, which will mean an increase to our total staff costs due Anniversaries to committing to a higher level of benefits and hours. We Sandra Dorr, 2001 agreed that the expected surplus from the current year will Gary Poush, 2001 help to cover the increased costs, but will still result in a deficit Karin Hayes, 2002 budget of about $8400. We may appeal for additional Arlo Miller, 2009 donations to help cover this deficit at our congregational Bev Urban, 2009 meeting but feel it is time to take this important step to support Rhonda Tawzer, 2015 our valued staff members. Chris Coolidge, 2016 12

Sunday Hospitality There is more to hospitality than just food! Remember, being welcoming, making conversation and keeping seats open on the ends of the aisles are great ways to be hospitable. All are welcome to bring snacks to share with your UU friends (keep in mind, we have a lot of requests for fresh fruits and vegetables!) Don’t expect a full lunch spread each week. We now have a sign -up clip board for a weekly hospitality facilitator. This wonderful volunteer will make sure coffee is made and cleanup happens. Hospitality duties are in the upstairs kitchen and on the good ol' clipboard. Easy peasy! We appreciate all of our community help with hospitality! Thanks!

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use four balls of undied wool. All these products are available at the Natural Grocers, or online at Amazon. “ - Patricia Eble

UUCGV Children Share Their Thoughts: Some UUCGV children shared their answers to the question: "What is your favorite thing that you or your family do to help protect our Earth?" “We volunteer at the Community Garden and help Mom and Dad with the recycling.” - Tobias and Phoebe “We turn off water when brushing teeth, also remind Mom to do that.” - Jay, Jonah, and Jude “I feed my chickens” - Jay “We don’t litter! We recycle so our things can get used again.” - Emmett “Care for the rabbits and chickens and my dog. Take out the recycling” - Barrett “Take out the recycling.” - Khalil “We use the least water we can.” - Cohen

Find out how green our church is by visiting www.grandvalleyuu.org/green-team


Blessing Box

Change for Change

The Blessing Box is always in need of single serving snacks and ready to eat/non-perishable food. You can place items directly in the Blessing Box or leave them on the donation shelf in the UU foyer. Thank you for all of your support to keep the Blessing Box full! Interested in joining a team to keep the box running? If so please contact Cheryl Roberts at

Each month we collect change (coins) from the offertory baskets and donate it to a local charity. This effort usually brings in about $100/month. Our May Change went to Transcend. Transcend is an open and welcoming group for any transgender persons (pre, post, or non operative, crossdressers, intersex people, genderqueer people, those questioning their cherylroberts979@gmail.com gender expression and/or identity, and any other non-label or label gendervariant person). Blessing Tree Our June Change for Last year the care team put together the Change will go to Catholic “blessing” tree found on the front wall in the foyer. Outreach. It is designed as a way to connect those who need some specific help with those who are happy to offer that help. When a need arises the care team will create a leaf and put it on the tree. If you would like to fill the need of the leaf please take the leaf and then let Rev. Wendy by emailing minister@grandvalleyuu.org, know that you are filling the need.

Interested in Becoming a Member of Grand Valley UU? Every now and then we are asked, "How do I become a member of this congregation?" It is a fairly simple process. If you are new to Unitarian Universalism, it is recommended that you go to one of the “Who are UU?” talks that Rev. Wendy facilitates once a month after the morning service. If you decide this is for you, then you can talk to Rev. Wendy, Peg Oswald or Bill Conrod of the membership team about becoming a member. You may then sign our membership book, and you will be given a folder of information. In it there will be a time and talent survey that you fill out and return to the office. A list of all the activities going on in our church is also included. We encourage you to take part in an activity as a way to get to know us and feel a part of the congregation. You will be contacted by a member of the Membership Team and a member of the Stewardship team for a friendly visit. Also, if you would like, we have Friendly UU Ambassadors to help new members "find their way." For more information, contact Bill Conrod at 970-712-8684. or bcconrod@yahoo.com. 14

Looking for a way to make a difference? Join the Grand Valley Catholic Outreach volunteer team! Volunteers are needed for our newly renovated and expanded Outreach Day Center and our Financial Aid Program. Please call Outreach Volunteer Coordinator, Ellen Reimer at 241-3658 ext.103, or email ellen@catholicoutreach.org

for more information.

UUCGV Calendar

Worship Schedule


Worship Services are held Sundays at 10:30am June Theme: Beauty June 2: Flower Communion & New Member Sunday Potluck and Annual Meeting after


June 9: Duane Carr, Religious Naturalist - - People's Stories of Nature June 19: Rev. Wendy Jones, Father's Day, No Soul Sings Alone June 23: All Ages Service, Shari Daly-Miller’s Goodbye and Send Off June 30: Carla Ryan

Please Remember that all meetings & events MUST be scheduled through the administrator (257-0772) or administrator@grandvalleyuu.org. See full calendar, renters and all, at grandvalleyuu.org/calendar. Sunday




10:30 Worship

9:00 GJ for Peace 7:00 Social


Wednesday 29

8:00 Morning Meditation

6:00 Suicide Support

10:00 Laughter 11:00 Yoga Newsletter 5:30 UU Night Folding 6:30 Choir



7 8:00 Morning Meditation


12:00 Finance Yoga 11:00 Care Team Team 5:30 Black Canyon



10:30 Worship 11:30 Who Are UU? 12:00 Worship Team

16 Father’s Day 10:30 Worship

23 10:30 Worship 11:45 Green Team

30 10:30 Worship

7:00 Social Action Team 17



2 3 9:00 Final Budget Review 10:30 Worship 11:30 Potluck 4:00 Property 12:00 Annual Team Meeting 10

Thursday 31


10:00 Laughter

Discussion Group

6:30 TLC 7:00 Adult RE 12 13 10:00 Laughter 11:00 Yoga Peaceful Meditation

6:00 Suicide Support

Saturday 1

8 8:30 Soup Kitchen Saturday 10:00 InterPlay

14 8:00 Morning Meditation




6:30 Board




8:00 Morning Meditation

7:00 Starting Point

10:00 Laughter July/August Yoga Newsletter Deadline! 6:30 Black 6:00 Men’s Lives Matter Cooking

10:00 InterPlay 7:00 Robert’s Farewell Show

26 10:00 Laughter Yoga



General Assembly in Spokane, WA


7:00 Social Action Team 1 4:00 Property Team


6:00 Suicide Support 7:00 Starting Point 2 10:00 RE Team 12:00 Finance Team 6:30 TLC No Starting Point


27 11:00 Newsletter Folding 1:30 Aging Together (closed group) 6:30 Goddess Group


10:00 Laughter Yoga 11:00 Care Team 5:30 Black Canyon


8:00 Morning Meditation

5 8:00 Morning Meditation


Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Grand Valley P.O. Box 1053 Grand Junction, CO 81502


“Vitally Inclusive Justice-Centered Spiritually Alive”

Office is open Tuesday-Thursday 9 am-2 pm Minister: Rev. Wendy Jones Tue 9-1, Wed & Thu 9-12 or by appointment 257-0772 x2 or minister@grandvalleyuu.org Religious Education Coordinator: Shari Daly-Miller 257-0772 x3 or dre@grandvalleyuu.org Church Administrator: Maya Kraushaar Tuesday—Thursday 9-2 257-0772 x1 or administrator@grandvalleyuu.org Music Director: Amadalin Hunter music@grandvalleyuu.org

“Help us to be the always hopeful Gardeners of the spirit Who know that without darkness Nothing comes to birth As without light Nothing flowers. “

Facilities Manager: Sterling VanWagoner facilities@grandvalleyuu.org 536 Ouray Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501

~May Sarton


Find us on Facebook & Instagram @grandvalleyuu

We meet Sundays at 10:30 am for Worship

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