UUCGV News January 2020

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UUCGV NEWS Welcome to the month of

Integrity Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Grand Valley — Newsletter

January 2020

We are an affiliated congregation of the Unitarian Universalist Association and the Mountain Desert District of the UUA.

From Our Minister, Reverend Wendy Jones I used to the think the top environmental problems were biodiversity loss, ecosystem collapse and climate change. I thought that with 30 years of good science we could address those problems. But I was wrong. The top environmental problems are selfishness, greed & apathy, and to do deal with those we need a spiritual and cultural transformation - - and we scientists don’t know how to do that.


~ Gus Speth A new year. . . .

A new decade. . . .

An election year. . .

This year, 2020 is going to be one for the history books. Humanity is at a crossroads and we are being given the opportunity to decide who we are and what matters to us.

We are a Welcoming Congregation

(Continued on page 2)

In This Issue

#grandvalleyuu A Place for Liberal Spirituality Diverse Thought and Community Action

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Among Us 1-7 Children/Youth Religious Education 7-9 Social Action 10-11 Leadership 12-13 UUCGV News 14 Worship Calendar 15 Calendar 15

(Continued from page 1)

We are always given this opportunity, but this year in particular is a year when our actions matter. This is a year when we get to decide what we truly value, and will have many opportunities to put our values, and our faith into action. I believe that Gus Speth is correct in his quote above when he says “we need a spiritual and cultural transformation. . .” I strongly believe that the real issue of our time is our spiritual awakening. How are we going to be in relationship with one another? What do we value as human beings? Who do we choose to be and what do we choose to stand for in times like these? I am optimistic this year. We were blindsided a few years ago when fear, anger, resentment & racism were used with precision tactics to take power. This year we go in with eyes wide open, aware of what works and what doesn’t. Here’s what has been proven to work throughout the ages: Kindness works. Compassion works. Love works. As people of faith, this is the year when we get to be the leaders and role models in these things. I believe that love always overcomes hate, that compassion always overcomes apathy, and that kindness always gets stronger results than fear. We have work to do. Let us do it with eyes open, hearts full and compassion in full swing. 2020 here we come! ~ Rev. Wendy Jones,

Music Notes I recently learned the term musical integrity. I thought about what it could mean and what it might mean to me. WordPress.com describes musical integrity as "the idea of musicians staying true to themselves and their trade." This is an attribute that can be very difficult to uphold when society puts pressure on artists to fit a mold or dislikes things that are new because they unfamiliar. This can make branching out as an artist difficult. To make a community of openness and acceptance, I think it's important to encourage those with different talents and abilities through supporting their artistic vision! When people feel like they can express themselves as a whole, it creates a platform for bigger and better things and a safe place for artists! I feel so lucky that here within our congregation we create a safe place for artists and musicians alike to be their whole selves. Sing everyday,

~ Amandalin Hunter, UUCGV Music Director music@grandvalleyuu.org 2

Among Us Aging Gracefully: Calling all who are old as well as those who someday will be old… Duane Carr will be facilitating a wonderful new group in the new year called Aging Gracefully. This group will meet monthly on the fourth Thursday at 1:30 pm at UUCGV. The first meeting will be on January 23. As stated earlier, this group is for all who identify as “old” as well as those who someday hope to grow “old.” In other words, all are welcome! Back in the 16th century, old age was just a stage of life, a mystery, but simply the way life was. Since then, science developed, the view of the world changed dramatically, and the experience of old age changed. Instead of a spiritual mystery, old age became a problem to be solved. It seems in the modern world, it has lost much of its meaning. In our discussions I hope we will be able to bring back some of that meaning as we share together our experience of aging; the pleasures and the pains, joys and sorrows that each of us experience. We will use a book, The Oxford Book of Aging: Reflections on the Journey of Life. Each month we will read a chapter to use as the basis of our discussion. Based on what we've read, I hope we will be able to share deeply the experiences of our own lives. Please join us or for more information, email Duane Carr at duane.carr@gmail.com.

Adult Religious Education Resuming in January! Join us for four-week series about the Essenes. Nancy Alaire will be talking about these four topics:    

Yahshua - the missing years and how we might have evolved Mary Magdalene and the Nous Essenes on the Aquarian Age and the way God views us The 14 angels or forces of God as taught by Yahshua

Classes will meet weekly on Tuesday evenings from 7:00 - 8:30 pm, at the church, beginning on January 7.

Care-Full Conversations: Is this world getting you down? Are you worried about climate change, the state of our world politics, or just experiencing an unexplained sense of anxiety in general? Would you like to have a space to talk about some of these issues with like minded people in a healthy and intentional way? The Care-Team will be hosting a series of conversations this year, called Care-Full Conversations led by Rev. Wendy. Don’t sit alone at home and deal with the craziness of this world all 3 alone. Come discuss it with us on Thursday, January 23 at 10:00 am the church.

Soup Kitchen Saturday This is a reminder that Soup Kitchen Saturday is the second Saturday of every month at Catholic Outreach, located at the south end of 1st Street between Pitkin and Ute Avenues. We need your help on Saturday, January 11 from 8:30 am to 1:15 pm. We need 10-12 people from 8:30-10:30 am to help prepare and cook enough food for 150+ people. Another 7-8 people are needed from 11:45 to 1:15 pm to serve and help clean up the kitchen. Anyone with an interest in helping to prepare or serve this meal is welcome; teens included, but please let us know if you plan to volunteer this month. Please contact Chris Jauhola (chrisjauhola@aol.com; phone 703-216-6479) for more information or to volunteer. Please bring a scarf or hat to cover your hair. Many thanks to the volunteers who helped prepare and serve citrus chicken, buttered carrots and roasted potato wedges in December.

Laughter Yoga It's not really Yoga... come work out your spirit with laughter! Join us in this amazingly fun and energetic session! Every Wednesday at 10:00 am at the church.

Men’s Cooking UUCGV’s Men’s Cooking Group is the longest standing group in the church. We meet and cook the third Thursday of the month. If you’re new to the church and are male-identifying, please join the fun! The next Men’s Cooking night will have a Scottish theme and be held on Thursday, January 16, at 6:00 pm. For more info and location, contact Mark McKenney at 970-256-7907 or email mckenneyd@qwest.net 4

UUCGV Meditation Groups

Loving Kindness Meditation Metta Meditation, otherwise known as Lovingkindness meditation. Metta Meditation is a specific practice within Buddhism that cultivates an open, generous and loving heart. There is a formula of phrases to use, but once you've tried it, it becomes more second nature to you. It is said that the antidote to fear is not courage, but Love. This practice can be life changing, as well as enjoyable. We will meet January 21 at 4:30 pm at the church.

Who Are UU?

Morning Meditation Join us on Friday mornings at 9:00 am for meditation with intentional breathing with Robintix at UUCGV. Contact Robintix for more info at

Come get to know us! Do your friends or family ever ask you, “What is Unitarian Universalism?” Do you wonder what it means when we say that we are a covenantal church rather than a creedal church? Have you ever wondered if there is a difference between being a "religious liberal" versus being a "political liberal?" Rev. Wendy leads a monthly informal gathering for friends, members and guests who would like to learn more about what it means to be a Unitarian Universalist. This is an ongoing conversation, usually on the second Sunday of every month after coffee hour. All people are welcome! All questions are welcome. Join the conversation on January 12, at 11:30 at the church.

Goddess Group Peaceful Meditation We meet the second Thursday of every month at 11 am. The next “vibration raising” will be on Thursday, January 9.

Meditation & Qigong Bobbie and Boz will be offering sitting, walking, and moving meditation at our home, at 185 Bevan Lane, on Sunday, January 5 at 4:00 pm and at UU on Monday, January 6 at 4:00 pm. This is in the tradition of zen master Thich Nhat Hanh. Beginners and all are welcome.

Goddess Group will meet Thursday, January 23 at 6:30 pm. If you are a goddess who identifies as a woman, you are welcome! Feel free to bring a snack or a drink to share. This month, we will reflect on who we are, what we have explored, and what we have learned about ourselves over the last year. Then we will consider what direction we are going in the future. Please think about and feel free to share anything you are interested in exploring as a group, especially if you know where/how to obtain the materials for exploring it, such as any spiritual paths, books, healing paths, creativity... anything related to Goddess practice. We will also look at materials for continuing the course Cakes for the Queen of Heaven: On the Threshold (six weeks) and The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron as possible options." For more information contact Barbara Beth Wolf by emailing works90@hotmail.com.

Black Canyon Discussion Group The next Black Canyon Discussion will be held in the Cedaredge/Montrose area on Wednesday, January 8, at 5:30 pm. The topic will be: "What is your knowledge or experience with transgender individuals? When did you experience your sexual identity?" Contact E Heuscher at 970856-4226 for more information. 5

My Wild Calling We don’t have to wait for some grand utopian future. The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory ~ Howard Zinn The birth of a new way. The hint of a New Year’s Day. I believe I am meant to be well. I believe I am meant to be peaceful. I believe I am meant to be happy. I believe I am meant to be loved. From this day, from this moment forward, I am trying to live as a human being is meant to live. “So in this busy life of ours, how do we find presence? How can we open up the space to listen, to speak authentically, to really connect in ways that are actually in alignment with our values? Here are tools to help cultivate the quality of presence that supports this goal: 1. When emotion comes up, pause and notice it with compassion. It is natural to have feelings as a human being. Underlying emotion is something you care deeply about, a quality of life that matters to you. Take a few moments and notice what that is and allow yourself some gentle and kind space to experience the beauty of what matters to you and the feelings that are present when this value is a top priority. 2. Take a few moments each day, or even several times a day to pause and just do a simple check in for yourself. Take a few deep breaths and simply notice what sensations are present in your body. Do this with loving care for yourself. Let judgments and expectations fall away. This is a simple way of being present to your experience and yourself. It brings you into just the present moment. Simple. Notice emotions and the needs/values that inspire those emotions. Once again, with tender care for your very natural human experience. Just be here and allow for a few moments instead of moving quickly away to some strategy or thinking to make it different. Just allow and breathe. This practice will support you in being here, present in yourself, calm, aware, and compassionate. This is a wonderful starting point for deepening your ability to connect. “ -Kathy Ziola, Communication Works www.nvctrainingsource.com Kathy@nvctrainingsource.com 970-216-8597 I am sitting in my living room, in my favorite chair. I open my eyes and see, through the window into the neighbor’s yard, a tree. It is a large Ponderosa Pine, and my longtime friend. It stands with such beauty, reaches so gracefully into sky! My friend is now dancing, is really getting into it, getting down to beat the band, for today the wind is strong. The harder the wind blows, the more the Ponderosa shimmies and sways, in perfect timing with the wind. Friend, show me the way into my wild calling. Help me to connect with my true nature, with the nature of the world. What is the path to being truly well? What is the path to being truly peaceful? What is the path to being truly happy? What is the path to being truly loved? ~ Monte High, UUCGV Member 6


Children’s Religious Education Integrate RE into Your Life This month we will be exploring what it means to be a people of integrity. We will delve into this theme in our three classes (preK - 1st grade, 2nd - 5th grade, and 6th - 8th grade) through art, games, music, service projects, and stories. See below for a brief description of each Sunday’s themes. If you have a high schooler who has previously considered themselves too cool for church school, ask them if they are interested in being a Teen Assistant and helping the teachers downstairs with the littler kids. Remember, it’s never too late to teach! Please contact dre@grandvalleyuu.org if you are interested in working with our amazing children and youth, or to register your own children for RE.

Walking the Talk Sunday, January 5 Audrey helps us walk the talk by teaching us how to replant old potatoes. Even though they are wrinkly and sprouted, they can give life to new food in the spring!

Finding Your Inner Voice Sunday, January 12 Learn that we always have a part inside of us that is quietly watching, and that knows right from wrong and can guide us if we listen. Practice listening to your inner voice. The Integrity of “We” Sunday, January 19 Explore the ways in which we feel most ourselves by being a part of the group and working for the greater good. Together we will begin the 30 Days of Love challenge leading up to Valentine’s Day.

Finding Your Courage Sunday, January 26 Explore the feeling of standing firm. Being true to yourself takes courage. It brings deep inner joy which can be shared. Having the courage to be true to yourself helps others find the same courage.

UUCGV Childcare: Childcare for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers is provided during Worship on Sunday mornings from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm and during UU Night on Wednesdays, from 5:30 –7:30 pm. Childcare is provided by Robintix Perryman. 8


Other Important Dates Parents’ Night Out Friday, January 17, 5:30pm-8:30pm All children and youth are invited to our monthly Parents’ Night Out! Come to UUCGV for dinner, a movie with popcorn, and games while your grown-ups take the night off. This month we will have a mac and cheese dinner and watch Mary Poppins. $10/child with a $20 family cap.

UU Family Bowling Monday, January 20, 5:00pm Come one, come all to the Freeway Bowl Fun Center for a night of friends and games. Games are $1/ person, shoe rentals available. Food and arcade are also on site. We hope to see you at the alley!

RE Team Meeting Tuesday, January 21, 5:00pm Join the team! We meet the third Tuesday of the month at 6:00 pm unless otherwise noted. All meetings will take place at UUCGV. RE teachers invited. Teen advisers welcome. All members and parents who have ideas or input for the program are encouraged to attend.

Our Whole Lives (OWL) Training Friday, Feb. 21 - Sunday, Feb. 23 Our Whole Lives is a comprehensive sexuality education curriculum that helps participants make informed and responsible decisions about their sexual health and behavior. We will be offering facilitator training in the 7th-9th grade and 10th-12th grade programs this winter. Registration fees and curricula materials are waived for UUCGV members and friends courtesy of the 2019 Paddle Auction. If you are interested in becoming a trained teacher for this vital program, please contact dre@grandvalleyuu.org for more details. 9


Social Action Opportunities Proclamation of Inclusivity Last February the Grand Junction City Council passed a Proclamation of Inclusivity. This was a big deal, as Grand Junction took the step of formally declaring that we are a city that values ALL of our community. The physical document travelled throughout the year where it could be displayed. The proclamation started out it’s journey at Charlie Dwelington’s, being hosted by Black Lives Matter. They handed it off to us, UUCGV. We then passed it on to our Muslim neighbors, Two Rivers Mosque, who then gave it to the Center for Spiritual Living. From there it traveled to Shepherd of the Valley, Lutheran Church, and then on to Grand Valley Peace and Justice. It is currently being displayed at the Orh Shalom Synagogue. This February we hope that the GJ City Council will once again renew the proclamation with some modifications, which will make it even more inclusive. The week before the City Council is set to renew the proclamation, the Together Colorado Faith Leaders Table is organizing a community event entitled Living Into Our Inclusivity Proclamation - - Reopening Our Hearts to Compassion. UUCGV is honored to be hosting this event in our space. At this event we intend to enter into conversation with one another about how we as a GJ community are living into the proclamation though our actions. Please mark February 11, 2020 from 6:30 - 8:30 pm on your calendars. This will be an opportunity for us to put our faith in to practice as we invite our City Council and other community leaders to enter into this very important dialogue with us.



New Year & New Blessings

2019-20 Leadership

This winter has already been a


cold one! The generosity of the people who have been contributing to the Blessing Box, has fed & clothed so many people. In the past we have had extra food stored at the church, but those shelves are running very low. We are in need of people to bring extra food. Please feel free to drop it off at the church. If you would like to make a financial contribution to that, there is a donation folder on the side of the storage shelf in the church foyer. You can also leave an envelope in the mailbox or the Sunday Worship

President Elizabeth High Vice President Laurel Carpenter Past President Janet Cummings Treasurer Steve Watson At-Large Duane Carr At-Large Richard Hyland At-Large Herb Feinzig At-Large Abbey Leinbach

offerings basket. Thank you so much for helping us continue to provide for our local community's needs.

UU Night Resumes After the Holiday Break!

Leadership Development Team (LDT) Stan Scott Melissa Humphrey Robin Cyr

Happy New Year! Come spend relaxed time with new friends, enjoy great food, and get to know your UUCGV community in a new way! Our weekly Wednesday UU Night will resume following the holiday break beginning on January 8. Join us for a warm soup potluck on the 8th. Future meal plans are announced in the UUCGV Wednesday weekly email. Email administrator@grandvalleyuu.org for further details. If you would like to financially support UU Night, City Market gift cards or cash donations are welcome throughout the week. Please feel free to drop them off in the office. All are welcome on Wednesday nights starting at

Team Leadership Circle (TLC) Worship Robin Cyr Religious Education (RE) Jan Hyland Membership Bill Conrod Celebrations Kathleen Hedlund Celebrations Mary Delbecq Care Laura Jeffries Honorary Member Green Team Audrey Brainard

5:30 pm. 12

Living Into Leadership Board Highlights

TLC Highlights

The Board's primary responsibility is to carry out the UUCGV mission through wise governance of the physical, financial, administrative program, and operational resources of the Congregation.

TLC maintains the Programs of the church and the church calendar and hold on close to the Mission, Vision, and Principles of UUCGV. TLC communicates with each other and the board about the day-to-day operations of the church and provide support to the teams if they need it. TLC meets the second Thursday of the month at noon. The TLC met on Thursday, December 12, 2019. The following was discussed at the meeting. TLC will meet again on Thursday, January 9, 2020 at 12:00 pm

Below are the highlights of the Board meeting held on December 12, 2019. Our UUCGV Board will meet again on January 9, 2020 at 7:00 pm. We welcome and seek direct dialogue with members and friends of our congregation. If you would like to discuss a matter at the Board meeting, please contact Board President Elizabeth High at elizabethahigh3@gmail.com by January 3, 2020

Email tlc@grandvalleyuu.org for questions and comments.

The Town Hall and Cottage Meeting. will be on January 26th.

OWL facilitator training will be taking place in February.

Financially the congregation is in a healthy place.

Congregation will be hosting a community conversation about the inclusivity proclamation in February.

The board is hoping to begin a conversation about a 10 year vision for the congregation.

Robin Cyr is the new head of worship.

Green team is looking into hosting a film series in the upcoming months.

Vi si o n 2 0 30! Join us on January 26, 2020 from 12:15 pm - 1:45 pm for a “Vision 2030” Town Hall and Cottage Meeting. The meeting will follow that Sunday's service and a potluck lunch. The information collected at the meeting will be used over the course of Spring 2020 to craft a Vision 2030 Statement that we will vote on during our congregational meeting in June. 13

Sunday Hospitality The Worship Team would like to invite our members and friends to bring snacks and goodies to share after the service on Sundays. We have many requests for healthy items like fruits and veggies but cookies and cakes are always welcome too! Since we do not have a signup sheet for Sunday Hospitality, sometimes we won’t have anything. And that is ok! We all enjoy “just” coffee, tea and conversation too!

Interested in Becoming a Member of Grand Valley UU? Every now and then we are asked, "How do I become a member of this congregation?" It is a fairly simple process. If you are new to Unitarian Universalism, it is recommended that you go to one of the “Who are UU?” talks that Rev. Wendy facilitates once a month after the morning service. (see page 4 for more info). If you decide this is for you, then you can talk to Rev. Wendy (minister@grandvalleyuu.org), Peg Oswald (pegoswaldo@gmail.com) or Bill Conrod of the membership team about becoming a member. For more information, contact Bill Conrod at 970-712-8684 or bcconrod@yahoo.com.

Big thank you to our greeters in December! Lynn deBeauclair, Chris Coolidge, Bill Conrod, Duane Carr, Will Harman, and Pooka. Don’t you love seeing that beautifully friendly UU face handing you the order of service each Sunday morning? Being a greeter at UUCGV is a simple way you can contribute to the life of the congregation. If you’re looking for a short term commitment, please sign up on the clipboard in the foyer, or email administrator@grandvalleyuu.org. 14

Change for Change Each month we collect change (coins) from the offertory baskets and donate it to a local charity. This effort usually brings in about $100/ month. Our December Change for Change went to the Loma Cat House. Their mission is to rescue, provide medical attention and find homes for feral and abandoned felines. Our January Change for change will go to Hope West Hospice, providing 25 years of care for our friends and neighbors across the Western Slope. Created through a community-wide vision, founders recognized the need for comprehensive, expert and collaborative care for those facing serious illness and grief. HopeWest is a nonprofit, 501 ( c )( 3 ) organization serving western Colorado in Mesa, Delta, Montrose, Ouray and Rio Blanco counties.

Worship Schedule

UUCGV Calendar

Worship Services are held Sundays at 10:30 am



January 12: The Three"I"s of Spirituality: Inspiration, Intuition, & Intellect

January Theme: Integrity Sermons by Rev. Wendy Jones

January 19: Sacred Activism: Prophetic Words in Prophetic Times

January 5: Integration, Integrity, & Involvement

January 26: Looking Back, Moving Forward: A Ten Year Vision

Please Remember that all meetings & events MUST be scheduled through the administrator (257-0772) or administrator@grandvalleyuu.org. See full calendar, renters and all, at grandvalleyuu.org/calendar. Sunday 29

Monday 30

Tuesday 31

Wednesday 1

Thursday 2

Happy New Year!

10:30 Worship


4:00 4:00 Meditation Meditation & Qigong at & Qigong at 185 Bevan Ln. 536 Ouray Ave. 12 10:30 Worship


11:30 Who Are UU?

19 10:30 Worship 12:00 Worship Team

20 February Newsletter Deadline 5:00 UU Family Bowling

26 10:30 Worship 11:45 Potluck 12:15 Town Hall



8 10:00 Laughter Yoga


Saturday 4

9:00 Morning Meditation

Office Closed

5 10:30 Worship


9 11:00 Peaceful Meditation

10 9:00 Morning Meditation

11 8:30 UU Serves at the Soup Kitchen

5:30 Black 12:00 TLC Canyon 7:00 Adult RE 5:30 UU Night 7:00 Board 6:30 Adult Choir Meeting 14 15 16 12:00 Finance 10:00 Laughter Team Yoga

17 9:00 Morning Meditation


6:00 Suicide Support 7:00 Adult RE

5:00 Parents’ Night Out

7:00 Adult RE

5:30 UU Night 6:00 Men’s 6:30 Adult Choir Cooking (off site) 22 23 10:00 Laughter 10:00 Care-Full Yoga Conversations 1:30 Aging Gracefully 5:30 UU Night 6:30 Goddess 6:30 Adult Choir Group



21 4:30 Loving Kindness Meditation 5:00 RE Team


10:00 Laughter Yoga 6:00 Suicide Support 7:00 Adult RE

5:30 UU Night 6:30 Adult Choir




9:00 Morning Meditation

31 9:00 Morning Meditation


Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Grand Valley P.O. Box 1053 Grand Junction, CO 81502


“Vitally Inclusive Justice-Centered Spiritually Alive”

Office is open Tuesday-Thursday 9 am-2 pm Minister: Rev. Wendy Jones Tue 9-1, Wed & Thu 9-12 or by appointment 257-0772 x2 or minister@grandvalleyuu.org Church Administrator: Maya Kraushaar Tuesday—Thursday 9-2 257-0772 x1 or administrator@grandvalleyuu.org Director of Religious Education: Chelsea Craine 257-0772 x3 or dre@grandvalleyuu.org Music Director: Amadalin Hunter music@grandvalleyuu.org Facilities Manager: Sterling VanWagoner facilities@grandvalleyuu.org

“The foundation stones for a balanced success are honesty, character, integrity, faith, love and loyalty.” ~ Zig Ziglar

www.grandvalleyuu.org Find us on Facebook & Instagram @grandvalleyuu

We meet Sundays at 10:30 am for Worship

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