Circuit Lab Social Story

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I'm going to Circuit and Coding Lab!

Circuit Lab and Coding will be at the Lexington Community Center.

We will be making different projects each day. I might even get to take a project home to complete!

When I am there, I will see Daniel. I can tell him if i need a break, help or anything else.

There will also be an instructor named Bill. He will explain the projects and help me if I have questions.

This week, we will make things like mazes, electric cards, games, coding and more!

When I arrive, the teacher will talk to us about our first project.

After the morning discussion, we will begin to build our first project. I can get creative and make it awesome!

After some creative time, we will have a snack break. We will also talk about our second project!

Then we will make our second circuit project of the day. After we do our second project, it will be time for lunch!

After lunch, the teacher will talk to us about coding! We will get to work on two coding projects in the afternoons.

There will be an afternoon snack break in between coding projects.

After we have completed the second coding project, it will be time to go home!

I will remember if I need help building my project, get frustrated or need a break I will tell Daniel or the instructor.

It is okay if I mess up or do not know something because I am learning!

Sometimes I will work on a project in a group with other kids. I will make sure to share and listen to their ideas.

I will remember to be kind to myself and others, use my listening ears, and follow the directions and rules.

I will do a great job!

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