HealthSpectra Magazine June 2019

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JUNE 2019






HERGAMUT All about her..

Hergamut is all about providing valid information about women and works to spread happiness in women and guide them in various tasks through informative and interesting articles.




Editor Note With another month, we are elated to bring forth yet another edition of the HealthSpectra magazine. For this month, we have culminated a variety of topics to peek your interest. We are breaking the walls of understanding whether heavy blankets are effective in soothing the symptoms of anxiety and panic attacks as our cover story. We have covered some of the latest medical breakthroughs and walked you through some of the amazing insights regarding the impact of intermittent fasting on Type-II diabetes treatment. Not just that, you can beat the heat with the combination of jowar pancakes with curd mint chutney. If you have an overwhelming urge of knowing more about the beauty, we have got that covered for you in this. This edition brings forth a mixture of topics and we hope it comes in handy for you to gain and enrich your existing knowledge. Make sure to leave some feedback so we can bring forth better changes in the next one.

Special thanks to contributors, our advertisers and readers for making this magazine possible. PUBLICATION BROUGHT TO YOU BY Wishesh Digital Media Pvt. Ltd.


CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Somapika, Soumya, Lopa, Ramya, Neha


Special thanks to contributors, our advertisers and readers for making this magazine possible.


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The information hereby is given to educate you about the subject. Get in touch with your physician in case you want to make use of 3any of the article contents. Please note that no liabilities can be charged on the author, magazine, site operator and site owners.


Contents 06

06 HEALTH Ways To Revitalize Your Metabolism Try Them All!

12 BEAUTY Quick Fix Treatment To Fix Cracked Heels

18 WOMEN HEALTH Women Beware! Working over 9 Hours a Day Can Lead to Depression




Clinging To A Hobby Aids Weight Loss Beatable?

24 COVER STORY Heavy Blanket Diminishes Anxiety And Sleep Concerns What’s The Tie-In?

28 DIABETES Symptoms Of Type 1 and Type 2 Know The Fact About It


Revive our Stamina 5 Plyometrics Exercises To Try!

40 NUTRITION & DIET Health Benefits Of Adding Dates And Milk To Your Diet!




Ultimate Mantras To Make The Most Of Life


Fallacy About Homeopathy Good To Know!




VO L 1 | I S S UE 6


JUNE 2019


98 Million Indians Will Have Diabetes by 2030: Study


Being In LoVE! Is It A Phenomenon Or A Theory?


Men’s Beards Might Be Dirtier Than Your Dog, Study Finds



Boost Fiber In Your Body With Jowar Pancakes And Curd Mint Chutney!


5 Effective Yoga Exercise To Gain Weight



Everyday Hygiene Tips For Your Home Start It Today!


Sharpen Emotional Intelligence For A Sound Mind And Body!




Surmount The Pain Of Stomach Ulcers This Way!



Ways To Revitalize Your




Only You Can Make A Difference And Work Towards Boosting Metabolism Metabolism has its relevance in the body, the way rate of metabolism differs from body to body, for few it naturally works well while few have to make an effort to make it work well. Talking of relevance, your body has to have a good metabolic rate in order to save yourself from falling sick often. Metabolism has its relevance in the body, the way rate of metabolism differs from body to body, for few it naturally works well while few have to make an effort to make it work well. Talking of relevance, your body has to have a good metabolic rate in order to save yourself from falling sick often.




What Is Metabolism? For a vehicle to run well, it needs fuel and frequent servicing. Isn’t it? same goes with metabolism as well, metabolism is not a direct fuel to the body but it is a support system to ensure that the body’s fuel(food) is giving the desired output to the body. Eating the right food, exercising and living a healthy lifestyle is one part of the story. That being said, the next part of the story is when metabolism comes into the picture. Metabolism acts as a middle man of passing on the nutrients from the food to the body so that your body is capable enough to function well. In short, your body has the right metabolism if you are able to get rid of waste and retain what is vital for the body. Your body’s metabolism is gauged based on the metabolic rate, metabolic rate is nothing but the process of how all the calories burn away from your body. To further understand how to improve metabolism it is necessary to know what are the factors that affect metabolism. Take a look!



What Are The Factors Affecting Metabolism? The mentioned below factors affect metabolism, if any one of these factors is imbalanced there are chances that your metabolism will be affected. Take a look!

1. AGE


Age is a factor because the level of energy in the body is different when the body is young and when it is old.

It is believed that people who are healthier in body size have better metabolism than those with a smaller body because there is a difference in the size of the organs and the way the fluid is managed in the body.

2. CLIMATE It is believed that the body’s metabolism in a person who lives in a warm city is better than the person who lives in a cold city, this is because with heat your body gets even more capable in burning all calories as well as enables other body functions better.

3. BODY COMPOSITION Our body comprises of fat tissues and lean muscle mass. It is said that your body has a higher metabolism if your muscle mass is better than fat tissue, this is because the fat tissues bring down your metabolism. Higher the metabolism, faster the calories burn down in your body.

6. HORMONES All the hormones in the body must function well otherwise it can affect the metabolic rate, any imbalance will disturb metabolism.

FINAL WORD In order to take care of every factor that affects metabolism, it is essential to do the right things to keep the body’s metabolism in place or at least not let the metabolism stoop down.

4. GENDER Usually, the metabolic rate in women is lower when compared to men, which is why women put on weight faster than men. This factor certainly has relevance.



Ways To Boost Metabolism Factors such as genes, age, gender and body size are something that is beyond your control, what is in your control is what you are doing with your body and that implies how you work on burning the calories in your body by doing the right activities.

Way No 1 - Focus On Building Muscles

your body. Try to benefit from workouts by increasing the strength in your body.

You need to know that the muscles in your body work in such a way that they have the natural ability to burn all your calories just by doing nothing, which means the more muscles you have the faster your calories burn.

Way No 3 - Stay Super Hydrated

When you look at fats, the fat tissues do not have the same kind of ability to burn down the calories in your body just the way muscles have. Muscle mass wins so to work on muscles you can do the following things : Start with lifting weights Add proteins to your diet Do squats, lunges, and planks

This means that you need to keep your body hydrated every now and then, drinking lots of water can help in improving metabolism. It has been studied that a person who drinks more water is likely to burn better no of calories. If you are drinking just two liters of water, start to drink 4 liters and boost your metabolism. This is a simple method to boost metabolism. Drink water half an hour before you eat your meals, do not drink water immediately after you eat. See to it that you do not hydrate yourself with sugary drinks, that can add to the calories in your body. Have liquids that have no sugar or less sugar. When you drink fruit juices, do not add sugar to it.

Way No 2 - Add A Workout To Your Day

Way No 4 - Get Tricky With Eating

Walking, running, cycling and jogging can help in improving the stamina in your body. These exercises may straight away not build on your muscles but they will give you the strength and improve the condition of

Your body is likely to put on less weight when you eat small meals after every 2 hours rather than eating heavy meals all at once. That being said, if you want to improve your metabolism and not put on



too much weight then you should eat right and on time. Do not overload yourself with heavy meals. This way the rate at which your calories burn is faster.

Way No 5 - Spice Up Your Meals With Spices This is not a major way of making your metabolic rate better. However, it is believed that if you add a little of chilies and pepper to your meals it will increase your metabolism. It is any day nice to spice up your dishes with strong spices, isn’t it? Why not do it if that is going to do you good.

Way No 6 - Be On Your Toes To be on your toes means you must try and stand often so that you do not get lazy and your body gets capable of burning more calories. Having said, sitting for too long can make you put on weight and it is bad for health. Whenever you are at work, make sure that you get up from your place every 45 minutes for at least 2 minutes, move around and then get back on your seat. This way you are going to burn fewer calories as well.

Way No 7 - Add These Foods To Your Diet There are nutrients in certain foods and upon eating them your metabolism is sure to increase and get better. Take a look at some of them Drinking oolong or green tea can help in boosting your metabolism as they help in burning all the stored fats in the body


You can sort to drinking coffee at least once a day because your metabolism increases while your fats get burnt and caffeine if had in the right quantity it helps in keeping your body active. If you want your metabolism to be good, it is necessary that you work on maintaining the medium fatty acids. One of the ways of increasing your metabolism through medium fatty acids is by changing the oil you use for cooking, use coconut oil in your food instead of cooking oil. This will help in keeping your metabolism good. You will need to add fiber and amino acids to your diet which means you can add sufficient pulses and legumes in your diet. Having looked at the different foods you can add them to your diet and not step back in boosting your metabolism.

Way No 8 - Sleep Is Wonderful The root cause for every problem is either because of lack of sleep, lack of water or food. Every activity has a co-relation. Having said, you must sleep well if you do not want your metabolism to get affected. When you sleep, one of the processes of metabolism takes place only when the body gets enough rest. If you disturb the process by not sleeping well, it is sure to have an impact on your body.

In the end, you must be aware that you cannot let your metabolism get affected because of your eating or sleeping habits. You should religiously follow these tips and always take care of the metabolic rate in your body. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2019


Quick Fix Treatment To Fix Cracked Heels



When you hit the bed after a tough day at work and while relaxing you happen to join your feet and to your surprise, you end up feeling a patch of hard and dry flaky skin on your heels and then you are in a blue funk because you notice the cracks on your heels. Has something of this sort happened to you?


If yes, then stay at ease because it is common for this to happen with everyone and it is more frequent in case of women. The other name to cracked heel is known as keratoderma. There are several reasons as to why the heels get cracked, to make a mention of them. Here are a few of the reasons for a person to have cracked feet Incorrect footwear Keeping the heels unclean Disease such as eczema The skin getting thickened at the heels Skin getting dry on the heels As these could be some of the reasons for a person to experience cracked heels, one can still stay eased out and not worry about it because there are several ways to treat this condition by following some basic hygiene tips and trying home remedies to cater to turning your flaked heels to soft and moisturized heels. Take a look at these tips



Ways To Treat Cracked Heels 1 - SOAK YOUR FEET


Every night before you go to bed, wash your feet with lukewarm water or you can even soak your feet in it for a few minutes without forgetting.

Ensure to wear footwear even when you are at home, do not be a bare foot too much because that gives access for dirt to settle down on your heels.


Note: You can do the moisturizing process once before you wake up and before you go to bed at night. It will keep your heels good. 5 - WRAP A LIQUID BANDAGE

Once you are done soaking your feet, apply a nice cleanser all around you’re sole and with the help of a pumice stone, gently scrub your sole and then move forward to scrubbing your cracked heels. Do not be too harsh while you scrub your heels. Be as gentle as you can. 3 - DRY YOUR HEELS Pat dry your legs with a soft towel and apply a moisturizer on the cracked heels. Wear socks to cover your feet if you wish to.


You can wrap around a liquid bandage on your cracked heels because these help in protecting the extra damaged cracked heels, you do not have to be bothered about how well would it stay, as it has the capacity on staying on your heels. You would notice a change in your heels after a week but before you go ahead take an opinion from the doctor and then move forward.


Home Remedies For Cracked Heels There are certain home ingredients that are rich in antioxidants, they have antiseptic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that help the skin fight against all the possible infections that could cause harm to your heels. Therefore, you need these effective ingredients to heal all the cracks on your heels, take a look at them. Petroleum Jelly + Lemon Juice

Apple Cider Vinegar + Honey + Rice Flour

You would see a drastic change in your heels within a week if you mix lemon juice and petroleum jelly. WHAT TO DO :


The fissures on your heels will get healed when you apply this mixture. Try and see how it helps your heels. WHAT TO DO :

Soak your feet in warm water for about half an hour

Soak your feet in warm water for about half an hour

Squeeze about half a lemon and to that juice add 2 tbsps of petroleum jelly. Stir both of them well

Take 3 tbsp of honey, 3 tbsp of rice flour and 3 tbsp of apple cider vinegar. Mix all of these together

Now apply this mixture to the affected areas on your heels and leave it for about an hour and then rinse it off

Apply this mixture to the affected areas, leave it on your heels for about half an hour and then rinse it off with cold water.

Note: if you wish to you can also leave this on your heels overnight by protecting your feet with a pair of socks.

Note: if you wish to you can also leave this on your heels overnight by protecting your feet with a pair of socks.

Try this procedure every night before you go to bed.

Try this procedure every night before you go to bed


BEAUTY Honey + Warm Water

Olive Oil/Almond Oil/ Coconut Oil

Honey is a great skin toner as well as its antimicrobial properties will help in smoothening all the cracks on your heels.

Applying olive oil on your cracked feet is going to do good to your skin by making it soft and at the same time, it is going to improve your blood circulation.

WHAT TO DO : When you want to use just honey on your feet, you need not apply it directly, you would have to mix about 1 tbsp of honey in water and soak your legs for about twenty minutes. Wash you heels with a mild cleanser and pat dry your heels Try this method once a day.

Avocado + Banana Avocado and banana are effective to heal the dry skin on your heels because of the presence of oleic acid in avocado and potassium in a banana. These properties in the two make it a workable footmask to heal all the cracks. WHAT TO DO : You will need to mash 1/2 banana and 1/2 avocado Wash your heels and dry them before you apply this paste on your sole Use your fingers to apply this paste on your sole. Massage this paste on your heels in circular motions for about 5 minutes. Leave it for twenty minutes and then rinse it with cold water WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2019

WHAT TO DO : Clean your heels well before you apply the oil Take about 5-6 drops of olive oil in your palm and apply it on your heels. Massage it for a few minutes in circular motions Let the oil remain overnight with your leg covered with a pair of socks Note: you can try this method with coconut and almond oil too. It is all your choice, all of them are equally beneficial. Try this every night and gradually you will notice a change in the condition of your heels All in all, the cracks on your heels get healed when you try one of these or all of these remedies. If you think that the cracks are too severe then do not take any risk, get it checked by your doctor. Cracks in the heels look and feel really bad, if you do not want cracks to build on your heels then you should keep your foot clean every day, it requires maintenance for a long time and you cannot expect your heels to be clean if you are not scrubbing it with a pubic stone, moisturizing it and keeping it covered. TAKE EQUAL CARE OF YOUR HEELS TO AVOID CRACKS! 16 ALL ABOUT PETS & PETCARE







Women Beware! Working over 9 Hours a Day Can Lead to Depression WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2019


If you are a working woman and devote more than nine hours a day working fingers to the bone then you might have a higher risk of depression, according to a study. Women who work extra long hours, more than 55 hours a week, are vulnerable to have 7.3 percent more depressive symptoms than women working a standard 35-40 hours a week. However, the same was not the case in men, the study found.

linked to higher levels of depression,” Weston said. For the study, published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, the team has surveyed 12,188 working women and 11,215 working men. The study also showed working on weekends was linked to a higher risk of depression among both men (3.4 percent) and women (4.6 percent). Two-thirds of men worked on weekends compared with half of the women. Those who worked all or most weekends were more probable to be in low-skilled jobs and were less satisfied with their job and earnings than those who only worked on weekdays or some weekends. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), depression is the leading cause of ill health and disability worldwide. More than 300 million people are living with depression with an increase of more than 18 percent between 2005 and 2015. The depression rate in India in 2016-17 was 36 percent.

“This is an observational study. Although we cannot establish the exact causes, we do know many women face the additional burden of doing a larger share of domestic labor than men, leading to extensive total work hours, added time pressures and overwhelming responsibilities,” said lead researcher Gill Weston, a postdoctoral student at the University College London. “Additionally, women who work most weekends tend to be concentrated in lowpaid service sector jobs, which have been 19

“We hope our findings will encourage employers and policy-makers to think about how to reduce the burdens and increase support for women who work long or irregular hours - without restricting their ability to work when they wish to,” Weston said. “More sympathetic working practices could bring benefits both for workers and for employers of both sexes,” she suggested. Besides, a poll by the Thomson Reuters Foundation finds that work-life balance and the gender pay gap are the critical concerns for women in the leading economies of the developed world. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2019


Flatten The FATS With A Fun And Engaging Hobby!

Clinging To A Hobby Aids

Weight Loss - Beatable? WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2019


Hobbies are full of the joys of spring to keep us engaged. The question here is how do these hobbies have a significance in weight loss? Having said, each one should be conscious about their weight not just because one needs to look like Tom Cruise or Princess Diana. But it is important in order to live a disease free life. Further, you would just be aware that a hobby keeps you mentally engaged and happy. You even need to know that it has a bright side of directly or indirectly contributing to weight loss, there are psychological and physical viewpoints to this.

Physical View Point

It is interesting to see how everything that we do, feel and think has a direct link with our health. Our health can get hampered at the same time improve based on how we take care of our physical and mental health. 21

You have constant physical movement when you cling on to a hobby. One way to look at it is if you join a class, choosing to walk up to that place or maybe stopping by halfway and walking it up till the place would give you physical activity and you will lose on certain pounds. If you do not have a hobby and you intend to get into one then you should try hobbies such as dancing, cooking, hiking, gardening, and cycling. There are many more you can explore. When you invest at least 30 minutes from your schedule you will get to lose out on tons of calories. Try it and just see how it works. This is one of the direct ways of losing weight.



Psychological View Point Do you think there would be any impact on your weight if your mind is controlled and is at ease? No there would never be any hindrance to your weight or mental health for that matter. On the other hand, if your mind is not at ease, then you get stressed and if you get stressed the stress hormone cortisol is excessively produced which will, in turn, cause instability in your appetite and push you to crave for more food. Thus, to keep your mind peaceful and not feel stressed, choosing on a hobby would help. There is another way of looking at this, when you are bored you may want to hog on some junk and the same way if you are busy learning and practicing a hobby you would never get bored and feel the need to munch on junk which will in a way help you stay healthy and keep you away from getting obese, true or not? Many such psychological factors contribute to your health. To sum it up, no matter how old you keep your mind and body active and running so that no hormones get imbalanced and keep triggering problems in your body that will make you put on weight or stay unhealthy. Looking at it further, when you practice a hobby you are developing the emotion of being happy. Whereas, if you do not have something nice and positive to hold on to your mind might be in a depressed state throughout. Studies have proved that a depressed state of mind is closely tied to


weight gain. A piece of scientific evidence as per Jama Psychiatry says that a person who is depressed has an increased risk of becoming obese and vice-versa. To make a checklist of all the points in a nutshell, practising a hobby definitely helps you lose weight because you gain good physical health out of a hobby, you fill your heart with immense happiness through a hobby and you get over the habits of munching on junk because your mind is at ease and is in control. It is amazing and interesting how an entertaining hobby aids weight loss.

A peaceful and engaged mind is the biggest add on to your physical health! 22

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| JUNE 2019


Heavy Blanket Diminishes Anxiety And Sleep Concerns What’s The Tie-In? Surprisingly, a heavyweighted blanket does it all! Relieves one from a state of angst and sleepiness.



Pressure on the mind for several situations that we come across round the clock is the main root cause for major angst. While each of us goes through stress it is essential that we find an outlet to get de-stressed. That being said, not everyone finds a means that can pave way for a destressed and peaceful mind. Therefore, find that one way that can help you relive all the anxiety you are going through. It often happens that some people who find it difficult to manage anxiety, struggle to get a good night sleep. Having said, it is noted and studied that being anxious takes a toll on a person’s sleep, a lot of

: Nervous System Calming Down


people find it tough to sleep or they wither wake up several times during the night. However, science has understood a new method to help all those with anxiety and sleep concerns. Did you ever imagine that a heavy blanket can help in reducing anxiety? To further explain, here the heavy blanks refer to those blankets that are made of polypropylene plastic pellets and weigh more than 10 pounds acts as a therapy for those kids and adults who have problems like autism, insomnia, and anxiety to put them to sleep.

: Heavy Blankets Effect On Hormones

Study No 1

Study No 2

The concept of weighted blankets diminishing stress is logical because when the blanket is on the body, it presses against the body and pushes the body down. Now, this pushes away your anxiety by calming down the rate of your heartbeat, the heart beats slow down. There are studies done and it is proved that children who are autistic have got a hold on their hyper state of mind with heavy blankets.

The marvelous benefit of a heavy blankets touch on your body makes one hormone direct a message to the neurotransmitters and then they work their way out in helping reduce stress. Having said, the hormone named cortisol that is delegated to keep the stress levels in control communicates with the serotonin and dopamine when the body is being pressed by a weighted blanket. Serotonin and dopamine work on this signal sent by the cortisol and this leads to the mind calming down, all the anxiety and sleep issues go away. This two way interlink between cortisol and serotonin and dopamine helps the mind get rid of stress and eases the mind in order for one to fall asleep.



Study No 3 : Circadian Rythm

Have you heard of a circadian rhythm? It is one kind of a mechanism in the brain that goes on throughout and it is linked to a person’s active and sleepy state of mind. Further, this comes into the picture when a heavy blanket comes over your body, the circadian rhythm is stabilized and if this background of the sleepy state and active state of mind comes in control, this, in turn, co-ordinates with the cortisol as well.

What do you think would happen? when the stress controlling hormone and the circadian rhythm are connected, it is but natural that all there will be no room for anxiety and stress. It will all be sorted out will get sorted. This was tested and studied among a group of people and in their opinion about 78 percent of the crowd felt that sleeping with a heavy blanket helped in solving all their anxiety and sleep problems.

Conclusion Having understood the significance of heavy blankets it is essential to know that a heavy blanket has a disadvantage that it cannot be used by people who are going through heart issues, the ones who have respiratory issues, babies who are less than a year old and women who have their chums as it can have an unfavourable effect on their body.


Just in case you want to try a

different remedy for treating your anxiety and sleep concerns, simply use a heavy blanket and get rid of it as soon as possible.





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| JUNE 2019


Diabetes Symptoms Of Type 1 and Type 2 Know The Fact About It



In today’s world diabetes is one of the common issues that most people are facing in day to day life. Well, this is not a matter of worry in the current issue, but still, as it is said prevention is better than cure. So you should aware of the things that you don’t know about diabetes. Well in this article you will get a fair bit of idea the diabetes symptoms and what is all about type 1 and type 2 diabetes symptoms and more information and details.

What Is Diabetes?

Diabetes is one form of metabolic diseases that are cauterized by high blood sugar(glucose)levels that resulted from defects in the insulin secretion or its action or both. Diabetes mellitus is commonly referred to as diabetes. Normally, blood glucose levels are tightly controlled by insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas. Insulin lowers the blood glucose level. When the blood glucose elevates and the insulin is released from the pancreas to normalize the glucose level by promoting the uptake of glucose into body cells. The diabetes, is all about the absence of insufficient production of or lack of response to insulin causes hyperglycemia. Diabetes is more over a chronic medical condition, that although it can be controlled, and it lasts a lifetime.




How many people in the US have diabetes? Diabetes affects approximately 30.3 million people (9.4% of the population) in the United States, while another estimated 84.1 million people have prediabetes and don’t know it. An estimated 7.2 million people in the United States have diabetes and don’t even know it. Over time, diabetes can lead to blindness, kidney failure, and nerve damage. These is due to small vessels, referred to as a microvascular disease. Diabetes also is an important factor in accelerating the hardening and narrowing of the arteries (atherosclerosis), leading to strokes, coronary heart disease, and other large blood vessel diseases. This is referred to as a macrovascular disease.


From an economic perspective, the total annual cost of diabetes in 2012 was estimated to be 245 billion dollars in the United States. This included 116 billion in direct medical costs (healthcare costs) for people with diabetes and another 69 billion in other costs due to disability, premature death, or work loss. Medical expenses for people with diabetes are over two times higher than those for people who do not have diabetes. Diabetes is the 7th leading cause of death in the United States listed on death certificates in recent years.

Diabetes Type 1 and Type 2 facts Diabetes is a chronic condition


associated with abnormally high levels of sugar (glucose) in the blood. Insulin produced by the pancreas lowers blood glucose. The insufficient production of insulin or an inability of the body to properly use insulin causes diabetes. The two types of diabetes are referred to as type 1 and type 2. Former names for these conditions were insulin-dependent and non-

insulin-dependent diabetes, or juvenile onset and adult-onset diabetes. Some of the risk factors for getting diabetes include being overweight or obese, leading a sedentary lifestyle, a family history of diabetes, hypertension, and low levels of the “good” cholesterol (HDL) and elevated levels of triglycerides in the blood.

What are the risk factors for diabetes? It is difficult to find out the risk factors for type 1 diabetes as those for type 2 diabetes. It is believed that family history is a known risk factor for type 1 diabetes. Other risk factors may be certain infections or diseases of the pancreas.

Elevated levels of triglycerides and low levels of “good” cholesterol (HDL)

The Risk factors for type 2 diabetes and prediabetes are many, such as-

Impaired glucose tolerance

Being obese or overweight

Sedentary lifestyle Family history Increasing age Polycystic ovary syndrome Insulin resistance Gestational diabetes during a pregnancy

High blood pressure 31



What Are The Different

Types of Diabetes? Diabetics are of two major types of diabetes, called type 1 and type 2. Type 1 diabetes was formerly called insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM), or juvenile-onset diabetes mellitus. In type 1 diabetes, the pancreas undergoes an autoimmune attack by the body itself, and is rendered incapable of making insulin.Antibodies are proteins in the blood that are part of the body’s immune system. What is type 1 diabetes?

determine which individuals are at risk for developing type 1 diabetes.

In type 1 diabetes, the immune system mistakenly manufactures antibodies and inflammatory cells that are directed against and cause damage to own body tissues. In type 1 diabetes, the beta cells of the pancreas, are responsible for insulin production, and are attacked by the misdirected immune system.

At present, the American Diabetes Association does not recommend general screening of the population for type 1 diabetes, through screening of high-risk individuals, such as those with a firstdegree relative (sibling or parent) with type 1 diabetes should be encouraged. Type 1 diabetes tends to occur in young, lean individuals, usually before 30 years of age. Of all the people with diabetes, only approximately 10% have type 1 diabetes and the remaining 90% have type 2 diabetes.

Exposure to certain viral infections or other environmental toxins may serve to trigger abnormal antibody responses that cause damage to the pancreas cells where insulin is made. Some of the antibodies seen in type 1 diabetes include anti-islet cell antibodies, anti-insulin antibodies, and anti-glutamic decarboxylase antibodies. These antibodies can be detected in the majority of the case and may help WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2019

What is type 2 diabetes? Type 2 diabetes referred to as non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM), or adult-onset diabetes mellitus (AODM). In 32

type 2 diabetes, the person can still produce insulin, and do so relatively inadequately for their body’s need. In this the pancreas produces larger than normal quantities of insulin. A major feature of type 2 diabetes is a lack of sensitivity to insulin by the cells of the body. In addition to the problems with an increase in insulin resistance, the release of insulin by the pancreas may also be defective and suboptimal. In fact, there is a known steady decline in beta cell production of insulin in type 2 diabetes that contributes to worsening glucose control It is a direct result of poor eating habits, higher body weight, and lack of exercise leads to type 2 diabetes. There is an also strong genetic component that develops this form of diabetes, obesity is also one of the cause. There is a direct relationship between the degree of obesity and the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, and this holds true in children as well as adults. It is estimated that the chance to develop 33

diabetes doubles for every 20% increase over desirable body weight. Regarding age, after 40 years of age regardless of weight, there is an increase in the incidence of diabetes. The prevalence of diabetes in persons 65 years of age and older is around 25%. Type 2 diabetes is also more common in certain ethnic groups. Compared with a 7% prevalence in non-Hispanic Caucasians, the prevalence in Asian Americans is estimated to be 8.0%, in Hispanics 13%, in blacks around 12.3%, and in certain Native American communities 20% to 50%. Finally, diabetes occurs much more frequently in women with a prior history of diabetes that develops during pregnancy. Diabetes is one of the basic diseases nowadays. So we need to take care of it. I hope this article has given you good information about it. so just grow through it. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2019


Revive our

Stamina 5 Plyometrics Exercises To Try!



Is it about being sober in your exercise or do you want something powerful and intense, if you want it vigorous and strong then try out Plyometrics exercise?

What is

Plyometrics Exercise? Plyometrics exercise is a workout wherein you use your upper and lower body to the fullest and build on your muscles and overall strength. It is basically jumping on a plyo. In some cases, it is used by an athlete who needs to perform better, it is an add on to increase their stamina. Plyometrics is also an interesting fitness


activity because you can take a break from your usual workout routine and jump around. Plyometrics, in other words, is also known as a “shock-method� because you jump all of a sudden by putting in all your energy. It is said that trying plyometrics before running will give you more stamina to run a longer distance.



Benefits Of

Plyometrics Exercise? Neuromuscular Works Well


By doing plyometric exercises your brain sends messages to the muscles to do well in terms of contraction and relaxation, this is, in turn, is useful for your body because it adds value to the level of power you gain.

Boosts Strength In Muscle Fibers Muscle fibers are responsible for keeping the muscle cells good in your body. Plyometrics enable smooth contraction of muscles and this is a must if you are into sports or you are regularly in touch with exercising.

Stronger Tendons Plyometric exercises give you a good amount of stamina and when your muscles are taken care of, it is essential that you should take care of the tendons as well so that you are not likely to get hurt easily. When you are constantly in touch with plyometrics you are keeping your muscles in the right control.


Ability Of Exercising Gets Better It is evident that your ability to do other exercises gets better once you get a hang of doing plyometric exercises, as you know how intense it is and the kind of power it gives your body. There are certain jumps that do the job of giving you similar energy that you would get in lifting weights.

Makes Your Body Flexible This workout is all to do with your muscles and it is but obvious that it will make you flexible, all the stiffness in your body is lost when you choose plyometrics exercises in your routine. Having understood the benefits of plyometrics exercises, it is time for you to know about a few of them. Take a look at the different types of plyometric exercises.


5 Plyometrics

Exercises To Try Bench Jumps

Repeat the same process, jump back on the bench and upon landing on the floor stretch and stay on your toes for a few seconds. Repeat this exercise at least 8 times, to begin with and then increase the number of jumps.

Squat Jumps

This exercise strengthens your hips, thighs, and knees. Avoid overdoing it, do it the right no of times and so not end up hurting yourself.

STEP 1 - Keep a bench that is to the level of your knees or you can just jump as high as you can.

STEP 2 - Look straight and get ready to jump on the bench.

STEP 3 - Jump on the bench and now step down backward by first placing one foot on the floor and then the other feet as well.

STEP 4 - Once you are on the floor, lift your legs, stretch and stay on your toes for a few seconds.


Strengthens the abs, glutes, hamstrings, and spine. This jump is effective when compared to the bench jump because here you are focusing on your lower body as well as jumping.

STEP 1 - Stand straight with your feet slightly apart, as much as the width of your shoulders.

STEP 2 - Stretch your hands forward, close

your fist, bend your knees, look straight and stay in this position for a few seconds.



STEP 3 - Look straight and get ready to jump as high as you can.

STEP 4 - Put in all your energy and jump high.

STEP 5 - Once you come down, squat again and repeat this process of jumping.

Try the squat jumping more than just squatting, it has a better effect on your body. Repeat this exercise at least 8 times, to begin with, and then increase the number of jumps.

STEP 4 - When you land on the floor straighten your knees.

Repeat this exercise at least 8 times, to begin with, and then increase the number of jumps.

The Bound Jump

Tuck Jump Tuck jump is also known as the knee to chest jump wherein one puts in all their energy to jump in such a way that they can great flexibility and strength in their muscles. This exercise aims at toning your lower body. While you do this workout your heart rate spikes up and it is a great strengthening exercise

STEP 1 - Look in

the front, stand straight with your legs slightly apart.

STEP 1 - Be in a slow pace and start jogging.

STEP 2 - Bend

but ensure to maintain a medium pace.

down with your butt pushed backward

STEP 3 - Jump as

high as you can with your knees touching your stomach.


This is an elongated jump wherein you are jumping in the air while running. That being said, one leg is stretched back and one of your legs is bent and both are in the air. This exercise focuses on strengthening your hamstrings and glutes. It also boosts the stamina in your body. This workout is useful for all the frequent runners.

STEP 2 - Slowly while jogging start to run, STEP 3 - When you got into that memento of running, start running fast.

STEP 4 - Once you got a hang of running fast, try and jump in the air in a way that you are crossing a boundary

(Note: One of your legs should be bent


forward in the air and the other leg should be stretched in the air)

STEP 3 - Jump on the box in a squatted

Do this at least 4-5 times while you are running a stretch long. Once you do it, take a break of a few minutes by running slowly and then after you are not tired get back the speed and jump in the air again.

Repeat this process of jumping back and forth at least 10 times, to begin with.

The Box Jump

position and jump back to land on the floor.


The box jump is one of the best exercises to strengthen your arms as well as your lower body. Your arms are strengthened because of the way you position your hands while jumping and your lower spine, thighs, knees, and hips are all boosted up when you jump.

STEP 1 - Place a big box in front of you (Note: Make sure that the box you place is firm and broad in width, as there are chances of getting injured)

STEP 2 - Look straight in the front and get ready to jump in a squatted position.






If you are someone who has a sweet tooth and you want to add dry fruits as a part of your diet then you should try dates as it is an interesting dry fruit that comes along with several health benefits as well as it is not going to spoil your taste buds. Dates are super sweet and soft, they are a powerful source for providing iron to your body and the list of health benefits just keeping adding on. Dates are one of the lavish of all dry fruits as it brings in a great aroma and flavor to deserts. Apart from its highness, it is a healthy dry fruit and should definitely be had with a glass of milk.

Discover The Properties In Dates Here is a list of nutrients that make dates nutritious. Only when you have an awareness WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2019

about its nutritious value will you be able to relate to why it is healthy Minerals Vitamins Phytochemicals

Fiber Potassium Magnesium Iron Phosphorus Calcium


s And Milk TO YOUR DIET!

Note: If you want to avoid carbohydrates then dates are not what you should frequently be eating. You can have it once away. The nutritional fiber in dates is scaling from 7.5 - 100 grams




WOWS ABOUT Dates And Milk The wonderful benefits of dates and milk add value to your health but it helps your body heal from various other diseases. Take a look

Cough Disappears When you have a severe cough it is natural for phlegm to form. Phlegm can make one feel quite disturbed and annoyed. Isn’t it? In order to get rid of phlegm, take a glass of milk, place it on the flame for heating and while it is heating add 1 tbsp of honey, mix it well, while the milk is boiling add about 5-6 dates and drink this hot. You will see that your cough will subside and repeatedly having it for about a week or less will make you feel completely fine.

Cures Anemia, Nervous Diseases And Erectile Dysfunction Dates can cure anemia because it shoots up the iron levels in the body, it can help in solving erectile dysfunction problems because dates are said to boost one’s sexual performance, the presence of vitamins in dates helps in improving the nervous system. HAVE IT THIS WAY :

Eating Dates Bed Time

STEP 1 - Take about 8-10 dates, soak it well in milk

As per science, it is proved that eating about 8-10 dates and having a glass of warm milk over that will help your body fight all the sleep disorders. Try having this before you go to bed if you are frustrated or you are unable to fall asleep it will solve your problem and put you to sleep.

STEP 2 - Add little grated ginger, few walnuts and a tinge of saffron and cardamom to the dates STEP 3 - You can blend this mixture, heat up a glass of milk and add the blended mixture in the milk. Try this method to see how it works for you.



Takes Care Of Hypertension It is been proved that having dates in the morning as you wake up is a good way to cure hypertension. You can soak about 60 grams of dates in milk and have it every alternate day.


Solves Bone Problems Dates are said to make your bones stronger and cure all bone-related diseases. The reason it is powerful is because of the presence of selenium, magnesium, and copper. Your bones are never the same as you age, dates help in keeping the bones strong and away from all kind of pain.

Helps In Smooth Digestion When your body gets enough fiber, the colon and bowel movements are well placed. The colon and bowel movements have a direct link to the digestive system. That being said, you would not have any indigestion or constipation problems if you try and include dates as a part of your diet.

Good Heart Health Your heart will always remain healthy if you add dates to your diet. Dates help in keeping the cholesterol in control and regulates a stable heartbeat because of the presence of potassium and fiber. Eat at least two dates every day to keep your heart away from any kind of strokes and diseases.


Your Memory Power Is Boosted Eating dates can boost your memory power, studies have proved this in numerous ways. Taking one of the studies as an instance, dates keep away those plaques that cause harm to the brain cells by making a person a victim of Alzheimer. Mix dates with milk and benefits from its ability to do good to your brain. Apart from being advantageous in terms of improving your memory it even helps in bringing down all the inflammation problems if any.

Good For Hair And Skin Dates do good to your hair and skin because it has so many nutrients and each nutrient has a benefit to offer. When it comes to your skin, the skin gets softer and shinier and talking of your hair, the roots get strengthened and the quality of your hair gets better. To make mention of the nutrients they are phosphorus, iron, calcium, magnesium, Vitamin A, B1, B2 and C that do this magic. All in all, take all the benefits of eating at least two dates every day. Dates are good for women who have less hemoglobin, it is good for kids and the elderly folks because it makes their bones stronger and in case of men it helps them get rid of diseases such as erectile dysfunction. If you do not enjoy eating dates with milk or in a powdered form then you can eat desserts that are filled with dates.



Ultimate Mantras To Make The Most Of


Enjoy the fact that you exist! Fall in love with nature! Don’t exist but live! Create a good drama in life! Rejoice the thought of celebrating life! A lot of you people out there would have been hearing all about making the most of your living, not just existing or surviving but living life, feeling how fortunate it is to have a human life and most of all have you been told to love your life and live every moment. Yes?



Did your ears hear it? or did your eyes blink to these statements? If your ears and eyes have been alert and wide open to all of this, then you very much are on earth. Hold on! If you are not familiar with all of this then it does not mean you are going to be abandoned from planet earth, it just means that you need some mantras to know what is the significance of living in now, making most of life and rowing through the odds. Practically, we aren’t made in a way to experience the depth of just one emotion all the time, we keep whirling around various emotions and making the most of life can seem like a rosy fantasy story that seems nice to be imagined at times, at times making the most of life in the real sense makes absolute sense. In a way, we are all existing to find our purpose and live life as fruitfully as we can, true or not?








Do not do this mistake of waiting for that right occasion to come along so that you can celebrate. Just sing and dance to live whenever you feel like it, that could be even when you are amidst your most sad mood. If you feel like just getting up to feel nice and celebrate it, just go ahead. Life is not about waiting for the right time, yes on certain things you do wait for the right time. Not when you want to feel good and celebrate but. If you do not know what to do then just eat something you love, stroll around the park, plug in your headset and listen to some beautiful music, look at yourself in the mirror and smile. Come on, wrack your brains and find your style of celebrating life.




It is foolish to say that you have to be happy all the time and not feel sad about anything. If that was the case then you would not fall in the category of being a human being. If you want to make most of life the best thing you can do through your trials is not taking too much time to get over resentments. Yes, you have all the right to crib, complaint, be made, frustrated and lose your peace of mind. Certainly, that is bound to happen. The next step of getting over it is what you have to get in your control. The best way to do so is to consider that nothing is ever going to be perfect and so you have to just blend in with the flaws and odds. You just don’t like something just walk away and distance yourself from that thing or person immediately.

The food you eat, the shelter you get and all the goodness and love you receive from known an unknown people, isn’t it a gift in itself? It is not about a few people not having what you have and that’s why you should be thankful. Offcourse yes, this makes sense as well. But when you look beyond this it is just about thanking the almighty for everything that you have. Begin making the most of life with gratitude. 46





You must be wondering as to what is it to infuse value in life, right? or if you are smart and got it then kudos to you. Infusing value in your life is nothing but living life meaningfully, which means that we all live but how meaningful are we making it. To add to this further, it means you should find a source of inspiration, follow your inspiration, inculcate values in your life, do a significant task that would not just make you feel nice but add value in someone else’s life too, hear out someone who is feeling miserable, feed an animal or nurture a plant at home. Now get your mind thinking of many more ideas that can add significance in your life.




Life becomes more beautiful when you fill it with spreading love to everyone around you and when you love yourself too, that’s important. Try your best to love everyone equally irrespective of caste, creed or age. Love is a healer and you never know your love might be healing someone to feel nice about life. To spread happiness all that you can do is spread your smile to the world, be friendly, express empathy and appreciate the good in people. These are some small knacks of being loving and spreading happiness to the world around you.

If you do not pamper yourself, who else will? That being said, it is for you to understand that no one other than you can feel nice about life and to feel nice you must spend few minutes in doing what you love to feel good about yourself. Devote time to a hobby or if you think relaxing and lazying is something that you love then just do that. Do not bother about anything else, you have to remember to just do what you love. Leave rest of the things aside.







Unknowingly or knowingly we all illtreat ourselves. For instance, we are too harsh on ourselves if we make a mistake or we become too strict by setting boundaries for ourselves, we tend to underestimate our capabilities at times. Think of these little things and see how many times are you bad to yourself? Are you being fair by any chance by doing so? This is not right if you want to make most of life. You have to learn to let go, learn to forgive yourself and stop chaining yourself with unnecessary and unrealistic boundaries. Maybe this is not directly ill-treating yourself. However, it is indirectly doing wrong to your own self.


This is easy said than done, half of the time most of us are not living in the moment because we are either upset with the past or we are worried about the future. Leave alone living in the past and future on major things, even on minor things we do not know how to be in the moment and live it to the fullest. For instance, you might be at work but your mind is all at home thinking about what is happening there. This is just one example, there are a lot of instances where we forget this moment. It is essential that you learn to live in the moment otherwise you will neither live today nor would you be happy tomorrow. You will have to strive to achieve this as it just does not happen instantly, it takes time.






There is always a difference in what we say and what we end up doing. We all say a lot of things like I will do this, I want to achieve this and I will not do this. We all have a wish list and goals list, isn’t it? Keep in mind that your words mean nothing unless you do not put them into action. If you have an aim or a wish, start to work on it immediately. Plan on how you want to achieve and get there. Apply these 10 mantras and make the most of life. For now, you just have one life, whether you make it, mend it, break it, love it or crib about it. You are the sole owner of your own life. For a fact, you would not want to live it being sad or cribbing, instead you would want to live it smiling and being open to accepting new avenues of life.


The creator made you for a purpose and eventually at every phase in life you will keep discovering it. Your motto in life should be to accept what comes your way, strive for what you want and keep the bar of expectations low from your end. If you start to expect too much from life it will at some point make you disappointed. You are here to make the most of life and not to expect from life. Be contented with what you have and even if your mind taps you to expect, do your best to snap out of that thought. It is not bad to dream or try and achieve what you want, but feeling miserable if you do not get what you want is what you should not go through.





Homeopathy is no doubt an amazing form of getting yourself treated but are all the facts about homeopathy right? Or have you understood a lot that you need to change from? Here are the points on homeopathy medicine that is not completely true. Take a look at the points! Homeopathy is no doubt an amazing form of getting yourself treated but are of homeopathy because there are certain all the facts about homeopathy right? Or have you understood a lot that you medicines that significantly work a way need to change from? Here are the points on homeopathy medicine that is because they do have considerable value. not completely true. Take aTolook the points! makeatmention of the ones that have a

POINT NO 1 Medicines Do Not Have A Significant Value

Some people believe that homeopathy is mere sugar pills that will not treat your health concerns. It is a wrong perception WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2019

considerable value, they are 6X, 12X and 6C

POINT NO 2 Heard of Oscillococcinum? 50

It is believed that the trials made on the success of medicines have gone down. Having said, there is a medicine named Oscillococcinum that helped in curing flu at one point, this itself proves that homeopathy has had effective trials as well.

POINT NO 3 Dependency On Homeopathy For Major Diseases - Good or 51

Bad? It is essential to understand that you cannot completely rely on homeopathy medicines to get over a disease that is serious. Is this true? This being stated, it is not completely true because homeopathy is effective when looked into with a doctor who is already treating you. Homeopathy medicines for some people work while for a few it is an added method of treatment. There were trials done with homeopathy on treating malaria. Malaria could be treated better when conventional, as well as homeopathic treatment, started WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2019


off. This shows that homeopathy is of value because it helps conventional medicines in treating malaria.

POINT NO 4 Similarity In Homeopathy, Ayurveda And Herbal Treatment? All the three methods of treatment are mild but there is no similarity in all of them. Some people think that it is the same. That being said, homeopathy is treated by using dilute medicines, herbal treatment is using plant substances while Ayurveda has been there for a long time now and they are treated by using plant, animal and mineral substances to treat problems. Each of them has a different method of treatment.

POINT NO 5 Is It A Good Cure For Chronic Diseases? Homeopathy is not a fast working option for chronic diseases such as eczema, it works faster in case of small problems such as cold, cough and stomach upset. Homeopathy takes time in treating chronic diseases but it is not true that it cannot treat them. It is just timeconsuming.

POINT NO 6 Can Homeopathy Compliment Modern WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2019

Medicines? Well, it is based on the body of a person on how homeopathy works for them while it is strongly proved that homeopathy could do as good as modern medicine because many patients could get over the ill effects of chemotherapy on their health after they went through homeopathic medicines.

POINT NO 7 Is Homeopathy Limited To Humans Only? It has been misunderstood that homeopathy works only on human beings. That being said, homeopathy works on animals as well and this has been proved because homeopathy has


POINT NO 9 Access To These Medicines Is Easier This is not true! You do not find homeopathic medicines easily available in any store. You would find them in specific homeopathic stores or online. You could look into a website named to avail your medicines.

POINT NO 10 Homeopathy Treatment Is Standard - True Or False? treated pets who have a cold, cough or any other allergies as well. Therefore, it is purely a myth that homeopathy treats only human beings and not pets.

POINT NO 8 Homeopathic Books Would Suffice This perception that a homeopathic book is enough to help in giving solutions and remedies to all your problems is absolutely wrong. You would get solutions for minor health concerns like cold and cough. But, finding solutions for bigger health concerns would certainly need a homeopathic doctors consultation. You could refer to a book to understand what are the different ways to better your present condition.


Homeopathic medicines are unlike modern medicines they do not work the same way on everyone’s body. If you see modern medicines, everyone is given the same medicines for a particular problem. It is not the same in the case of homeopathy, everyone is treated differently based on their body type.



98 Million Indians Will Have

Diabetes by 2030: Study

Type-2 diabetes, a chronic condition that affects the way the blood processes blood sugar (glucose), is expected to increase by more than a fifth, from 406 million in 2018 to 511 million in 2030 globally WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2019


India along with China and the United States will share more than half of these diabetes cases, according to researchers led by an India origin. The researchers asserted that there is a need to improve access for the life-saving insulin. The study, published in The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology journal, showed that China (130 million) followed by India (98 million), and the United States (32 million) will make up over half of the Type-2 diabetics by 2030. As a consequence, the amount of insulin required to effectively treat Type-2 diabetes will rise by more than 20 percent worldwide over the following 12 years. Compared to underway levels of insulin access, if universal global access was achieved (with a treatment target of HbA1c - measure of blood glucose) seven percent or lower, the number of people with Type-2 diabetes globally using insulin in 2030 would double from about 38 million (7.4 percent of all people with Type-2 diabetes) to 79 million (15.5 percent), the researchers said. “Despite the UN’s commitment to treat non-communicable diseases and ensure universal access to drugs for diabetes, across much of the world insulin is scarce and unnecessarily difficult for patients to access,” said lead author Sanjay Basu from Stanford University, U.S. “The number of adults with Type-2 55

diabetes is expected to rise over the next 12 years due to aging, urbanization, and associated changes in diet and physical activity. “Unless governments begin initiatives to make insulin available and affordable, then its use is always going to be far from optimal,” Basu said. For the study, the team used information from the International Diabetes Federation and 14 cohort studies and estimated the concern of Type-2 diabetes in 221 countries and territories amid 2018 and 2030. Insulin is absolutely necessary for all people with Type-1 diabetes and some people with Type-2 diabetes to lessen the possibility of complications such as blindness, amputation, stroke, and kidney failure. As global rates of Type-2 diabetes rise and people live longer (which will increase insulin requirements), the thorough picture of global insulin need is required because insulin treatment is expensive and the international insulin market is currently dominated by solely three leading manufacturers, the researchers stated.



Being In


Is It A Phenomenon Or A Theory?




ow do you come to an understanding that you are in love with someone? Whether you are a man or a woman, take a moment and think about how do you realize that you are truly in love with someone. Is it the way he/she looks into your eyes? is it how you kissed for the first time? the goosebumps you felt when he ran his fingers all through your hair and it struck those love bells in your heart or is it a bond that has been built over the years and now turned your long lasted friendship into love. There could be infinite reasons to fall in love or be in love, irrespective of what you call it. Having said, is being in love just another emotion like sadness, anger, and happiness that states it is a phenomenon or is it a theory that we make it with series of episodes about how we feel with a person or the factors about a person that attracts us emotionally, mentally or physically. What must be your love for your man or woman? A phenomenon that was bound to happen or a theory that you made it happen?




HOW IS LOVE A PHENOMENON? The phenomenon is something that exists without specific reasons, it is just bound to be there because of nature or an unknown factor which we cannot discover. Makes sense? Now bring the aspect of love being a phenomenon. We can call love being a phenomenon too because it is an emotion but do we know of how from where and why does it come to us? Practically, you can call love a phenomenon because in an entire lot of people why is it that you get connected or attracted to just that one person? you could have also got attracted to the fourth or fifth person but why is it that you are just attracted to the sixth person? For all you know, there might be the same qualities in the fourth or fifth person as well but you still ended up being attracted to the sixth person? Don’t you think you can call love a phenomenon here for you are somewhere meant to meet the sixth person and get attracted only to that person? To simplify it further, it is just like meant to meet the right person, at the right time and place, which says that love is a phenomenon. Not just love for a man or a woman, but your love for inanimate and nonliving things too is a phenomenon at times.



HOW IS LOVE A THEORY? A theory is something that has been experimented, studied, observed, analyzed and then brought to a conclusion. Just like Isac Newtons Theory Of Gravity or Robert Steinbergs Theory Of Love, that is a threedimensional aspect wherein love is bifurcated as an emotional bond, physical attraction, and a strong commitment. Looking at love from a perspective that it is a theory, you might be in love with someone because you feel the most connected because of the time and memories you spent with the person or physically you are drawn to them for endless reasons or you just fall in love with someone’s goodness. Everyone has different reasons for being in love. That being said, the process of when you start feeling those little sparks for the person, the next move you take of approaching that person, moving on to making an effort to make the relationship work to then building your relationship is a theory.


It is a theory because it is not like you wake up one day and got sure that you are in love with the person, isn’t it? Just like a theory you took your time to experiment and see where those little sparks of love lead you to, then your effort in trying to make the relationship work is how you analyzed and then begun building your bond emotionally, mentally physically with the frictions that are a part of the play in your relationship. Therefore, love is a deep emotion just like any other emotion that is beyond logic. We meeting our loved one is a phenomenon and from there on what we do with the presence of that special one in our life is a theory. To make the deep story a simple and short one. Being in Love is initially a phenomenon and whether you want to make it a theory or not is in your hands. Yes, in the truest and most practical sense, love is a theory as well as a phenomenon. Discover a good theory of your phenomenal love story! Love unconditionally and walk past the mishaps and shortcomings, they coexist in all of us and all we have to do is to balance it out well.



Men’s Beards Might Be Dirtier Than Your Dog, Study Finds Men absolutely love growing beards but little they know that it can be detrimental too apart from being voguish. According to a new study, bearded men may carry more harmful microbes than dogs’ fur coats.



While it started a decade ago, during the global financial crisis, beards growing has now become a widespread trend. Data shows that 37 percent of British men had some form of facial hair in mid-2011. Five years later, the number had risen to 42 percent. However, researchers at the Hirslanden Clinic near Zurich, Switzerland suggest that growing beards may not be a healthy practice. The researchers wanted to determine if humans could contract dog-borne diseases from MRI scanners that were meant for dogs. But first, they had to test the participants for bacteria and viruses. So, the researchers collected swab samples from the neck of 30 dogs and the beards of 18 men. That was when they made an interesting discovery. While all the human male participants had high microbial counts on their facial hair, the researchers noticed that only 23 of the 30 dogs had a similar count. While not all microbes are dangerous, some can cause serious harm to human health. The facial hair of seven of the men tested


positive for the harmful microbes. In a statement to the press, Andreas Gutzeit of the Hirslanden Clinic said:

“The researchers found a significantly higher bacterial load in specimens taken from the men’s beards compared with the dogs’ fur.” Based on the findings, the researchers concluded that dogs’ fur is cleaner when compared with men’s beard. Like most scientific studies, this research has a generalization issue. A sample size of 18 men with facial hair can barely count as a representative of the entire bearded population. For all we know, the participants just had poor hygiene. Speaking to Daily Caller, the founder of Beard Liberation Front, Keith Flett said: “I don’t believe that beards in themselves are unhygienic. I think it’s possible to find all sorts of unpleasant things if you took swabs from people’s hair and hands and then tested them. ”



Boost Fiber In Your Body With Jowar Pancakes And Curd Mint Chutney! Nutrition Factors In Jowar SJowar is also known as white millet flour/ new quinoa, it is a rich source of protein and dietary fiber, one of the best food that regenerates cells and fills your body with immense energy. This a healthy grain and it is glutenfree You are away from problems such as gastric issues, constipation, and diarrhea because its rich fiber enables good digestion WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2019

Jowar eliminates all the problems related to premature-aging because it has the ability to fight against the radicals in the body Jowar is one of the best grains that helps in increasing immunity levels in the body, it has nutrients such as magnesium, copper, and iron that contributes to making your bones and tissues stronger. Jowar helps in eradicating all the heart-related problems because of the enriching fiber content that helps to keep control and check on bad cholesterol in the body 62

Curd(1 tbsp) Grated cucumber(1/2 cup) Chopped Onions(2 tbsp) Green chilies (about 3-4) 1/2 cup jowar(white millet flour)

Steps To Make The Jowar Pan Cake This is an extremely simple recipe, one of the best to have for an evening snack. Here are steps on how to make jowar pancakes. STEP 1 Jowar keeps control on the blood sugar levels in the body and it is able to perform this function because of the presence of carbohydrates, these carbohydrates are complex. Meaning, it enables slow digestion in the body

Ingredients You Will Need 1 tsp oil for greasing your pan Salt(as per your requirement) Turmeric powder(1/2 a spoon) Coriander powder(1 tbsp) 63

Take a bowl, add jowar, add all the ingredients to the jowar and give them all a good hand mix, now add about 5-6 bowls of water and make this a good batter. Maintain a fair consistency, let the batter not be too thin nor too thick. STEP 2 To make the pancakes you can either make balls, give it a press and cook it on a flat non-stick pan or you could add this batter into a pan that has molds. Either way, you would have to grease the pan with a little oil first. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2019


STEP 3 Now cook these pancakes on all sides till they turn brown and crispy. If you are making it in the molds they will get baked in few minutes and if you are cooking it on a non-stick pan then keep changing the sides of the pancake till they turn brown on all sides. You can serve these steaming hot pancakes with green chutney. Mentioned below is the recipe for green chutney.

Steps To Make The Green Chutney Ingredients You Will Need : 1/2 a cup coriander leaves 1/2 a cup mint leaves 1/2 a piece ginger 3 green chillies 1/2 tsp roasted cumin powder 1/2 tsp chaat masala Salt as per your requirement 2tbsp curd WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2019


Just as how the recipe of pancakes is simple, same goes with green chutney STEP 2 Wash coriander, mint leaves, ginger, and green chilies well and then soak them in drinking water for about ten minutes. STEP 2 In a blender add coriander leaves, mint leaves, green chilies, ginger, and the curd, slightly blend all of these. STEP 2 No to the partially blended chutney, add cumin powder, chaat masala, and salt. Now, blend them well by adding little water if needed. Note : It is your choice on how thick or thin you want the consistency of chutney to be. Try this recipe some evening when you are hungry and you want to munch on something crunchy and healthy.





5 Effective Exercise To

Gain Weight



Is Yoga is an effective ways to gain weight? Do the yoga asasnas affects the metabolism and digestion? Will it increase the weight gain? While most of the world is crazy about losing weight, there are these special few who have issues with weight gain .I know all this questions must be coming in your mind. Don’t be stress or freq out. Yoga is an incredible work out that is a solution to almost all health related problem. Yoga stabilizes weight and ensures you hit the right weight goals.Yoga will bring you rmetabolic rate to an optimum level. Well in this article you will come to know across the different position of yoga that will help you to gain weight. So scroll down the article and find it what are they.

How does Yoga Helps To Gain Weight: Yoga enhances the circulation of oxygen and blood, and which helps to improve the nutrient absorption. It strengthens the muscles and allows you to become strong and flexible. It also improves your stamina too. As per Abhishek Maheshwari, yoga instructor at Mystic Yoga Cafe, Kolkata said that a lot of things are inter-linked when it comes to yoga.


Therefore, there aren’t asanas which would directly impact increased muscle mass. Rather, if one wants to gain weight, they have to practice yoga postures regularly as it also which will aid in better digestion and would consequently increase the diet of the individual. Yoga will also brings the metabolic rate to an optimum level. There are several yoga for weight gain such as-



Supta Badhha konasana (Reclining-Bound-Angle-Pose) This posture of yoga helps in maintaining calmness of the mind and can help in digestion too. It can help in acquiring complete control

over body and mind. The asana helps in receiving symptoms of stress and depression .

How To Do: First Sit straight on your yoga mat and fold your knees. Now press the soles of your feet together with the help of your hands. Start leaning on your back now and keeping your hands beside you to avoid uncomforted posture and continue until your back rests on the mat. Put your hands above your head in a prayer pose and inhale deeply. Concentrate on your breathing and relax.

Pawanmuktasana (Wind-Relieving Pose) This is a powerful yoga exercise for weight gain as the asana will improve your appetite . It act as a remedy for digestive problems. The more over browine point with this form of yoga is that it keeps the blood circulation in

lower abdomen and improves it. It calms the overactive metabolism and creates an amicable ambiance for better absorption of nutrients in the body.

How To Do: Lie on your back with your arms beside you. Keep your feet together and stretch them. Fold your knees slowly and wrap your arms around them. Take a deep breath and while exhaling pull your knees close to your chest. Inhale again and try to touch your chin with your knees. Hold the breath for about 30-40 seconds in the beginning and gently exhale



Sarvangasang This is an amazing yoga position in which a shoulder stand first and foremost works on improving the circulation of blood and oxygen. This asana is an inversion. So it need lot of blood reaches the inaccessible areas, which

gives them a boost of nutrients. Tn this form of energy each and every aspect of the energy blocks are cleared, and the body is strengthened too.

How To Do: Lie down in the Shavasana. Lift your legs up as you support your hips with your palms. Shift the body weight on the shoulders, and lift your upper body too, as your head and upper back remains on the floor. Hold for a few seconds and release.

Shavasana (corpse Pose) This asana completely relaxes the body and allows it to reap the benefits of the workout.

It is at this time that the nutrient absorption is enhanced. The body is completely healed.

How To Do: Lie down on your back, with your palms resting beside you and facing upwards. Make yourself comfortable. Close your eyes and meditate For at least 15-20 mins .

This are just few asanas but there are lot many yoga pose for the purpose of weight gain. I hope this article has provided a good stuff about how yoga helps in weight gain.




Everyday Hygiene Tips For Your Home Start It Today!

Slogging through a long day and after all the running about, the best place to feel peaceful and relaxed is one’s home sweet home, would you agree? Make an observation of all those times when you would have gone out on a long vacation and felt homesick missing all the spaces at home? Do you recollect how much you feel like getting back and relaxing in your den? This happens to all of us, instead? That being said, when your home is your world it is solely your call on keeping it good. This saying is true that cleanliness is next to godliness and one should pay attention to the aura and cleanliness of the place they dwell in. Here are some everyday hygiene tips you should follow to keep your home good so that the air that you breathe in and out all day does not do bad to your health and as well makes you feel fresh and good. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2019


Tips Get Systematic Home management is as good as accomplishing a task at home. Having said, if you want to take care of the hygiene of your home every day, you will have to plan on how much time to give to every room in your house and clean or organize a little of it each day. You cannot organize your entire home in just a click, it is an ongoing process and it is just like taking care of your body, it needs attention every day. Make sure to do the following : Plan each day in prior Set timelines to do your work Do not pile up work

Prioritize Your Work Home hygiene is vast and that being understood. There are some tasks that will require your attention every day such as cleaning the utensils and your clothes while some tasks will need your attention once in 15 days or maybe a month. For instance, cleaning the cobwebs on the ceiling, getting the molds put, cleaning the grills of your home, etc. Knowing the nature of every task, give it the right priority. Do not miss on giving attention to the tasks that you look into once in a while, if you miss on that all your planning will get disorganized.




Hygiene Tips In The Bedroom

Clean your wardrobe once in a month and keep all your things well arranged Home hygiene is vast and that being understood. There are some tasks that will require your attention every day such as cleaning the utensils and your clothes while some tasks will need your attention once in 15 days or maybe a month.

A bedroom is a place where you finally come to seek shelter and give your body the rest it needs. Once you are done resting, in order for you to come back to the same place it is necessary that it is clean. Here is what you should do : Dust your bed every day once you wake up

For instance, cleaning the cobwebs on the ceiling, getting the molds put, cleaning the grills of your home, etc. Knowing the nature of every task, give it the right priority. Do not miss on giving attention to the tasks that you look into once in a while, if you miss on that all your planning will get disorganized.

Hygiene Tips In The Washroom

Re-arrange the bedspread in order to straighten all the crumpled folds on your bedspread Do not throw things on your bed Make sure to change the pillow cover and spread once in fifteen days, in case you have issues like dandruff, blackheads or an oily scalp then you must change it once in a week Do not eat on your bed, use the dining or sit on the couch Allot a basket to keep all the unwashed clothes Mop your floor or vacuum clean it every alternate day


You want to feel good no matter which part of your home you are in, right? As every nook and corner of your home is important, you should as well keep your bathroom clean although it is not noticed. Here are some tips to keep your bathroom clean


Use clean napkins and towels Keep all the accessories in the right place Clean your sink every day Keep clinically proven liquid wash in your bathroom Keep the flooring, walls, and your shit pot clean with all the essential liquid washes and brushes Discard all the waste from your washroom every day

Hygiene Tips In The Kitchen

Once in a week, give all the provision boxes a wipe Clean your utensils with the best liquid wash Scrub and wash your sink every day otherwise your sink would stay greasy and get bad Clear out all the toxic molds on your walls Use should regularly get pest control done

Hygiene Tips In The Drawing Room Use a cloth to remove all the dust that is settled on the sofa, and other shelves. Then give all the shelves a partial wet wipe. Do not fill your hall with junk, discard anything that you think is not looking nice in the drawing room. You can choose to grow indoor plants in your hall Wipe all the photo frames in your hall

Missing on keeping your kitchen clean is mere negligence. This is one of the places in your home that should never be overlooked because it is here that you cook and eat to be healthy. Here are some of the tips to keep your kitchen clean Keep all the washed utensils covered Before you begin to cook, give the kitchen platform a clean wet wipe 73

Get the curtains washed once in a month In conclusion, these were some of the hygiene tips to keep a track of and keep your home clean and good. Do a little cleaning every day and practice discipline while you take care of the household chores so that you never find it tough to maintain cleanliness at home.



Sharpen Emotional Intelligence For A Sound Mind And Body! Emotionally get intelligent to build your physical and mental well being.



What Is Emotional Intelligence? Emotional intelligence is a process of observing, understanding and wisely acting upon every minute emotion that is playing in the mind. Drawing a relationship of emotional intelligence with mental and physical health, it is relevant and can be linked to each other. It might not seem sensible

to connect emotional intelligence to your physical health while it still has contributing factors that do not have a direct link with your physical health but it certainly has an indirect link. It is evident that emotional intelligence will have a direct link to your mental health because it is all got to do with

how you feel, what you think and how you react consciously and subconsciously to various emotions. That being said, one must analyse the qualities needed to be emotionally intelligent in order to corelate and sharpen mental and physical health.

Emotional Intelligence And Mental Health If you lack an understanding in assessing a mind block or a problem that you are going through off late, would you be able to vouch on the fact that you are mentally hail and healthy? You would feel some sort of discomfort and uneasiness, isn’t it? Even better, if you understand the FINAL WORD


disturbance you are going through, but you do not know how to mend yourself through the situation, wouldn’t that put you in a fix? On the contrary, when you have the ability to understand different emotions, when you have the sense to analyze

what you are going through and when you try to find ways to get yourself out of the pain. In these situations, don’t you think emotional intelligence comes to visibility? It absolutely comes into the picture and one of the contributors to improved mental health is to be emotionally intelligent.

Emotional Intelligence has a direct connection with your mental health.



Emotional Intelligence And Physical Health Creating a relationship between emotional intelligence and physical health is a tricky task. The two of these do not have a clear or direct connection but they are sort of linked. While considering emotional intelligence, qualities like knowing, understanding and clarifying comes into the scene. The reason this is being said is because for you to take care of your physical self you need to be attentive about what your body needs, you need to understand what good or bad FINAL WORD

will the need do to your body and then you finally decide on what to do about it after considering every point. To give you a clarity about this, say suppose, you want to drink alcohol, now that’s what your mind wants. How would being emotionally intelligent be advantageous to your physical health?

This is how, you would first think of how much of it to drink, then you would analyze if you over drink what would happen and if you drink just right what will happen, and, finally you will know how much of it to drink so that it does not hamper your health. In this way, you are thinking of your physical health and are having the power to make it or destroy it just because you have those qualities of being emotionally intelligent.

Emotional Intelligence does not have a direct connection with your physical health but it is more or less needed so that you are aware and smart about how to go about taking care of your body.

Ways To Sharpen Your Emotional Intelligence To Boost Your Well-Being Here are some of the effective ways to improve your emotional intelligent and contribute to your mental and physical well being. Here you go! WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2019








Talking about paper and pen being your ally it means that you must inculcate the habit of writing. You should write simply because expressing what you feel with another person at times might seem difficult and on the other hand by writing you are releasing and letting go of all the bad that is dumped in your mind which is a good sign for your mental health. Research also says the same.

Traveling around the world gives you new learning and a chance to look beyond what you have never witnessed which means there is a possibility that you get more aware and awareness is a characteristic of emotional intelligence. Isn’t it? Start traveling if you want to brighten the level of emotional intelligence in you.

When do you see yourself in fiction characters? When you watch a movie, read a book and listen to experiences from friends it helps your creativity expand which is vital so that you can strengthen your emotional intelligence for strong reasons that you can relate with people better. That being said, you have to be with different people to deal with them tactfully to keep up your mental peace you must learn from the characters and implement good qualities from them for your own well being.


Yes you need adequate sleep for a mental and physical well being, only when you sleep well will you be in the space to think right, do right and feel right. To add to this further, for a sound mind, energized body and a good psychological thought process you must learn to get sufficient sleep. 77

WAY NO 4 ADD A PHYSICAL ACTIVITY TO YOUR LIFE It has been studied that people who have a good EQ do good and excel in their physical activities as well. This is because when you are an athlete or a sports man you learn to respond to various stress levels within the game and from every experience you learn to practice a positive attitude. These little things make you mentally stronger and you keep learning. Not just this, a physical activity is good for you physically as well.

Practice these ways, whenever you feel mentally or physically drained, sit peacefully and analyse what is the next thing to do in order to face the challenge. You have all the liberty to reach out to people you feel most connected to in order to get the right guidance so that you are mentally and physical fit and fine always. To put it across in short, Yes, emotional intelligence significantly contributes to your mental and physical health.



Surmount The Pain Of Stomach Ulcers This Way! Negative Impacts Of A Burning Stomach! What Are Stomach Ulcers? The tiny open pores in the esophagus, duodenum or stomach lining. Stomach ulcers are also known as gastric ulcers and peptic ulcers. Some ulcers can not just affect the stomach but they also cause damage in the intestines as well. This condition becomes an ulcer and causes harm to the stomach because it loses


on a thick liquid that keeps the stomach protected from the other digestive juices. As this protected liquid disappears, the tissues get targeted and the digestive juices start to eat them up. This condition should be treated at the right time to avoid further complications in the stomach.


Causes Of Stomach Ulcers

dependent on the type of ulcer. Majorly, this sensation and pain are felt the most when the stomach is empty.

Stomach ulcers are caused for two major reasons and one minor reason.

Here is a list of other symptoms that show traces of stomach ulcers

Major Reason : Helicobacter pylori - This is an infection that is caused because germs and bacteria reside in our digestive tract for years together. It either occurs on the lining of your stomach or above the intestine. These sores reside for long and finally spoil your stomach. This comes from having the wrong food or water or is even passed from one person to another through the saliva. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - If this drug is been extensively used. One such example is the intake of aspirin and ibuprofen. These drugs are not good because they cause gastrointestinal mucosal injury. This is got to do with peptic ulcers. This usually occurs after a certain age.

Minor Reason : The body getting affected with ZollingerEllison Syndrome. This is a condition that occurs when there is excess acid produced in the stomach which in turn leads to severe burning in your stomach.

Signs And Symptoms Of Stomach Ulcers One can say that an ulcer is severely based on the burning in the between the chest, belly, and abdomen and its adversity is 79

Dark colored vomit Dark-colored stools Weakness, tiredness, difficulty in breathing because of becoming anemic Severe burning sensation in the heart Severe acidity Feeling uneasy, heavy, bloated and no trace of hunger Losing on your weight Pain in the stomach It is always good to get it checked if you experience these ulcers frequently. However, to be on a safe side it is better to immediately treat ulcers when you start to bleed because these are never safe and can take away your life.

Ways To Diagnose Stomach Ulcers Mentioned below are the ways through which ulcers will be diagnosed Medication and prescriptions that you have been following so far


A breath test and stool test will be done You would be asked to drink a white liquid through which the doctors can see what is in your intestine One small bit of your stomach tissue will be taken to the lab for a check Endoscopy will be done

Methods To Treat Stomach Ulcers Stomach ulcers can be treated through certain treatment methods and by eating the right food. Here is what you need to know about the different treatment methods.

Method No 1 - Antibiotics And Proton Pump Inhibitors When the doctors diagnose that your stomach ulcer is caused because of the bacteria then it will be treated with drugs and proton pump inhibitors, these inhibitors keep a check on the stomach cells by not letting the acid in. Apart from this, the other way of treating this problem is through endoscopy or probiotics. Anyone of these treatments would help but in case it is an infection then it is better to take special care.

Method No 2 - A Surgery In the worst to the worst case when no method of treatment is working out then surgery is the best option. Surgery happens


in case there is bleeding, the ulcer is not healing or there is a rupture in the stomach. Through surgery, the ulcer would be removed, or the ulcer would be treated by taking a small section of the intestine to place it on the ulcer, chopping off a nerve from the stomach that is causing acid in the stomach.

Method No 3 - Maintain The Right Diet The right diet cannot suddenly do any miracle and make the ulcer disappear, there is a possibility that it could reduce the severity provided one takes in the right food. These foods would give you the stamina to go through the unpleasant phase. That being said here is what you should be eating to take care of the ulcers. The first thing you can do is to avoid all the excessively spicy food and resort to eating bland food. The second thing you can do is to add broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, radish, green vegetables, apples, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, olive oil, and other probiotic foods to your diet. Having understood the causes, signs, diagnoses, and methods of treating ulcers, it is time to avoid getting ulcers by being cautious with your health prior. Eat clean food and do not any neglect any signs of stomach ulcers.

Get over stomach ulcers by treating it in time!


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